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Karazai's visit to Pakistan - Editorial Daily Times


May 3, 2009
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Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

As the follow-up to President Zardari’s visit to Russia last month to attend the Sochi Summit, President Hamid Karzai has come to Pakistan for a two-day tour. Addressing the press in Islamabad on Wednesday jointly with President Zardari, a number of issues were addressed in the same manner that they always are: the same polite noises were made about the set of problems between the two neighbours that refuse to go away. Both presidents have announced a bolstering of intelligence sharing and more confidence between their respective security agencies. President Zardari has claimed that Pakistan wants to be part of the solution and not part of the “problem”, but that is exactly where the deepest fissures in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s relations lie.

The fact that for too long now Pakistan has pursued the holy grail of strategic depth in Afghanistan has cast a long shadow of suspicion over any friendly overtures towards that unfortunate country by our state. While such interactions and statements are positive, it is hoped that finally action will follow the nice words if there is to be any peace and security in the region. Afghanistan has long blamed the ISI for funding and training the Afghan Taliban. Hence Karzai’s reiteration that the only way to defeat the scourge of terrorism is to tackle the “sanctuaries, training, finances and resources” of the militants. One does not need to dig too deep to know what he is talking about. In this bloody climate of terrorism, the formidable ISI has gained a schizophrenic reputation with many sources, both local and foreign, claiming that it is courting the Afghan Taliban whilst launching military campaigns against the Pakistani Taliban. This ‘good Taliban, bad Taliban’ minuet will make any attempts at intelligence sharing extremely implausible, at least beyond the civilian level. Dual policies rarely ever work in the long run. Such fissures, unfortunately, also exist between us and the US and NATO forces. There remain too many doubts on their side as to whom our intelligence agencies are supporting; how are we to believe that such suspicions will not exist on the Afghan side as well?

During the session, Interior Minister Rehman Malik seems to have suffered from his usual bout of putting his foot in his mouth as he stated that Afghanistan is providing sanctuary to “elements” involved in the unrest in Balochistan, especially the head of the Balochistan Republican Army (BRA), Brahamdagh Bugti. One must remind Mr Malik that the Baloch insurgency is much bigger than Mr Bugti and the BRA alone. It is fuelled by the long-standing grievances of the Baloch people, not a vendetta concocted by just one faction of the entire nationalist movement. Mr Rehman needs to do a bit more homework. Afghanistan shares a similar culture with Balochistan. The former has traditionally given sanctuary to any Baloch fleeing the province for reasons of safety. Even if Brahamdagh is being helped, he is not the sole cause of Balochistan’s unrest. Let us not burden the Afghans with problems that require a complete political solution from our side. President Karzai has also said that his country is not being used by India to fan the unrest in Balochistan, an accusation that we have levelled against the country time and again. Until some solid proof exists that corroborates these allegations, we should stop throwing such wild cards into the air.

All in all the conference was the usual diplomatic papering over of the problem, where polite dialogue and encouraging words were employed to further the fight against terrorism. It is hoped that such expressions will lead to positive action where our intelligence agencies will not be forever accused of exporting and supporting jihad. That enterprise’s days are arguably over. *
Cheers for this honest editorial from a sincere Pakistani. It was a riveting read.

No wonder none of the troopers have replied.
Poor article. Poor logic and and arguments.

Kashmiri insurgency is also due to grievances of Kashmiris. Doesn't stop Bharat from asking Pakistan to stop infiltration.

So what if Balochistan shares culture with Afghanistan or that Afghanistan gives sanctuary to any Baloch when fleeing? The relevance of that to BLA and the call for Bugti's arrest? Pakistan also gives sanctuary to fleeing mujhaideen/Taliban. I don't see that being relevant to the calls of getting rid of Taliban.

And it doesn't matter if Bramdagh is not the sole cause. Osama Bin Laden is not the sole cause of terrorism, yet US has 25 million on his head.

As far as proof is concerned - Afghanistan and Bharat both accuse the Pakistani state of terrorism without evidence. So **** off with that BS.
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Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

During the session, Interior Minister Rehman Malik seems to have suffered from his usual bout of putting his foot in his mouth as he stated that Afghanistan is providing sanctuary to “elements” involved in the unrest in Balochistan, especially the head of the Balochistan Republican Army (BRA), Brahamdagh Bugti. One must remind Mr Malik that the Baloch insurgency is much bigger than Mr Bugti and the BRA alone. It is fuelled by the long-standing grievances of the Baloch people, not a vendetta concocted by just one faction of the entire nationalist movement. Mr Rehman needs to do a bit more homework. Afghanistan shares a similar culture with Balochistan. The former has traditionally given sanctuary to any Baloch fleeing the province for reasons of safety. Even if Brahamdagh is being helped, he is not the sole cause of Balochistan’s unrest. Let us not burden the Afghans with problems that require a complete political solution from our side.
Rehman Malik is the single biggest joker i have seen in a ruling political establishment in our Subcontinent in recent times.

Why doesn't someone award him the coveted trophy ? This guy is seriously denting Pakistan's image whether it be in art of diplomacy or political correctness. First thing off, Pakistan should seriously contemplate to get rid of this joker (I hope my opinion is not akin to interfering inside this Forum).
Well the whole current leadership needs to go, starting with the thug at the top. Rehman Malik is only part of the problem. Damn how much I miss Musharraf.
Kashmiri insurgency is also due to grievances of Kashmiris. Doesn't stop Bharat from asking Pakistan to stop infiltration.

But my friend, the United Jihad Council led bySyed Salahuddin is in Pakistan. All Kashmir centric Jihadi groups like LeT, Hizbul Mujahideen e.tc. are HQed in Pakistan. And atleast from 1989-2002 there was active support and collaboration from PAkistan intelligence agencies with these groups. This is a well known fact.
Irrelevant, no? Irrelevant in the sense that the author is saying that it doesn't matter whether BLA is in Afghanistan or not (analogous to LeT, etc, being in Pakistan), what matters is that the Baloch movement is due to grievances with the Pakistani state.

So the analogy can be flipped and it can be said that it doesn't matter whether Kashmiri resistance leadership (whether partly or fully) are in Pakistan, what matters is that Kashmiris (at least in the valley) have grievance with the Bharati state.

And hence my point still stands.
Irrelevant, no? Irrelevant in the sense that the author is saying that it doesn't matter whether BLA is in Afghanistan or not (analogous to LeT, etc, being in Pakistan), what matters is that the Baloch movement is due to grievances with the Pakistani state.

So the analogy can be flipped and it can be said that it doesn't matter whether Kashmiri resistance leadership (whether partly or fully) are in Pakistan, what matters is that Kashmiris (at least in the valley) have grievance with the Bharati state.

And hence my point still stands.

Hi SMC..
ur stand partially correct, because the auther was telling until GOP don't show any proof, should not throw statements on the air and rather should take care of the grievances.So that GOP just don't stay in illusion and later situation goes out of hand.That was an honest suggestion from a patriotic parson.
Partly true.

Supporting the insurgency exacerbates the problem. Personally I think it "may" be possible "some" sort of support is being provided by India. I don't approve of it. But there is the history in the 70s when India did so.

I think with the 30+ US bases present in Afghanistan and just 4 consulates with around a total of 30 diplomatic staff with a few 100 workers, it will be difficult for India to play any material role at present however. The eyes of the entire world are focused there so to speak.

What I don't and can't believe is that India is providing support to TTP and similar groups. These groups have such ideological hatred towards India (and US Israel e.t.c.) that they would not accept any help.
Well there are consulates and information centers. Other indians working in Afghanistan for other things may also be working for RAW. That's one of carrying out deep covert operations - so that very few people have any idea who is doing what.

As far as TTP and India is concerned - TTP has shown no intent to attack India. Furthermore, short-term interests override long-term interests. If two groups have similar short-term interests, they may co-operate regardless of their other differences.

And one more thing. TTP would never know that they're getting help from India. Those Indians that work with TTP would pose as Jihadis (read about people from Col. Purohit's gang learning arabic to pose as jihadi mullahs) and hence TTP would think they're getting help from local jihadis when in fact they are not. Showing themselves as Indians to TTP would be a very easy way to get caught since there's no doubt ISI would have their guys inside TTP and it would make evidence gathering very easy for ISI.
Well there are consulates and information centers. Other indians working in Afghanistan for other things may also be working for RAW. That's one of carrying out deep covert operations - so that very few people have any idea who is doing what.

As far as TTP and India is concerned - TTP has shown no intent to attack India. Furthermore, short-term interests override long-term interests. If two groups have similar short-term interests, they may co-operate regardless of their other differences.

And one more thing. TTP would never know that they're getting help from India. Those Indians that work with TTP would pose as Jihadis (read about people from Col. Purohit's gang learning arabic to pose as jihadi mullahs) and hence TTP would think they're getting help from local jihadis when in fact they are not. Showing themselves as Indians to TTP would be a very easy way to get caught since there's no doubt ISI would have their guys inside TTP and it would make evidence gathering very easy for ISI.

Its common that all over the world agencies r there to instigate unrest. Some does less, some tightly involved. Tell me one good reason why Afgan military will just seat and watch all the "tamasha" of ISI and pak military of covert/overt/anything support of their main enemies. why they shouldn't hit back to them who are their direct existential hindrance.Why a CIA agent will sit and watch their American soldiers dying and some one supporting their enemy.
And u know also in pakisthan they dont have to do much. All the jehadi snakes r being feed for that long by ur own ISI and army command for their geo-political use(in afganisthan /kashmir) will be used here also. The problem here was that ur ppl polluted ur own house(for whatever reason) and watching the jehadi factories growing stronger. Its now TTP, but what about in punjab. They may be working for other front, but Snakes when group up, they may bite.
Just slightly off-topic remark but this is what I talk about - the hypocrisy of the bhartis who accuse Pakistanis without any evidence and then complain when Pakistanis do the same.

Anyway, if you're justifying supporting TTP - a group that by in large kills civlians - because Pakistan allegedly supports Afghan Taliban - a group that by in large kills foreign soldiers - then you're in no position to show us a moral high-ground regarding terrorism and killing innocents. I know you'll keep doing that anyway, but just so you know, it will be hypocritical to do that.
Just slightly off-topic remark but this is what I talk about - the hypocrisy of the bhartis who accuse Pakistanis without any evidence and then complain when Pakistanis do the same.

Anyway, if you're justifying supporting TTP - a group that by in large kills civlians - because Pakistan allegedly supports Afghan Taliban - a group that by in large kills foreign soldiers - then you're in no position to show us a moral high-ground regarding terrorism and killing innocents. I know you'll keep doing that anyway, but just so you know, it will be hypocritical to do that.

I strictly condemn all these cowardly killing of innocent ppl wherever it happens. Please read my comments carefully. I told that these jahdi factories were being created and feed my ur own ppl for strategic benefits. That time u didnt feel the heat, because they were making other ppl life hell.Even I told today ISI may think only TTP is the problem and others (read india centric jehadi factories) can be ignored for strategic benefit.But u dont know when these snakes start biting u.They r actually polluting ur own youths ,ur own society.. ur own home.So for the sake of benefiting a prosperous pakisthan society eliminate them now itself rather than waiting them to grow big.
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