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Kashmir dispute has to be resolved for peace, stability: Gen Raheel

Now the Kashmir issue is no more an indian related matter. Now its international and global matter needed to be solved by curbing the forceful occupation of india.

Now the indians will be in a lot of heat in the coming days and years since pakistan has banned the JuD that indians claimed was spreading terrorism and was root cause of the problem.

What you did to Shimla agreement?
Can any Pakistani friend send the below letter to General Raheel and to some of our over enthused pakistan member
Dear Mr. Raheel - please convert LOC into IB and we can all start living peacefully, other wise you can just sove it, as India is not going to budge on any thing else. No international country is going to come in middle of Kashmir issue as they are going to loose a market like India, and i do not see any other country other than China (who just sell all to you, as they have no competition) investing in your country. So its up to you what you want bullet or Trade??? India is comfortable in both scenario, but just think up-to when Pakistan can keep on with India, we have already changed our strategy and we will involve more in your internal problem if you keep meddling in Kashmir. The ball is in your court to decide. You want a peaceful economically vibrant Pakistan or a country further divided into Baluchistan, Pastunistan,etc. treat this letter as a last friendship hand to you.:D:D

Joke of the day. Indirectly you are saying you are involved in destabilization efforts currently going on in Pakistan, nah not working your touts are getting their asses beaten again and again. And on the same note what happens if we start supporting nearly 26 insurgencies in India. Now I hope you will agree what happens when ISI is in action, they are matchless; Russia does not disagree with it by the way.

Sane thing to do is let us go back to UN resolutions and let Kashmiri people decide their own fate.

And for information of Indian patriotic audience here, you should thank late Field Marshal Ayub Khan, he showed restraint when Pakistan had the chance to free Kashmir from your occupation. That could have been easily done during 60's Sino Indian war when your military's a$$ got whipped by PLA.

Go and read the terms of the referendum first. The one laid down by UN. Read the preambles required and confirm that Pakistan is doing what UN requires them to do BEFORE the referendum.

Please enlighten me but with some authentic neutral sources.
Sane thing to do is let us go back to UN resolutions and let Kashmiri people decide their own fate.

If they choose Pakistan, or freedom, we are not giving it.

if they choose India, then there is no purpose of vote.

so what is this vote about??
India is happy with status quo as we control the jugular veins of Pak so we won't have to fire a single bullet creating floods and drought is enough.
take your stinking azad kashmir and go to hell, convert LOC to IB and let's just be done with it once and for all.
Joke of the day. Indirectly you are saying you are involved in destabilization efforts currently going on in Pakistan, nah not working your touts are getting their asses beaten again and again. And on the same note what happens if we start supporting nearly 26 insurgencies in India. Now I hope you will agree what happens when ISI is in action, they are matchless; Russia does not disagree with it by the way.

Sane thing to do is let us go back to UN resolutions and let Kashmiri people decide their own fate.

And for information of Indian patriotic audience here, you should thank late Field Marshal Ayub Khan, he showed restraint when Pakistan had the chance to free Kashmir from your occupation. That could have been easily done during 60's Sino Indian war when your military's a$$ got whipped by PLA.

Please enlighten me but with some authentic neutral sources.
ayub khan's favour had been returened in 65 when India showed mercy and didn't invade East Pakistan.
And on the same note what happens if we start supporting nearly 26 insurgencies in India. Now I hope you will agree what happens when ISI is in action, they are matchless;
ISI is already supporting various insurgencies in India.One just has to look at casualty figures of last ten years to see which organisation is more effective.ISI or RAW.
About the Russian part,ISI didnt do shit,Pakistan and ISI were just a puupet of CIA in the great game.Without the funding of America Pakistan would have become another vassal state of Russia.
And for information of Indian patriotic audience here, you should thank late Field Marshal Ayub Khan, he showed restraint when Pakistan had the chance to free Kashmir from your occupation. That could have been easily done during 60's Sino Indian war when your military's a$$ got whipped by PLA.

He didnt show any restraint,he knew that war is not like a video game where you can start playing whenever you want.You have to care of various issues like logicstics,planning,deployment,economy e.t.c.He knew that PA was unprepared and if any war would have happened,after the initial gains of PA in the war PA was not capable of absorbing counter attack of IA.In short he acted smartly and knew his limitations
Please enlighten me but with some authentic neutral sources.
Please read it.

Kashmir, Plebiscite and UN security council Resolution
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If they choose Pakistan, or freedom, we are not giving it.

Then the world will know who the real aggressors are. By the way my two year old acts like this.

if they choose India, then there is no purpose of vote.

If they choose India, at least I will respect their wishes, but right now it does not look like they wish to choose India.

so what is this vote about??

To confirm that people do not enslave others in today's time. And people are free to make their choices.

ayub khan's favour had been returened in 65 when India showed mercy and didn't invade East Pakistan.

India at that time already knew that its creating muktibhani in East Pakistan so there was no need to invade. And for record India did not have balls at that time to fight at two fronts. So you still owe Ayub Khan
Then the world will know who the real aggressors are. By the way my two year old acts like this.

If they choose India, at least I will respect their wishes, but right now it does not look like they wish to choose India.

To confirm that people do not enslave others in today's time. And people are free to make their choices.

You seriously think India will do a vote because you want it. Keep dreaming. :D This will never happen. You can keep training terrorists in Pakistan who will ultimately hurt your country only.

Why don't you try to take a vote in your disturbed areas like Baluchistan?? I want to see what people wish there??
take your stinking azad kashmir and go to hell, convert LOC to IB and let's just be done with it once and for all.
We have hell as our neighbor towards our East can not go their, they mind if a Pakistani joins them
Then the world will know who the real aggressors are. By the way my two year old acts like this.

If they choose India, at least I will respect their wishes, but right now it does not look like they wish to choose India.

To confirm that people do not enslave others in today's time. And people are free to make their choices.

India at that time already knew that its creating muktibhani in East Pakistan so there was no need to invade. And for record India did not have balls at that time to fight at two fronts. So you still owe Ayub Khan
India fought a 2 front war in 71 with its balls intact which resulted a loss of Bengali ball (pop,economy,strategic location) to Pakistan.
You seriously think India will do a vote because you want it. Keep dreaming. :D This will never happen. You can keep training terrorists in Pakistan who will ultimately hurt your country only.

Why would I want it, it is what UN wanted and Nehru agreed, I know India is like a two year child won't understand she will do as it pleases her.

Why don't you try to take a vote in your disturbed areas like Baluchistan?? I want to see what people wish there??

How much do you know about Baluchistan? If Baluchistan was a disturbed area we would not have tested our nukes there. Baluchistan is no East Pakistan forget it will help you sleep better.
January 17, 2015 - Updated 035 PKT
From Web Edition

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LONDON: The Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), General Raheel Sharif, on Friday said that the National Action Plan (NAP) was comprehensive to address extremism and terrorism in the long term, adding that the Pakistan Army was cooperating with the government for implementing the NAP.

The Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), Major General Asim Saleem Bajwa, in his tweets said that the COAS, who is on an official visit to the United Kingdom, visited the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS).

During his address at the IISS, General Raheel said that the Operation Zarb-e-Azb was making good progress, adding that there were no favourites, and all terrorists without any discrimination were being targeted. He said that Pakistan’s bilateral relations with Afghanistan were improving, and work was in progress for stability in the region.

The army chief said the Kashmir dispute has to be resolved for long-term peace and stability in the region. Pakistan wants peace but with dignity and honour.He said the world needs to understand Pakistan’s internal environment.

Pakistan’s cooperation with the UK in security, social sector is growing. The international community should help in dignified resettlement of internally displaced persons (IDPs) of North Waziristan Agency.

Someone ask him whats the solution of kashmir issue? India would never let go of Indian Kashmir whatever happens and Pakistan would not let go of Azad Kashmir so only viable solution is to make loc international border.
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