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Karnataka: Yediyurappa Government Cancels Tipu Jayanti Celebrations

This is some random site claiming fantasy as reality.

This is absolute lies since Hyder Ali himself was never king. He was the regent to a 2 year old Hindu king.

Tipu became regent when the Hindu King was 9 years old.

When Tipu died , the king was 25 years old.

If Tipu was really king, he would have dared to kill the Wadiyar king who was but a mere child and declared himself King.

But he was AFRAID to do that since he knew that the people would revolt and kick him out. Which is why he desperately tried to convert the population into islam. This failed and turned the people more against him.

Hyder Ali was chose as Regent because they knew that he would have less of a chance to declare himself king than some Hindu regent.

your repeating verbatim, British propaganda, theres no reason for a regent to introduce his own coins (see picture below)

your repeating verbatim, British propaganda, theres no reason for a regent to introduce his own coins (see picture below)


I am quoting Authentic Historical Facts with Dates. Your are quoting fiction by giving some random link.

THIS is what the authentic Tipu coin looked like.



The elephant with the Sun flag was the symbol of the Mysore Hindu Kingdom.

Tipu make the official court language persian and for the brief period of his administration the coins were in that script.

Even AFTER Tipu the Wadiyar continued with the script on their coin as can be seen from this coin.


your repeating verbatim, British propaganda, theres no reason for a regent to introduce his own coins (see picture below)

I invite you to visit Mysore Palace. All historical artifacts are there. You can see who is the real king yourself
Not true, it was also targeted Christians. He hated christians as much as Hindus, probably more.

How it is not true? You accept that he hate christian equally means he hated Hindus and christian both. So what I say is right. You can add to that that christians were also hated by him like Hindus.
Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan - Tamil connection

The British had to fight tooth and nail to get them out of the way. Being the rulers of Mysore, they never had failed to have good relationship with Tamil Nadu with which they had close links. They, as part of their rule, won several battles across the state

The very name of Tipu Sultan reveals how closely they were connected to their neighbors -Tamil Nadu. Hyder Ali did not have a child for a pretty long time and used to visit the renowned Sufi
saint Hazrath Tipu Mastan Aulia, whose tomb is in Arcot town, Vellore district. Along with his wife he prayed for a child.
The Sufi saint told the ruler they would be blessed with sons and the first son would be dedicated to the service of the god almighty. However, when Tipu was born, the couple were thrilled and kept him closer to them. They went back on their word and never dedicated his son to the service as promised by them to the Sufi saint.

Hyder Ali and his wife chose one Raushan Begum, daughter of Imam Saheb Bakshi of Arcot town, Vellore district, as the bride of Tipu Sultan. Raushan was one of the three wives of Tipu Sultan.

Among many places where they camped and fought battles against the British forces it was in Dindigul where both Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan stayed for many years. The then Mysore ruler installed Hyder Ali as the commandant of Dindigul, in recognition of his valor and dedicated military services to the kingdom.

On assuming his work in Dindigul , he substantially increased the tax collection and part of the money was spent on building temples, mosques and factories. He never failed to seek the advice of French engineers. His efficiency, good administration impressed on the local people and they gave him full cooperation and support to his projects. Circumstances and political instability in the Mysore kingdom, gave Hyder Ali an excellent opportunity to rule the kingdom later. Though illiterate, he learned the arts of administration, etc the hard way and became a force to reckon with.

Dindigul Fort, Tamil Nadu.

The Rock Fort, atop a small hill, built by King Muthukrishna Naicker of Madurai is an historical landmark of Dindigul. Lots of people visit this fort. Hyder Ali, his wife and son Tipu came to Dindigul in 1755, but they ruled the fort from 1784 to 1790. Only after the death of Tipu at Srirangapatna in 1799, this fort became part of the English company.

Begampur Mosque, the oldest mosque in the city, built by Hyder Ali. with Dindigul fort in the background. en.wikipedia.org

Hyder Ali had a mosque built here in memory of his younger sister Ameerunnisa Begum who was buried here . The Begumpur mosque, named after her is quite popular.

The father son duo fought many a battles against the English in Tamil Nadu. Their strong cavalry and Mysorian rockets gave nightmares to the British. This was quite true of the Maratha rulers who gave severe resistance to the English rulers. After Tipu was killed in the last Angelo-Mysore war in 1700, the British put the entire family behind the bar in Vellore fort. After Vellore Mutiny (10 July 1806), Tipu's second son Fateh Hyder, was transferred to Kolkata to avoid further trouble in the future. Some Tipu's family members were interred in the Vellore fort.

Rani Velu Nachiyar, an 18th-century Princess of Ramnad and wife of Raja of Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu, was the first queen to fight against the British in India. When the British and the son of Nawob of Arcot killed her husband, his first wife and his son she went to Virupachi near Dindigul along with her daughter and was in exile for 8 years.During that period, with substantial support from one Palayakaarar Kopaala Naayakkar and Hyder Ali, she raised a powerful army. In 1780 she won the battle against the British and became the queen of Sivagangai. velu Nachiyar was the first one to train a separate women's army and human bomb, perhaps first in the world. During her long exile, Hyder Ali was of great help to her.

In June, 2013, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Jayalalithaa, announced construction of a mani mandapam in Dindigul in honor of Hyder Ali and Tipu.


Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan - Tamil connection

The British had to fight tooth and nail to get them out of the way. Being the rulers of Mysore, they never had failed to have good relationship with Tamil Nadu with which they had close links. They, as part of their rule, won several battles across the state

The very name of Tipu Sultan reveals how closely they were connected to their neighbors -Tamil Nadu. Hyder Ali did not have a child for a pretty long time and used to visit the renowned Sufi
saint Hazrath Tipu Mastan Aulia, whose tomb is in Arcot town, Vellore district. Along with his wife he prayed for a child.
The Sufi saint told the ruler they would be blessed with sons and the first son would be dedicated to the service of the god almighty. However, when Tipu was born, the couple were thrilled and kept him closer to them. They went back on their word and never dedicated his son to the service as promised by them to the Sufi saint.

Hyder Ali and his wife chose one Raushan Begum, daughter of Imam Saheb Bakshi of Arcot town, Vellore district, as the bride of
Sultan. Raushan was one of the three wives of Tipu Sultan.

Among many places where they camped and fought battles against the British forces it was in Dindigul where both Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan stayed for many years. The then Mysore ruler installed Hyder Ali as the commandant of Dindigul, in recognition of his valor and dedicated military services to the kingdom.

On assuming his work in Dindigul , he substantially increased the tax collection and part of the money was spent on building temples, mosques and factories. He never failed to seek the advice of French engineers. His efficiency, good administration impressed on the local people and they gave him full cooperation and support to his projects. Circumstances and political instability in the Mysore kingdom, gave Hyder Ali an excellent opportunity to rule the kingdom later. Though illiterate, he learned the arts of administration, etc the hard way and became a force to reckon with.

Dindigul Fort, Tamil Nadu.

The Rock Fort, atop a small hill, built by King Muthukrishna Naicker of Madurai is an historical landmark of Dindigul. Lots of people visit this fort. Hyder Ali, his wife and son Tipu came to Dindigul in 1755, but they ruled the fort from 1784 to 1790. Only after the death of Tipu at Srirangapatna in 1799, this fort became part of the English company.

Begampur Mosque, the oldest mosque in the city, built by Hyder Ali. with Dindigul fort in the background. en.wikipedia.org

Hyder Ali had a mosque built here in memory of his younger sister Ameerunnisa Begum who was buried here . The Begumpur mosque, named after her is quite popular.

The father son duo fought many a battles against the English in Tamil Nadu. Their strong cavalry and Mysorian rockets gave nightmares to the British. This was quite true of the Maratha rulers who gave severe resistance to the English rulers. After Tipu was killed in the last Angelo-Mysore war in 1700, the British put the entire family behind the bar in Vellore fort. After Vellore Mutiny (10 July 1806), Tipu's second son Fateh Hyder, was transferred to Kolkata to avoid further trouble in the future. Some Tipu's family members were interred in the Vellore fort.

Rani Velu Nachiyar, an 18th-century Princess of Ramnad and wife of Raja of Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu, was the first queen to fight against the British in India. When the British and the son of Nawob of Arcot killed her husband, his first wife and his son she went to Virupachi near Dindigul along with her daughter and was in exile for 8 years.During that period, with substantial support from one Palayakaarar Kopaala Naayakkar and Hyder Ali, she raised a powerful army. In 1780 she won the battle against the British and became the queen of Sivagangai. velu Nachiyar was the first one to train a separate women's army and human bomb, perhaps first in the world. During her long exile, Hyder Ali was of great help to her.

In June, 2013, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Jayalalithaa, announced construction of a mani mandapam in Dindigul in honor of Hyder Ali and Tipu.


So why dosen't Tamil Nadu celebrate Tipu jayanti ?
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1- Tipu was the Maharaja of Mysore which is present Karnataka
2- but when Tamilnadu is ruled by Tamil nationalist , be assured Tipu Sultan's birthday will be conducted

1. No he was not.
2. When will TN be ruled by tamil nationalists ?
1. No he was not.
2. When will TN be ruled by tamil nationalists ?

when the pro India -Hindutva dravidians (DMK/AIDMK) parties are kicked out , fyi the present Dravidian parties no longer represent the Dravidian ideology expounded by its founder - Periyar e.g their compromise with Hindutva and giving up the demand for independent Tamilnadu etc

The above will take time but the dravidian parties are on a self destruction mode
This was classic example of appeasement. Which is one of the reason why BJP got to power and won the General Election. If Tipu's birth was celebrated since decades, then fine but this was a recent election drama created by one party for votes.
There are many firsts, Hindu Queen, Kittur Chennamma Jayanti celebrations also started RECENTLY along with other historical personalities including Tipu Sultan. But BJP as usual has a problem with anything muslim. They forgot that they also celebrated the great Mysorean Warrior previously


Looks like, they gave up on their regional hero for the sake of rabid hindutva..
There are many firsts, Hindu Queen, Kittur Chennamma Jayanti celebrations also started RECENTLY along with other historical personalities including Tipu Sultan. But BJP as usual has a problem with anything muslim. They forgot that they also celebrated the great Mysorean Warrior previously
Good then. If congress can celebrate Tipu, then let celebrate xyz King, queen. Let's see who wins in numbers. This is what happened in Congress in the last election.
Tipu was never Badshah , he was always the commander of the army.

That is why the British entered into negotiations with the Hindu king of Mysore, the Wadiyar and after defeating tipu, entered into a treaty with the Wadiyar and continued to recognize him as King of Mysore.

People mistake him to be a "sultan" just because his NAME was sultan :lol:

His full name was "Sultan Fateh Ali Sahab Tipu"

Tipu was general from 1783 to 1799.

Khasa Chamaraja Wadiyar was born on 28 Febuary 1774, He was coronated King of Mysore on 27th September 1776 and he died on 17th of April 1796.

The Title of Hyder Ali under this king was "Sarvadhikari" i.e Regent and after his death, Tipu became "Sarvadhikari" i.e. regent.

As you can see, Wadiyar was king before Hyder Ali during hyder ali, during tipu and after Tipu sultan. He was born a king, ruled as a king and died as a king.

You mean the alleged atrocities against Hindus were committed by Khasa Chamaraja Wadiyar.

Good then. If congress can celebrate Tipu, then let celebrate xyz King, queen. Let's see who wins in numbers. This is what happened in Congress in the last election.

Votes don't change history.
Votes don't change history.
Political parties participate in election to rule. Precisely, votes don't change history, that's why many people don't agree to celebrating Tipu jayanti. Even where I live, the temple that was destroyed by Tipu was only renovated some 15 years back. Another temple still keep the mark made by Tipu's sword at the entrance when he came to destroy the idol. I can go on about his atrocities.
Good then. If congress can celebrate Tipu, then let celebrate xyz King, queen. Let's see who wins in numbers. This is what happened in Congress in the last election.
It was the Congress who started celebrations of those xyz king, Queen including Tipu Sultan. But state BJP who earlier had no issues with Tipu Sultan suddenly developed problems against Tipu Sultan in the recent past.
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