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KARGIL's commison report be shared with INDIA - Nawaz sharif

GO home you are drunk because Hamood ur rehman Comission report was made public by Musharraf in December 2000, irony huh ? Just simply goggle it, you will find pdf easily

If my memory serves me correctly, at least some parts of HR Commission Report were surfaced in India before the report was declassified in 2000 by the then military dictator Musharraf.
It will no be first time Mian saab do this...

No doubt he is pro Indian traitor .................
traitor? our MMS has soft spot for pakistan, but not a traitor.
Like some pakistani said, sare gaddar paida karne ka theka aap logon ne liya hai kya? :P
Nawaz Sharif's victory will make Saudis,Americans,Chinese,Indians and may be Britishers also happy.
Only Iranians will be sad.
Many LeJ ASJW memebers contesting on PML-N ticket.... Nawaz Sharif is a snake u never know what he is up to. Look at his past

Zia as "father" - BB enemy than sister - Zardari big brother and now enemy. And dont forget it was NS who made Musharaf Army Cheif... there were 2 3 ppl ahead of him.

Nawaz Sharif's victory will make Saudis,Americans,Chinese,Indians and may be Britishers also happy.
Only Iranians will be sad.
well,I think pakistan should organize a public commission and let the truth to be found.while PML(N) said there there were 4000 casualties,PPP said there were "Thousands of casualties"..whatever be the truth,those soldiers died for nothing but some personal showmanship being done by Musharraf and other generals..they should be punished for this "Unauthorized War"..
Not only he will make goverment with PPP he will even share Pakistan secrets with Indian.... wah Mian jee.... LANAT TERE TEE

These are actual reasons why army didn't like NS. Trust building in between two rivals not bad if it occurs within territorial hardline frames. Kargil, Lal Mosque, Bugti, Bey Nazir reports all should bring to public so let public to decide guiltiness and innocence of said parties or personalities. NS has not idea what is politics as Zardari used politics in more effective mode. NS's politics plays only to protect Punjab vote bank (Provincial level) despite cover whole Pakistan (National level) so sharing this report with Indians he want to get their favour and that's another political mistake.
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Whats the point??? most of the truth is out already.... I doubt anything new is gonna come out of any commission now....
Nawaz Sharif is Saudi Arabian & Indian supported
No Commission on Kargil will ever be formed and the facts related to the Kargil Fiasco will never be known. Just as the Hamoodur Rehman Commision Report on the 1971 defeat will never be published. Just as there will not ever be a clear expose of PNS Mehran and the Kamra attacks on the prime assets of the PN and PAF respectively.

Apart from that: the assasins of Liaquat Ali Khan and Benazir Bhutto will never ever be known, not in this Century or the next. All of these will just remain- "History's Mysteries!"

The Hamud-ur-rehman commission did come out.. some 25 years late..
Just as facts on the 65 war also came out..
Only problem is..those who were to punish are dead.. and hence the public no longer has emotional icons to rally against.. and the system.. the true problem...gets away unscathed.
Commission formed by, Asif ALi Zardari can not be trusted.
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