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Karzai backing terrorists: Col Mushtaq

Pakistanis mock Mr.Karzai as the Mayor of Kabul, that he does not control the area outside his Presidential Palace, but will be first on board to blame him for something happening in faraway Kunar. Hypocrisy.

And if the nuclear armed, fifth largest army in the world could not enter North Waziristan for fear of blowback, why blame the 'rag-tag group of AK wielders' (ANA in Pakistani's words) for their failure to control Kunar ? Hypocrisy.

They will also not attack NW because those freedom fighters do not attack Pakistan. But will ask Afghanistan to attack TTP which is not attacking Afghanistan. Hypocrisy.
Pakistanis mock Mr.Karzai as the Mayor of Kabul, that he does not control the area outside his Presidential Palace, but will be first on board to blame him for something happening in faraway Kunar. Hypocrisy.

And if the nuclear armed, fifth largest army in the world could not enter North Waziristan for fear of blowback, why blame the 'rag-tag group of AK wielders' (ANA in Pakistani's words) for their failure to control Kunar ? Hypocrisy.

They will also not attack NW because those freedom fighters do not attack Pakistan. But will ask Afghanistan to attack TTP which is not attacking Afghanistan. Hypocrisy.

See my earlier post in this thread, that Pakistan should try to resolve issues on both sides of border. Otherwise the terrorist cr@p will continue harming both the countries.

We punish the scum in NWA, and they run across the border into afgh, then who will stop them from setting up camps and launch attacks on Pak army and citizens.

Looks like Indians want to create another Bangladesh on our Western borders.

Karazai has never asked to put enough NATO troops to seal the border across from NWA and Malakand. Why?

And if Nuclear armed, THE largest NATO cannot control the porous border, you think Pakistan can?

Let's quit this pathetic blame game please. Indians sound childish when they come on a Pakistani board and pin all the blame on Pakistan.

Now that you say this, you have to tell us what resources SSG "should" have to get the "job" done?

1. Constant aircover: Mullah Radio is not a piece of cake like OBL, he protected by 20-30 Guards. So PA has to use which asset that can carry get enough commandos over the border and cover the commandos arses by staying over them so they help commandos quickly when they are in trouble?

2. Constant surveillance via Drones and Satellite: Which drone or satellite module SSG possesses which can pinpoint the exact location of Mullah radio so commandos mission don't go in vain can know the geography of that area?

3. IF SSG was so able, than Baitullah masood would not have died from a drone strike when he was lying all open on his rooftop and getting a massage from his wife.
See my earlier post in this thread, that Pakistan should try to resolve issues on both sides of border. Otherwise the terrorist cr@p will continue harming both the countries.

We punish the scum in NWA, and they run across the border into afgh, then who will stop them from setting up camps and launch attacks on Pak army and citizens.

Looks like Indians want to create another Bangladesh on our Western borders.

Karazai has never asked to put enough NATO troops to seal the border across from NWA and Malakand. Why?

And if Nuclear armed, THE largest NATO cannot control the porous border, you think Pakistan can?

Let's quit this pathetic blame game please. Indians sound childish when they come on a Pakistani board and pin all the blame on Pakistan.


Fauji lets not fall onto the usual defence of bad bad Indians. Even if it were Indians acting covertly, Pakistan has no locus standi to blame Afghanistan unilaterally given its own position.

Pakistan would be in a much high moral ground to demand what it wants from Afg if it were not to host Haqqani network, act against them in NW, so on and so forth.

Unlike India which has much to loose in escalating the conflict with Pakistan - overtly or covertly Afg has no such inhibitions. They cannot get much worse than this. Now can they ? And their culture gives undue importance to revenge.

And blaming Karzai for not putting up enough troops to stop terrorists coming into Afg from NWA is like Karzai chiding Pakistan for not putting enough troops in Dir for not stopping the terrorists coming into Paistan from Kunar.

Pakistan is doing everything it accuses Afg of doing and it justifies that by saying that is its strategic interest. So what stops Afg from pursuing its interest ?
Never said it is a joke what happened to her is a shocking and I hope she gets well soon but the same accusation is given to Pakistan like you give to Afghanistan

Oh common.

Don't be a little tout for the Afghanistanis here. Have some self respect as an Indian. Will ya? Why are you brown nosing the likes of Kharazai?

Tell me how many time, An Afghanistani sitting in Pakistan has announced on the radio that he is killing Afghanistani girls because they are anti-Jih@d?

Don't you know that even Afghanistani officials leave their daughters and families in Pakistan for protection and safety?

Read up a little please. Repeating Bazari fi!th on PDF is not good for you.


Have some shame please.

And Indian could fall from grace, just to spite us.

Fauji lets not fall onto the usual defence of bad bad Indians. Even if it were Indians acting covertly, Pakistan has no locus standi to blame Afghanistan unilaterally given its own position.

Pakistan would be in a much high moral ground to demand what it wants from Afg if it were not to host Haqqani network, act against them in NW, so on and so forth.?

Another Indian ready to brown nose Kharazai?

What's with you guys? Must be some sweet smell emanating from there, that you guys hop over several countries to get this "gift".

If Afghanistan was on YOUR borders, you'd have some say in this.


Right now what they say about Indians?

---- Praa-ay ki shaadhi may Kumar diwana :lol:

On a serious note, my dear dear dear poster. Tell me what the heck is that fing gulbadan and that sob SiraJ have done lately. Almost all of NATO casualties are due to local Afghanistanis shooting up fellow soldiers.

How many times that sob Haqqani has come on the radio and announced his goons attacking innocent girls in Afghanistan? How many times?

On the other hand, every documented evidence points to Mullah radio inciting violence against little girls in Pakistan.

Have you got no shame?

1. Constant aircover: Mullah Radio is not a piece of cake like OBL, he protected by 20-30 Guards. So PA has to use which asset that can carry get enough commandos over the border and cover the commandos arses by staying over them so they help commandos quickly when they are in trouble?

2. Constant surveillance via Drones and Satellite: Which drone or satellite module SSG possesses which can pinpoint the exact location of Mullah radio so commandos mission don't go in vain can know the geography of that area?

3. IF SSG was so able, than Baitullah masood would not have died from a drone strike when he was lying all open on his rooftop and getting a massage from his wife.

Excuses excuses excuses.

Pakistan has pretty much the same type of planes, helicopters etc. like those of Israelis.

It is not weapons, we lack the will.

People like you constantly say our army should not do this or do that. Our house is being psychologically being destroyed from inside, by Talib sympathizers.

That's why I say, our officers and jawans need to get training from Israelis. So we learn to kill our mofo tribal enemies sitting anywhere in the cave.


This col and other generals need to be sent for training.

This training should preferably be conducted by Israeli officers.

I mean what the heck. Afghanistan is next door, and we are crying like little babies about this terrorist or that terrorist.

Send some SSGs trained by Israelis and either grab this mofo Mullah radio or kill the sob.

The reason I say Israel, because they are the ones who want to live like men, and take care of business in Sudan, or any other place their wanted terrorists are hiding.

Our people on the other hand just shout and cry. Boo hooo hooo hoooooooooo.

In fact we don't want to know which terrorist is attacking us from outside. Do not tell us half cooked news.

Just go get the job done.

Then Let Karazai announce to the world that Mullah radio has been sent to hell.

Then let Karazai accuse Pak for "violating Afghan border" and "dismantling Mullah radio and his network".

We don't want any one in our army or government to even talk about Mullah radio. Just go and get the fing job done.

There is no anti state media and judiciary in Israel.
Every one is patriotic and this is what we miss in Pakistan.
In Pakistan, People are willing to sell their mothers for the sake of $1000 and no one is recording this part of history! why?
Case of Raymond Davis and name of captain Zaidi (black water recruiter) comes to mind but every one is hush hush! such hypocracy cannot be without reason!
We cannot make progress until we clean our judiciary and media from traitors.
People like Bugti and Mengals are being patronized by Pakistani courts and media.
Only yesterday, defence ministry has been issued notice by ANP judge in Peshawar.
Army do not have enough budget to buy night vision goggles and attack helis! what can we expect from a circumvented army.
In past, Mullah Radio has openly declared that he has more money available than the entire Pakistan budget... but of course you shall exclude this part from your self made history.
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