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Karzai threatens to send Afgan troop to pak..?

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New Recruit

Jun 4, 2008
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I think Karzai has totally gone mad.

He himself is dependent on nato forces. He has to be given strong response from pakistan side.
I think instead of threating Pakistan,Karzai should send his army to Kandahar to guard the rest of prisons because the prisoners keep escaping from Afghan jails !!! And I think Karzai has given this statement as a reaction to Lt Gen (R) Jamshed Gulzar's satatement which Karzai thinks has humiliated Afghan Army by saying " Pakistan Army is not Afghan Army". Hmmm Karzai is rightly offended !!
No hes not gone mad...its all part of big conspiracy..he does not have balls to say these things on his own...hes just doing what his masters are telling him to do.

Yes ..its still needs to be seen what our response would be.
yaa u rightly said he do not have guts to challege pakistan , karzai is jumping on the backing of the forces present in Afghaan.

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