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Karachi’s **** hub still going strong

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They do come in movies for money and XXX.

I really dont want to degrade this forum so i will refrain from saying stuff i should .

who dont want money ??? be it men or women or tranny.

everybody need money to survive and to be ahead of others.

and xxx if thats the case - then u must dress well for you all men office to get laid too ?

Disrespecting women just shows how loose and pathetic one's values are.

----- women and forced in to prostitution in this men dominated world , mostly for their basic survival.

yes these are weak women who cant stand and fight . but nobody goes into prostitution for fame .
women and forced in to prostitution in this men dominated world , mostly for their basic survival.

yes these are weak women who cant stand and fight . but nobody goes into prostitution for fame .

Thank you :)
----- women and forced in to prostitution in this men dominated world , mostly for their basic survival.

yes these are weak women who cant stand and fight . but nobody goes into prostitution for fame .

naa yaara this is what used to happen in 19th century. I can't say about Asian womens but most of the western womens join prostitution only for fun and an easy way to make big money. Its 80% fun 20% big money.
naa yaara this is what used to happen in 19th century. I can't say about Asian womens but most of the western womens join prostitution only for fun and an easy way to make big money. Its 80% fun 20% big money.

no zaki - i seen it , a girl from my school , a Caucasian was forced in to strip joint because - she had bad accident , had one daughter from her highschool bf. and parents didnt support her. was not good to work in office or anywhere.

as i am also one from asian origin parents , i know how much our family support us - biggest strength of these south asian countries

are not religion society nthing but FAMILY TIES. we are helped and supported and loved so much by our own that - we always find a way out.

not in west - thats why most women fidn them self no easier path than prostitution.
naa yaara this is what used to happen in 19th century. I can't say about Asian womens but most of the western womens join prostitution only for fun and an easy way to make big money. Its 80% fun 20% big money.

do one thing use google & explore this 'world unseen'

want more? use PM

Thai Families Selling their Children to the Sex Trade

Mae Sai, Thailand -- When Burmese migrant Ngun Chai sold his 13-year-old daughter into prostitution for $114, his wife, La, had one regret -- they didn't get a good price for her.

"I should have asked for 10,000 baht ($228)," La Chai said. "He robbed us."

She was angry that the agent who bought her eldest child, Saikun, in 1999 took her to Bangkok, some 460 miles away, rather than a nearby city as promised. It did not concern La Chai that Saikun would be forced to have sex with as many as eight men a day.

Ngun Chai earns about $100 a year selling bamboo bowls in the local market and lives in a thatched hut in Pa Tek village on the outskirts of Mae Sai, a bustling town of 80,000 inhabitants on Thailand's northern most border with Burma. Tensions run high between the two nations' armies and occasionally lead to the exchange of gunfire across the muddy waters of the Mae Sai River separating the two nations.

But the occasional violence has done nothing to hinder the town's two main trades -- drugs and daughters.

Though the smuggling of vast quantities of heroin and amphetamines from Burma and China through Thailand has given the region its infamous tag -- the Golden Triangle -- it's the explosion in the recruitment of girls into the lucrative Thai sex industry that has put this border town on the map.

Last December, Mae Sai was high on the agenda at the Second World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, held in Yokohama, Japan, where national governments and child protection agencies met to exchange information and review policies.

There are no reliable statistics on the number of children working in the sex industry worldwide, but the lowest figure cited is 1 million. The United Nations Children's Fund estimates that one-third of sex workers in Southeast Asia are 12 to 17 years of age.

Every year, hundreds of young girls from Mae Sai are spirited away to brothels in Bangkok, where they feed the insatiable appetite of the $20 billion commercial sex industry, according to the International Labor Organization.

"We tend to think of trafficking as involving sophisticated crime organizations, but much of it is really a cottage industry involving small- time profiteers," said Phil Marshall, manager of a U.N. agency in Bangkok that monitors the trafficking of women and children.

The Development and Education Program for Daughters and Communities (DEPDC),

a nongovernmental organization in Mae Sai that works with local girls who are at risk of being sold, estimates that of Pa Tek's 800 families, 7 in every 10 have sold at least one daughter into the trade.

With prices varying from $114 to $913 -- the latter figure equal to almost six years' wages for most families -- parental bonds in impoverished households are easily broken. In fact, child prostitution is so established that many brothel agents live in the village, and are often friends or relatives of the family from whom they buy the children.

"Agents will come to the village with orders to fill so people in Bangkok - Thai men and foreigners, mostly Europeans - can order girls like they order pizza," said DEPDC Director Sompop Jantraka. "If they want a girl with thin hips and big breasts, the agents will come up here and find her. They always deliver."

The agents also approach the thousands of girls from Burma, Laos and southern provinces of China who cross the border annually. Many wind up working as prostitutes in Singapore, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates and Australia.

But few villages in the region have contributed as many daughters as Pa Tek.

Populated by Burmese immigrants who have crossed the border illegally to escape poverty and persecution by their nation's military leaders, most are allowed by the Thai government to live and work in the border area with no legal status. Many work as agricultural laborers and earn less than $160 a year.

The depths of poverty make the area easy pickings for brothel agents, or "aunties."

Virginity is highly prized. Fueling the demand for young girls is ignorance about HIV-AIDS transmission and myths about the curative powers of virginity.

Some brothel customers - especially those from Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Middle East - believe a child is unable to transmit disease and therefore less risky for sex. In reality, children are physically more prone to bleeding,

infection and disease, said Marshall of the United Nations.

Somporn Khempetch, coordinator of the Child Protection and Rights Center in Mae Sai, said 50 girls in Pa Tek had died last year from AIDS.

Despite the risks, there is no shortage of parents willing to sell their children.

A recent ILO report challenges existing thinking on child prostitution in Asia. The policy is to target sophisticated people-smuggling networks, but the report says the majority of girls who leave their villages to work in the sex trade do so through informal networks, and with the approval and willing participation of their parents.

"We have found that many girls want to leave home and work elsewhere, preferably in cities," said Hans van de Glind, one of the report's authors. "It's not so much a poverty issue because we found that girls from one village would migrate while girls from another, equally poor, wouldn't."

Sompop, of DEPDC, says education is the way to deter girls from going into prostitution. Before the 1997 Thai constitution guaranteed citizens 12 years of free education, the majority of girls leaving Mae Sai for the sex trade were Thai, he says. Now, Thais account for less that 2 percent, according to Sompop.

With fewer Thai girls going into the trade, agents have cast their nets wider to snag the many girls from neighboring countries who cross the bridge over the Mae Sai River into Thailand.

"This is an open border," said Wichai Promsilpa, Mae Sai's police chief. "Thousands of people cross here every day. We cannot tell the difference between a girl coming here to buy eggs and a girl coming to work as a prostitute."

Sompop, however, says prostitution will continue as long as foreigners come looking for cheap sex.

"The border was always easy to get across," he said. "What has changed is the demand for these girls. As long as there are foreign men coming to this country and spending large amounts of money for girls, this trade will flourish."

Meanwhile, DEPDC workers are keeping a close watch on the Chais' beautiful 12-year-old daughter, Nangdee. They worry that brothel agents will dangle the maximum amount for her, but Saikun, the daughter Ngun Chai sold, said, "I never want my sister to work in a brothel."

Thai Families Selling their Children to the Sex Trade - Slavery & Prostitution - The Sex eZine

Iraqi women: Prostituting ourselves to feed our children

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The women are too afraid and ashamed to show their faces or have their real names used. They have been driven to sell their bodies to put food on the table for their children -- for as little as $8 a day.

Suha, 37, is a mother of three. She says her husband thinks she is cleaning houses when she leaves home.

"People shouldn't criticize women, or talk badly about them," says 37-year-old Suha as she adjusts the light colored scarf she wears these days to avoid extremists who insist women cover themselves. "They all say we have lost our way, but they never ask why we had to take this path."

A mother of three, she wears light makeup, a gold pendant of Iraq around her neck, and an unexpected air of elegance about her.

"I don't have money to take my kid to the doctor. I have to do anything that I can to preserve my child, because I am a mother," she says, explaining why she prostitutes herself.

Anger and frustration rise in her voice as she speaks.

"No matter what else I may be, no matter how off the path I may be, I am a mother!" Video Watch a woman describe turning to prostitution to "save my child" »

Her clasped hands clench and unclench nervously. Suha's husband thinks that she is cleaning houses when she goes away.

So does Karima's family.

"At the start I was cleaning homes, but I wasn't making much. No matter how hard I worked it just wasn't enough," she says.

Karima, clad in all black, adds, "My husband died of lung cancer nine months ago and left me with nothing."

She has five children, ages 8 to 17. Her eldest son could work, but she's too afraid for his life to let him go into the streets, preferring to sacrifice herself than risk her child.

She was solicited the first time when she was cleaning an office.

"They took advantage of me," she says softly. "At first I rejected it, but then I realized I have to do it."

Both Suha and Karima have clients that call them a couple times a week. Other women resort to trips to the market to find potential clients. Or they flag down vehicles.

Prostitution is a choice more and more Iraqi women are making just to survive.

"It's increasing," Suha says. "I found this 'thing' through my friend, and I have another friend in the same predicament as mine. Because of the circumstance, she is forced to do such things."

Violence, increased cost of living, and lack of any sort of government aid leave women like these with few other options, according to humanitarian workers.

"At this point there is a population of women who have to sell their bodies in order to keep their children alive," says Yanar Mohammed, head and founder of the Organization for Women's Freedom in Iraq. "It's a taboo that no one is speaking about."

She adds, "There is a huge population of women who were the victims of war who had to sell their bodies, their souls and they lost it all. It crushes us to see them, but we have to work on it and that's why we started our team of women activists."

Her team pounds the streets of Baghdad looking for these victims often too humiliated to come forward.

"Most of the women that we find at hospitals [who] have tried to commit suicide" have been involved in prostitution, said Basma Rahim, a member of Mohammed's team.

The team's aim is to compile information on specific cases and present it to Iraq's political parties -- to have them, as Mohammed puts it, "come tell us what [they] are ... going to do about this."

Rahim tells the heartbreaking story of one woman they found who lives in a room with three of her children: "She has sex while her three children are in the room, but she makes them stand in separate corners."

According to Rahim and Mohammed, most of the women they encounter say they are driven to prostitution by a desperate desire for survival in the dangerously violent and unforgiving circumstances in Iraq.

"They took this path but they are not pleased," Rahim says.

Karima says when she sees her children with food on the table, she is able to convince herself that it's worth it. "Everything is for the children. They are the beauty in life and, without them, we cannot live."

But she says, "I would never allow my daughter to do this. I would rather marry her off at 13 than have her go through this."

Karima's last happy memory is of her late husband, when they were a family and able to shoulder the hardships of life in today's Iraq together.

Suha says as a young girl she dreamed of being a doctor, with her mom boasting about her potential in that career. Life couldn't have taken her further from that dream.

"It's not like we were born into this, nor was it ever in my blood," she says.

What she does for her family to survive now eats away at her. "I lay on my pillow and my brain is spinning, and it all comes back to me as if I am watching a movie."
Iraqi women: Prostituting ourselves to feed our children - CNN.com
Well i was only talking about the europan countries only since majority of the pornstars belong to western countries only. I know there have been many incidents in asian, african and other poor countries where womens are forcefully dragged into this industry but my previous statement was based only on Western countries. You see there have been many surveys and reports trying to find out the reason why the western girls are engaged into prostitution and they came to know the large number of prostitutions are university students. Out of which large number agreed they were doing all this to make some fun and rest of them said they are invovled in this to earn college/uni fee.

You all know very well the womens are very much protected in European countries. They have given extra-ordinary rights for the safety/protection of womens. People usually finishes college at the age of 19 and the education is free all over europe until 19. The government provide you student loans to carry on with your studies then why do they really need to engage themselves into **** industry?

I was generally talking about the majority of the pornstars and perhaps 80% of them belongs to European countries only and all of us know very well in europe it is not easy to drag womens into this business forcefully.

I agree this statement does not apply in poor countries :cry:
yes these are weak women who cant stand and fight . but nobody goes into prostitution for fame .

mahatma ji, we are not talking about prostitution.

As far as **** movies are concerned, people (in western countries) opt **** for money, fun, prospects of serious hollywood movies (which effectively means fame) etc.

If you are already not aware, many of hollywoods superstars today were once **** stars?? So according to you, were they exploited for being poor and "forced" to do **** movies?? Do you know oscar winning Kate Winslet?? Have you seen her previous movies??

Was she vulnerable to exploitation for being poor?? I dont think so.

Its good that you stand on moral high ground and play safe.

P.S. Just forgot to mention that poor chaps forced into **** business, dont go for body piercing, tatoos and enhancement surgeries if they (as you say) are poor and cannot afford to buy food and stuffs.

i have a clear cut differentiation betwen prostitution and commercial **** movies. I am not negating your gandhigiri over prostitution. Its a menace for sure.
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do one thing use google & explore this 'world unseen'

want more? use PM

Please keep prostitution away from the ambit of discussion.

Do not superimpose prostitution over commercial ****. Thread on prostitution would be better place to keep your views.

These are seperate entities, one by force, the other by will mostly.
A prostitute in America:

A prostitute in Europe:

A prostitute in Pakistan:

Learn the differences and the reason why they do it.

Frucking crazy sh!t we got here.
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every woman no matter where they come from and what nationality they got seek attention. prostitution is something else, it is about money , not attention.

joke of the day, Females come in **** Movies because they want attention!!!

I was referring to these posts you scholarly geniuses.

Also there's something wrong with SOME of the men:angry:. They always fix their eyes at women on the streets. I've always noticed this!:undecided: It's as though they've never seen a women before! arrghh...:angry::angry::angry:

thats soo true!!!! i mean if someone stares at you it really makes you feel insecure, how would they feel other staring at their sisters!!!

but one thing is there as well sometimes the females also present themselves in a way to attract people, heavy makeup, tight/revealing clothing etc

I have seen guys ogling at gals on the streets of UK as well, its some 'built-in' thing!!!
mahatma ji, we are not talking about prostitution.

As far as **** movies are concerned, people (in western countries) opt **** for money, fun, prospects of serious hollywood movies (which effectively means fame) etc.

If you are already not aware, many of hollywoods superstars today were once **** stars?? So according to you, were they exploited for being poor and "forced" to do **** movies?? Do you know oscar winning Kate Winslet?? Have you seen her previous movies??

Was she vulnerable to exploitation for being poor?? I dont think so.

Its good that you stand on moral high ground and play safe.

P.S. Just forgot to mention that poor chaps forced into **** business, dont go for body piercing, tatoos and enhancement surgeries if they (as you say) are poor and cannot afford to buy food and stuffs.

i have a clear cut differentiation betwen prostitution and commercial **** movies. I am not negating your gandhigiri over prostitution. Its a menace for sure.

hmmm , dear susnshine -the **** idustry is not all what it seems to be , you will be shocked to see how its taken over by mafia , abd criminals - and except for 4- of those stars , rest are suffering.

You need to know more - use google ;)

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