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Karzai Calls On Pakistan To Help Destroy Militant Bases


Jun 2, 2010
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Karzai Calls On Pakistan To Help Destroy Militant Bases

ISLAMABAD, Sept 15, 2010 (AFP) - Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai met Pakistan's leaders in Islamabad on Wednesday for talks on stepping up the fight against militants waging an insurgency against his government.

Addressing a joint news conference held with Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari, Karzai said the two leaders had discussed new ways of tackling the terror networks that straddle their two countries' common border.

"We discussed how to find ways of tackling sanctuaries, training grounds, ideologies and financial resources of terrorists," Karzai said, speaking at the end of his second visit to Pakistan's capital in six months.

"We have to be frank and open to find a way out together," Karzai said, stressing that "the reality is that both the countries are suffering at the hands of terrorists.

"We should discuss, fight together hand in hand so the two countries can be safe."

Karzai's visit follows the leak of Pentagon documents in July which appeared to suggest Pakistan was double-dealing in relation to the Taliban, both fighting the militants and supporting their Afghan insurgency.

Islamabad has denied the allegation but among responses to the leak was an appeal from Afghanistan's national security adviser Rangeen Dadfar Spanta, who called on the West to review policy towards Pakistan.

"What the national security adviser (Spanta) said in the letter that he wrote is exactly what we were discussing today in Pakistan," Karzai said.

He added: "This openness in dialogue is a step forward in our relations and engagement that is substantive and issues-oriented."

Asked if his offer to talk to the Taliban was still on the table, Karzai said: "We are continuing in our campaign against terrorist networks and Al-Qaeda but we will also seek means other than military campaigns to bring stability to Afghanistan and to Pakistan by extension.

"We will engage with the Taliban who are not part of Al-Qaeda or any other terrorist network... who abide by the Afghan constitution and the gains achieved by our nation and who have no ideological enmity with us."

Zardari said, "Pakistan is the part of the solution and not the problem."

"Both Pakistan and Afghanistan happen to be suffering from the cancer called terrorism. I reiterate that Pakistan stands against terrorism."

Karzai's government is pursuing peace talks with different factions within Afghanistan, including some Taliban leaders believed to be living in the remote tribal border areas between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Pakistan has repeatedly said it could play a role in promoting reconciliation in Afghanistan and has expressed willingness to assist Afghan-led peace efforts.

Earlier in the day, Pakistan foreign office spokesman Abdul Basit told AFP: "Bilateral relations have improved considerably between our countries during the last two years and this visit will give further momentum to the relationship."

Karzai is due to return home Thursday after staying overnight in Pakistan.
right now he is talking about cooperation and defeating terrorism together.....His statements will change when he'll go back....Nothing new he is doing....
Stop giving safe heaven to BLA terrorist......

Anyway right now he is talking about cooperation and defeating terrorism together.....His statements will change when he'll go back....Nothing new he is doing....

Hi.. sorry bit offtopic.

What is this safe heaven??:what:

and where is it??:what:
Hi.. sorry bit offtopic.

What is this safe heaven??:what:

and where is it??:what:
Most of BLA terrorist are hiding in Afghanistan and getting help by some countries who are their for 'Humanitarian work'......And Afghan govt knows this.
Most of BLA terrorist are hiding in Afghanistan and getting help by some countries who are their for 'Humanitarian work'......And Afghan govt knows this.

Since they are in another country , its safer now for Pakistan right?

Also its "haven" not heaven.
He shouldn't be the one talking damn fake leader a US puppet... he needs to put a stop to his nations bases before anywhere else.. his nation is the root of this mess today its where it all started from .
Since they are in another country , its safer now for Pakistan right?

Also its "haven" not heaven.
Nope....They are getting training by a terrorist state which have history of cross border terrorism......

If i go by your logic then Afghanistan should not be worried about talibans in Pakistan because they are not in Afghanistan so its good for Afghanistan....

PS: English is not my native language. So mistakes are expected.
Since they are in another country , its safer now for Pakistan right?

Also its "haven" not heaven.


mate i don't want to say this but i guess both words would be right....

"Haven" would mean a place, sanctuary.

"Heaven" would mean a wonderful place with no trouble (Actually referring to western media and how they call Pakistan a terrorists safe place , heaven actually seems right)

So depending on what context, both would be right, one being the literal word and the other being in rhetorical/sarcastic way.
last time he was calling for sanctions now he is begging to destroy bases when his own country has been the breeding ground of world wide terrorist networks for a few decade.
Why doesn't he atleast calls on the NATO / US and his own Afghan Forces being run by warlords to destroy atleast whatever is there in Afghanistan.

Once done, he can commit his forces at the border and check the cross border movement and whatever comes into his country, he can finish it off.

Plus, should also try to control the massive corruption in his govt, so that people start having trust on him and he should try not to become a puppet of the US.

May be if he follows these few simple advices, things may get better for him and his country.
Once done, he can commit his forces at the border and check the cross border movement and whatever comes into his country, he can finish it off.
The border is difficult terrain and even if everything you say does happen, the terrorists still have a sanctuary in North Wazirstan, yes? If they can't attack Afghanistan, what country do you think they will choose to target instead?
The border is difficult terrain and even if everything you say does happen, the terrorists still have a sanctuary in North Wazirstan, yes? If they can't attack Afghanistan, what country do you think they will choose to target instead?

Well then leave that to us, we took care of them at different places, we can do it again.

But main problem is that before Afghanistan / NATO / US tells us to do more, they should themselves do more and then ask us.

We have suffered more then US / NATO / Afghanistan, cost wise as well as human cost wise.

And as for rough terrain, we have 800+ border posts with Afghanistan, while US/Afghan are hardly above 100 posts. That speaks a lot. If they can have posts at high grounds, they can monitor the whole valley below and can request air support. Its a very doable idea, provided there is will. Even if they can't control 100% infiltration, they can reduce it to 50%, which would be a huge affect in the violence on the other side.
Well, Karazai is Pakistani national. Owns home in Quetta and been national of Pakistan Last many decades. He is confused....specially when he see Zardari in power get more confused.
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