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Kashmir: Freedom Fighters open fire on Army patrol party in Tral


Sep 24, 2016
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There have been no reports of casualties so far.

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Suspected militants attacked an Army patrol party in Jammu and Kashmir’s Tral region on Saturday morning, ANI reported. The attackers opened fire on the patrol party in Pulwama district. There have been no reports of casualties so far. A search operation is under way to find the attackers, an unidentified police officer told IANS.

On Tuesday, an Army officer was abducted and killed by suspected militants in Shopian. Lt Umer Fayaz’s body was found with bullet wounds in Shopian’s Hermain area. He is believed to have gone to attend a cousin’s wedding in Shopian when he was abducted by five or six militants who later shot him.

YUP, army fired upon by terrorists. No causalities so far.
Pakistan needs to supply them RL and heavy ammunition, seems like things are not working...indian army just nabbed 20 terros from their hideouts....:tongue:
Not according to your news !! In fact coward and sissy terrorists tried shooting our Army. Missed by miles i guess.
it's called tactics not cowardness. If they were cowrds they would have been sitting in their homes for the fear of 700k soldiers, india had in kashmir but instead they despite very fery few in numbers are fighting them.
Death to 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches.

Please show some humanly behavior,
Did you see any comments against men in uniform in Chamman/ APS/ Quetta police training attack by Indian/ Iranian/ Afgans

I have seen only Pakistanis cheer-leading for non-state actors/ Terrorists

Not even a single Afgan member was cheering death of civilian/ FCs even though it was their army who was responsible. Insaniyat bachi hui hai ki wo bhi bech ke khaa gaye!!!
it's called tactics not cowardness. If they were cowrds they would have been sitting in their homes for the fear of 700k soldiers, india had in kashmir but instead they despite very fery few in numbers are fighting them.

Kashmiris are facing a Hindu army of over 500,000 and the full force of the Hidutva govt. Cowards do not fight against such odds. Only heroes do that. It is the Indian State that is a coward. Lets see how long the Indians hold out. Kashmiris are in no mood for Indian bullshit anymore.
it's called tactics not cowardness. If they were cowrds they would have been sitting in their homes for the fear of 700k soldiers, india had in kashmir but instead they despite very fery few in numbers are fighting them.

Yeah right it was tactics l!!...Lol. Cowards !!. World had respect if atleast pak army fought for them. But alas....Only disposable coward human fodder.
Pakistan needs to supply them RL and heavy ammunition, seems like things are not working...indian army just nabbed 20 terros from their hideouts....:tongue:
yes. indian army consider every innocent kashmiri as terrorist. you can nab millions and put them into mass graves like you did before.
Please show some humanly behavior,
Did you see any comments against men in uniform in Chamman/ APS/ Quetta police training attack by Indian/ Iranian/ Afgans

I have seen only Pakistanis cheer-leading for non-state actors/ Terrorists

Not even a single Afgan member was cheering death of civilian/ FCs even though it was their army who was responsible. Insaniyat bachi hui hai ki wo bhi bech ke khaa gaye!!!
why did it hurt you??? is your army an occupier or is it like "chor ki darhi me tinka"
Amen to that, kill them all!
Azaad Kashmir zindabad!
In this age and century, powerful countries can keep what they capture, the only condition where Kashmir can get freedom is when USA and Russia both are determined to destroy India, and that isn't going to happen, think logical...even if 7 lakh soldiers die, we have another 1.19 billion people....... come back to reality...

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