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Karzai Blames Pak For Serial Blasts

What I'm saying is that this was a purely indigenous sectarian clash that probably has nothing to do with any outside agency nor Taliban. Why do you always have to blame the CIA/RAW/ISI even if a guy gets constipation? For heaven's sake there's a bigger world out there!

It seems like you know a lot more then the goverment of that country who have suffered and suffering this thing from decades(Including your homeland)! eh!

Is'nt it easy to sit and type on computer at home?
LeJ's reach outside of Pakistan is so neglible anyways --if they have any "reach" in the first place. It's a proscribed group.

interestingly enough, even the Afghan taleban are not owning to this attack....in fact, they also condemned it which is a very significant thing considering that in the past they were often blamed for attacks on Hazara Shiias in Afghanistan.......the Afghan taleban always own up to their actions and take responsibility whenever they carry out attacks of any kind.

as i said earlier, i dont buy karzai's words.....he often lets his emotions and mentally-instability get the better of him. If there WAS any element in Pakistan that provided any kind of backing for this attack, it should be investigated of course.....though i highly doubt there was any Pakistani "hand" in this cold-blooded attack and will patiently wait for proper proof, rather than empty cry-baby finger-pointing tactics from a man who has no sway over anything outside of Kabul
So the blame game has commenced! Karzai, as usual has put the blame on Pakistan for the serial bombings in Afghanistan that killed 55 Afghans, blaming the Lashkar-i-Jhangvi which is based in Pakistan and according to him, supported by Pakistan's 'Intellegence Agencies'. Pakistan has become the favorite whipping boy of Karzai who hasn't a clue what's going on in the country. But one can't blame him as he is President only of Kabul and not Afghanistan!

Karzai blames Pak for serial blasts- TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

Not again :undecided:
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