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Karzai calls India an 'all-weather friend' as he argues for closer cooperation in confronting terror

Without any proof? Did u even care to understand the language? There is a stream and there are dots. Go find out how are they related?

You talk nout scripts undiciphered? Thats a very micro level thing which will be rearched with time but on macro level there are certian facts which cant be denied.

Also can you give me a good logical reason why wont Indus Valley and Ganges Valley, if different and co existing, not mingle ever? There is not Himalyas nor Hindukush but plane lands and full of rivers in between to support civilization.

Common Sense say that there is no logic why Indus and Ganges wont have communication when both are very near and are not seperated by a natural boulder.

As i say use common sense for some. Only some texts not deciphered dont prove such big claims.

The animosity between the people of the planes of ganges and the people of the planes of indus existed centruies ago and it exists today , these were two seperate entities with their own naratives and beliefs, thats why its hard to find commonality between the two

one burnt its dead and sent down the dirty river the other did not.
one wroshiped pigs/elephants/monkies the other did not.
one was centered around present day Pakistan the other around present day india
The animosity between the people of the planes of ganges and the people of the planes of indus existed centruies ago and it exists today , these were two seperate entoties with their own naratives and beliefs

mmm yes I've heard that before, true ... but so are the People of Indian Punjab, Rajistan also hostile to the "people of the ganges"

But again in the 21st, century we should be beyond this, no? well perhaps maybe not?
I think it is fair to say that when it comes to Karazi, both of our countries are on the same page.

Karazi is an ungrateful SOB, so is his head of intelligence agency - the douche Amrullah Saleh -

He is a person with unstable thought process.
It is hard for Afghanistan to produce a capable leader. What next would be more or less of same caliber as karzaai is

What difference does it make to us anyway? We've seen the best of their leaders, two-faced conniving reprobates, nothing more or less.
What difference does it make to us anyway? We've seen the best of their leaders, two-faced conniving reprobates, nothing more or less.

Yeah that's right. It would only make a difference to "Pakistani's". We are already suffering Karzai Pro indian stance and Afghain's financing/providing logistic supports to terrorists inside Pakistan. Next one will do the same
Yeah that's right. It would only make a difference to "Pakistani's". We are already suffering Karzai Pro indian stance and Afghain's financing/providing logistic supports to terrorists inside Pakistan. Next one will do the same

No, it makes no difference to you either, when you're flogging a dead horse.
Well, I hate to say it but I agree with Karzai (when he says that Pakistanis and Afghans are brothers and Indians are friends), I wish the Pakistani friends to be good friends with the Indian people but but with say the Afghans, the Turks, the Iranians, the Somalians we Pakistanis are family. It should be the reverse no?
That again is subjective. When u say family, its on basis of ethnic identity. Pakistan was made in name of religion and hence all types of Muslims came to Pakistan.

Bottomline is, Afganistan is family to West Pakistanis exactly the way Indians are Brothers to Punjab and Sind due to our ethnic similarities.

Ethnic difference is a fact in Pakistan thats why we see so much instability.

Hence the basic question still exists, IS concept of Pakistan even a justified philosophy when Khyber Puktoonkhwa people have associations with Afganistan, Balochis have association with Iran and Punjab, Sind have association with India. So what exactly is the family factor and friend factor associated to Pakistan? Pakistanis are family to Afganis exactly the way Pakistanis are family to India. Its just which region are you talking bout?
The animosity between the people of the planes of ganges and the people of the planes of indus existed centruies ago and it exists today , these were two seperate entities with their own naratives and beliefs, thats why its hard to find commonality between the two

one burnt its dead and sent down the dirty river the other did not.
one wroshiped pigs/elephants/monkies the other did not.
one was centered around present day Pakistan the other around present day india
You still dint reply the reason why these people dint communicate or mingle? Any good physical limitation? We cant see that. Regarding animosity then that wasnt limited only bidirectional.

Indian Subcontinent was divided into MAHAJANPADAS. Now Every Mahajanpad was friend to some and against some which is not that Ganges plane Janpad were all together against Indus valley Janpad.

Some Ganges planes were friends with Indus valley kingdoms and enemy to other Ganges valley Kingdom or Janpad. So is the case with Indus Valley.

Hastinapur on Ganges had in laws from Gandhar which is today's Khyber Puktoonkhwa, Sindhudesh which is today's Sind, Madra Desh which is today's Punjab (Indian and Pakistani).

So, its logical that these Kingdoms were in contact with each other and did trade activities. Another reason why they were confined to only above mentioned Janpadas were that beyon that mobility was an issue due to Hindukush, Himalyas and Waterland in south. Thats why, Sri Lanka doesnt come into ancient Bharat Varsha (Sub Continent).

Refer : Mahajanpadas of Vedic India

Mahajanapada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BHARAT VARSH (Iron Age - Vedic)

KURU Dynasty in its peak

Maurya Empire

Gupta empire

Hence, you see Amalgamation of the complete Bharat Varsha was always there. Indians never required going beyond Hindukush and Himalayas coz they never needed it.

You are simply stuck with the pig/elephant worshiping stuff but before commenting on that u need to understand Hinduism and its difference with Abrahmic religion. Very lame argument put forward.

History has its facts and they are provided to you in concrete of its form, from Iron age to Modern world with logical reasonsing.

Also, Do answer one simple questin. The most hated personality in Pakistan is evil Yindoo CHANAKYA. He was from Takshila (Taxila) which is on Indus Valley. Wanna own Chanakya also? :D
I have no idea about the meeting you are referring to. But if we would like to approach the Israelis, we could do it in public, just like the counter peace proposal we offered in 2007.

"Israel, Saudi Arabia cooperating to plan possible Iran attack. Saudis would allow Israel use of air space and provide drones, rescue helicopters and tanker planes, report says."
Sunday Times: Israel, Saudi Arabia cooperating to plan possible Iran attack - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

We only deal with the Central Command of the Free Syrian Army, Lead by Salim Idris. Other than that - of which of course had been documented - we deal with no one else. The FSA itself harbors conservative Muslim fighters, under the brigade of Islam.
"Obama administration is fearful of the rise of Sunni extremism in the Syrian rebel ranks, an increase in Saudi Arabia’s gloves-off support of militant Sunni factions is further undercutting the Western-backed and more moderate Free Syrian Army (FSA)—which is near to collapse—benefiting not only radical Islamists but also al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria who have close ties with the Saudi-backed Islamic Front."
Syria’s Saudi Jihadist Problem - The Daily Beast

Yes, Mullah Omar was a Saudi, yes, Shamil Basayev was a Saudi and yes, Abu Sayyaf was a Saudi indeed.

"Saudi Arabia is the world's largest source of funds for Islamist militant groups such as the Afghan Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba"
WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists | World news | The Guardian

Do you happen to have any official documents in which it pinpoint that we were behind the creation of upheaval within Pakistan? Well, the TTP fallows the Mullah Omar's doctrine who happens to be an Afghan.
It is a well known fact that groups like SSP, LEJ etc are Saudi-funded groups with a history going back the Iranian revolution used as pawn by your country to counter the Iranian influence in Pakistan.
Destroying a Nation State: US-Saudi Funded Terrorists Sowing Chaos in Pakistan | Global Research
Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, Terrorist Group of Pakistan
Lashkar-e Jhangvi Terrorist Organization

Karazi is willing to sell his soul to KSA, all what he asks for is cash, shelter.

He is an ungrateful rat.
Looks like all that lizard eating has fcuked up your IQ :smokin: you are mistaking Karzai for Nawaz who actually was given shelter in your country and regularly asks for $$.

That is an insult to human intelligence :D

When the sellout Communist Gov't paved the way to the Russians on one hand, and while your other fellow Afghans were butchered by the Soviets on the others, no one came along to save you in first place but the US, Pakistan, and the Saudis in first place.

Dude please go read something before blabbering BS here. The only thing saudis committed was perhaps $, a few hundred saudis made absolutely no difference in the war let alone "saving" us. Perhaps you should have saved your country when the Iraqis came knocking on your border instead of begging uncle sam. You have foreign mercenaries manning your equipment and guarding your country for decades now. With the amount of $ you have, what have you achieved? still a tribal society lead by old baboons only excellent in fuelling "Jihad" in other countries.
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they will soon realise it ... India is just looking for her own intrest . they will welcome all illegal immigrants with cow piss colada .. they were the most favourite ally of USSR who invade afghanistan .. on other hand we helped them in getting freedom

India was not with the USSR or Americans or the animals that Pakistan created. Regardless of what the likes of you thinks.
India was/is with people like Ahmad Shah Masssoud.
That's all you can mange right ? -- lol -- trust me I've been doing this for years now.
That's all you can mange right ? -- lol -- trust me I've been doing this for years now.
Ara Mera Bhai
why waste your time with this LALA and that also from some remote mountain top in Afghanistan !!! The only regret I have that Pakistan did not learn from IRAN on to deal with these afghans !!
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