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Karachi Violence .. Updates & Discussion ..

What exactly are these people fighting for...?

PPP supports its own thug groups & ANP supports its own, both these thugs parties have joined hands to get political control over Karachi. As these both parties are money greedy & Karachi is prime buisness & economic hub so the control means alot of free money will flow to their pockets. Actually PPP never comes to make anything better, infact they don't care for Pakistan all they want is to loot & make money as much as possible during their power.
ISLAMABAD: The government adopted on Wednesday a ‘carrot and stick’ policy to deal with the law and order situation in Karachi by keeping its doors open for negotiations with the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and giving more powers and resources to security forces to take stern action against troublemakers.

The decisions were taken in three back-to-back meetings held in the presidency.

The coalition partners authorised the president to hold negotiations with all political forces, including the MQM which quit the government last month.

According to sources, President Asif Zardari is expected to contact MQM chief Altaf Hussain and invite his party to rejoin the government.

The meetings that continued for more than three hours were convened after the MQM chief gave an ultimatum to the government to end target killings and advised people of Karachi to stock up on ration for at least a month to meet any emergency. He called upon the army to take control of the city.

The second part of the meetings related to strengthening police and paramilitary forces deployed in Karachi to enable them to act against all elements involved in killing innocent people.

President’s spokesman Farhatullah Babar said: “The decision authorising the president to hold political negotiations was taken at the first of the series of meetings. It was of the Sindh cabinet and was attended by provincial ministers belonging to the PPP, ANP, PML-Q and PML-F and was jointly chaired by President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.”

The meeting reiterated government’s resolve to restore peace in Karachi and to bring the culprits to justice regardless of their affiliations.

Besides the law and order situation, the performance of various provincial ministries was also discussed.

“If the MQM wants mid-terms polls it will not rejoin the coalition and if it believes that the government will complete its term it will come back to the government,” a leader who attended the meetings said.

The spokesman quoted the president as saying: “We believe in taking along all the political forces on the issues of national importance and would continue to do so in future also.”

The president called for urgent administrative, political and law and order measures to bring peace to Karachi.

Addressing the coalition partners, he said: “We have to resolve this issue ourselves and at the earliest keeping in view the importance of this city and its role in the economy of the country.”

Representatives of coalition parties gave various suggestions for peace and security in the city.

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah and Home Minister Manzoor Hussain Wasan briefed the meeting on the situation and the steps taken to quell violence.

The chief minister said police and Rangers were fully prepared and motivated to maintain peace in the city.

Fateha (prayer) was offered for innocent people who had lost their lives in the recent wave of killings.

Stressing the need for strengthening police and paramilitary forces in Karachi, the meetings decided to take severe action against troublemakers irrespective of their political affiliation.

Leaders of the Awami National Party offered to the president to start the action from the Pakhtun-dominated areas in Karachi.
President Zardari expressed displeasure over non-availability of funds allocated for the city police.

On a question raised by the president about implementation of his previous directives, the provincial finance minister said the first instalment of Rs450 million of the Rs5 billion package for revamping Sindh police had been released.

The president said the remaining amount should be progressively released to meet police demands for vehicles, armoured personnel carriers, bullet-proof jackets, helmets, weapons and accessories.

ISLAMABAD: As moves for a political remedy to Karachi’s violence gathered support in the National Assembly on Wednesday, the MQM talked tough with threats to take its own course for its `defence’.

Pakistan Muslim League-N demanded that the government call top security officials to be quizzed about recurring waves of killings in the country’s economic hub.

PML-N deputy secretary-general Ahsan Iqbal, who said he was making the proposal on behalf of his party, said the heads of the Inter-Services Intelligence, the Military Intelligence, Sindh province police, paramilitary Rangers and Special Branch as well as the provincial chief minister should be summoned to a special sitting of the house on Thursday or, if it were not possible, a day later to explain the causes of the violence and identify people responsible it.

“We are spending millions and billions of rupees on these security organisations, and if they can’t tell us about this, or identify any hand stopping them (from maintaining law and order), then there is no need for their existence and we should instead set up new institutions,” he said, adding: “Now business as usual is not an option.”

However, the PML-N’s senior figure and senior vice-president Makhdoom Javed Hashmi suggested that the country’s “entire political leadership sit together” in a national commission to find a solution to Karachi’s problems and give it an authority befitting the size of the city, which he said nobody should try to monopolise.

Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmed Bilour of the Awami National Party called Karachi “a city of all communities” of the country and said dialogue, rather than guns, should settle any “conflict of interests”. He also suggested handing over Karachi for a month to army to `deweaponise’ the city.

Two Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) members who spoke on the day seemed upset most by what they saw as support of the ruling Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), or some of its important figures, to the Karachi-based party’s breakaway rival group Mohajir Qaumi Movement-Haqiqi, commonly known as just Haqiqi, and others blamed for the so-called target killing of MQM followers.

Opening the third day of a debate that the house decided to continue until Friday, MQM’s Syed Asif Hasnain alleged `genocide’ in Karachi and a “conspiracy to break up the country” with the involvement of unspecified “important government personalities” and warned the house that in such a situation, “you should not complain if a call to defend Karachi is given to us” by party leader Altaf Hussain.

But more ominous was a speech by another MQM member, Abdul Qadir Khanzada, who said residents of his Orangi Town constituency were asking for “freedom to defend themselves” because police or Rangers would not help them and that they had the `experience’ that would enable to defend not only themselves but whole of Karachi and “bury conspiratorial elements”.

A PPP member from Karachi, Sher Mohammad Baloch, recalled what then had been much deadlier violence in Karachi after the formation of the original Mohajir Qaumi Movement – later named as Muttahida Qaumi Movement – and called recognition of the Haqiqi as a `reality’ and holding a joint public meeting in the city where heads of all parties appeal to people to shun violence and terrorism or face action by authorities.

A member of Pakistan Muslim League-Q from Sindh, Kishen Chand Parwani, complained of kidnappings and of target killings of members of the Hindu community in the interior of his province mainly aimed to grab their properties and called for the formation of a minorities’ commission headed by minorities affairs minister and including the federal interior secretary and provincial chief secretaries.

Former religious affairs minister Hamid Saeed Kazmi, who was refused bail by the Supreme Court on Tuesday, in a case of alleged corruption in last year’s accommodation arrangements for Pakistani pilgrims, said he was being “ground between two millstones” for unproven charges, though Speaker Fehmida Mirza stopped him from going into details because the case was before a court.
KARACHI: Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain on Thursday appealed to the people of Karachi to remain calm, DawnNews reported.

Through a video message, Mr Hussain asked the people of Karachi to remain peaceful at all costs and continue the dialogue process with other political and religious parties.

He said that due to attacks from extremists, the city could suffer from a situation like that of Qasba Colony. He also asked the people to collect and store ration.

Moreover, the MQM chief thanked the Rangers for their operation to rid the city of criminal elements.
علماء امن کونسل کراچی کی عوام سے جمعہ کو ” یوم دعائے امن“ منانے کی اپیل

کراچی، دینی جماعتوں کے اتحاد ”علماء امن کونسل کراچی“ نے عوام سے جمعہ
کو ”یوم دعائے امن“ منانے کی اپیل کی ہے۔ مختلف مکاتب فکر کے جید علماءاور بڑے دینی مدارس نے بھی اس اپیل کی حمایت کی ہے۔

18 مختلف دینی جماعتوں کے حال ہی میں قائم ہونے والے اتحاد ”علماءامن کونسل کراچی“ کا اہم اجلاس جمعرات کو نمائش چورنگی پر عالمی مجلس تحفظ ختم نبوت کے دفتر میں کونسل کے سربراہ قاری محمد عثمان کی صدارت میں ہوا۔

اجلاس میں قاری عبدالمنان انور، پروفیسر محمود الحسن اسد، نصر اللہ شجیع، محمد مستقیم نورانی اور دیگر نے شرکت کی۔

اجلاس میں کراچی میں امن وامان کی بگڑتی ہوئی صورتحال، حکومت، سیاسی جماعتوں اور قیادت کی عدم توجہی پر سخت تشویش کا اظہار کیا گیا اور کہا گیا ہے کہ بعض قوتیں جان بوجھ کر شہر کے حالات خراب کر رہی ہیں اور لسانیت اور مذہبی عصبیت کو ہوا دے کر بھائیوں کو دست وگریباں کر رہے ہیں۔

انہوں نے کہا کہ صدر زرداری اور حکومت مفاہمت کے نام پر لوگوں کے قتل عام کرنے کے بجائے عوام کے جان ومال کو تحفظ فراہم کریں۔

کراچی کے حالات پر سخت تشویش کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے عوام سے اپیل کی ہے کہ وہ اسلام اور پاکستان دشمن عناصر کی ہر سازش کو ناکام بنائیں۔

اس موقع پر عوام سے اپیل کی گئی ہے کہ وہ 5 اگست جمعہ کے دن یوم دعا امن کے طور پر منائیں۔ اس دوران آئمہ وخطباءمساجد میں امن وامان کی اہمیت کے موضوع پر گفتگو کریں۔

اجلاس میں بتایا گیا ہے کہ دارالعلوم کراچی کے مولانا راحت علی ہاشمی، جامعة العلوم اسلامیہ بنوری ٹاﺅن کے مفتی رفیق احمد، جامعہ فاروقیہ شاہ فیصل کالونی کے مولانا خلیل احمد، جمعیت اتحاد علماءکے مولانا عبدالرﺅف، قاری ضمیر اختر منصوری، جمعیت علماءپاکستان کے مفتی منور غوث صابری، مولانا جان محمد نعیمی، فدائیان ختم نبوت کے مفتی عبدالحلیم ہزاروی، جامعہ ستاریہ گلشن اقبال کے محمد سلفی، جامعہ الدراسات الاسلامیہ گلشن اقبال کے مفتی یوسف طیبی، جماعة الدعوة کے انجینئر نوید قمر، جامعہ انوار العلوم شادباغ ملیر کے مولانا شفیق الرحمن گلگتی، جمعیت علماءاسلام کے مولانا سلیم اللہ خان ترک، مولانا عبدالکریم عابد، محمد اسلم غوری اور دیگر نے اتحاد علماءکونسل کی اپیل کی حمایت کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ عوام رمضان المبارک کے پہلے جمعہ میں خصوصی دعاﺅں کا اہتمام کریں اور اللہ سے کراچی میں امن کےلئے دعا کریں۔

دریں اثناءاجلاس میں فیصلہ کیا گیا ہے کہ اتحاد علماءامن کونسل کے زیر اہتمام 7 اگست کو شام 5 بجے جامعة الدراسات الاسلامیہ گلشن اقبال میں امیر جماعة الدعوة پاکستان پروفیسر حافظ محمد سعید کی صدارت میں ”علماءامن کنونشن“ ہوگا۔ جس میں تمام مکاتب فکر کے جید علماءکرام اور دینی جماعتوں کے مرکزی رہنما خصوصی طور پر شرکت کریں گے۔

اجلاس میں کراچی میں امن اور معروف صحافی اور تجزیہ نگار یوسف خان کے انتقال پر ان کےلئے دعائے مغفرت کی گئی۔

KARACHI: MQM’s Chief Altaf Hussain on Thursday said that his appeal to the citizens of Karachi for “hoarding up on food rations for a month” was taken “out of context” and was misunderstood by the people.
The statement was earlier given in an emotional call by the MQM leader in seeking immediate government action against the target killing incidents by giving an ultimatum of 48 hours. The MQM chief’s call to gather a month’s supply of food rations caused a level of panic in the metropolis, as some citizens assumed it was an indication of a coming increase in violence.
(Read: Karachi violence: MQM warns against ‘ethnic cleansing’)
The MQM chief clarified in the video that he was trying to warn the people about a “possible” food shortage which might take place because of the worsening law and order situation in Karachi in the wake of the killing spate that triggered off recently.
(Read: Seeking an end to Karachi’s killings)
He further said that the operations which were carried out in the areas of Katti Pahari and Qasba Colony had forced the residents to remain indoors because of which they had run out of food supplies.
has Altaf Apologized for his yesterday's remarks ?
With no electricity , murders and mayhem on the roads situation in karachi seems very fragile unfortunately If this not calmed down soon enough karachi is on the verge of an all out war.
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