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Karachi-Lahore Motorway: 10 firms show interest in bidding: NHA chairman

We don't need that road , we need Locomotives instead.

Road going to private entity is illegal and should be fought in court

Roads should belong to state ,which may collect toll and use that for repairs of road other wise let it be as it is now

Either "Free" or Toll charges for cars

These kind of roads generate Millions daily ...should be retained by Government

Allow provincial police to collect toll charges as vehicles enter city and also check number plates for stolen vehicles

do you know all tolls in pakistan are auctioned to private contractors, govt is not in the business of collecting tolls. do you want govt to sell toilet papers and keep that profit also
'nawab' sharif should release funds he promised to karachi
Road going to private entity is illegal and should be fought in court

How is it illegal? And on what grounds anyone would challenge it in a court?

Either "Free" or Toll charges for cars

These kind of roads generate Millions daily ...should be retained by Government

Yes and these roads also take billions to build. That's why its a good idea toi involve private secor in BOT mode.
Existing motorways did not generate any economic activity. They are white elephants. The idiot ganjas are again planning to waste 100s of billions of taxpayer money for their fetish with motorways.

The national highway is as good as anything. A lot of improvement has been undertaken in the recent decade. There is no need for a motorway.
Bhai jan... i beg to differ with you on this post as well... To me economic activity can be broadly sub-divided into few sub categories 1) set up of industries 2)ease of access to areas 3)cost saving to the national exchanger in terms of fuel and maintenance or vehicles... etc etc
amongst these except for point 1 the rest are being fulfilled. The day Multan Faisalabad section is completed and made functional then the things will get more rosier... you dont need industries everywhere just the means to transport the finished products from industries located nearby.
I travel between Lahore and RYK alot and can tell you for a fact that though the roads are better than ever but travelling on them is a hassel. Its draining booth mentally and physically to the extent that during weekends its a torture at times. imagine the same for the person delivering goods from Peshawar to RYK or Sukkur or to Karachi.. if the motorway is build even half way to KCI, it would not only take travel time to half but will also make life easier and simpler.
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