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As I explained earlier: "There are potent elements within the establishment
you specifically called out
Pakistani military

that nurture and sustain a portion of the splinter groups for later use in adjacent countries, without a doubt. They of course regard the mayhem caused within Pakistan as an acceptable price for their own goals that they see as being nobly loftier."
that is called allegations...proof provided would be appreciated! On a side note what are these goals?
you specifically called out

that is called allegations...proof provided would be appreciated! On a side note what are these goals?

One word: Kashmir. By hook or by crook.
Democracy is a civilized system for civilized people providing civil service to it public. Pakistan has become a rouge state which is fully infested with terrorists. If democracy is counting fake votes, looting national treasury and leaving public on the mercy of the terrorist while stashing the loot in Swiss accounts, I don't believe in that democracy. Living 15 years in Canada and seeing the welfare of public by Canadian government made me believe that Pakistan doesn't qualify to be democratic but the country should be run by full Martial Law rule.

Who wrote this????? Canadian system and Pakistan are TWO opposite polls......and a newly democratic system will take about 5 to 10 years to work and people to get used to it and follow it. This article is funny at the least. And its a 12 month old democracy for crying out loud. Did the Canadian system not teach the author to wait to exercise your right to vote......?? When did they impose Martial Law in Canada that he's suggesting that???
Well, an update for you my friend....... not many in civilian and military establishment have changed their minds..... there is still active support to many many outlawed organizations by the aforementioned.

If you think for a moment that there ever was a stop, you couldn't be more wrong. We are a nation that NEVER learns from mistakes, we keep on doing them, and still hoping that along the way, there would be a magic pill that would cure all our ailments. Sadly................

Past is past...even the US had created & nurtured these groups against USSR.

Talk about today...Pakistan & US are allies against TTP.
again saying stuff and claiming "coz I said so" as proof is not worth much...Kmon you should know that!

Are you denying the unfulfilled desire to regain Kashmir on part of a certain breed of diehards in Pakistan, no matter what the cost or consequence? What I am saying is not just my opinion, it is a clearly observable phenomenon.
I think democracy is the only way forward for Pakistan, it's an awfully long process to filter out the corrupt and incompetent people at the helm but with time people will learn what's good and bad for the country as whole.
Military rule is too rigid when it comes to policies of the nation. Politics works in a grey area, people would have a hard time to digest if somewhere the military leadership goes wrong and work against the greater interest of the country. Hence creating a wedge between sections of society, and words like traitors and patriots would be juggled around like hot potatoes.
Are you denying the unfulfilled desire to regain Kashmir on part of a certain breed of diehards in Pakistan, no matter what the cost or consequence? What I am saying is not just my opinion, it is a clearly observable phenomenon.
Well until one can provide proof it is called a hypothesis....I aint denying nor accepting anything till I see proof of it!
As much as I admire Pak Fauj, the failure was not simply civilian. Who controls the ISI? Who leads the ASF? Who leads the Rangers? Lets not delude ourselves, the position we are in is in large measure due to previous martial laws and strategic depth nonsense.
Well until one can provide proof it is called a hypothesis....I aint denying nor accepting anything till I see proof of it!

Let us test this hypothesis: Where do you stand on the recent overtures by the elected government to increase economic and political ties with India, and do you see these overtures as a positive or negative development with regards to Pakistan's claims on Kashmir? Then let us extend your answer into the military mindset. What do you see? Please be honest.
Well until one can provide proof it is called a hypothesis....I aint denying nor accepting anything till I see proof of it!
I hope I am not digressing from the topic at hand here. Would you be kind enough to tell was it PA or Pashtun Militia that captured Azad Kashmir in 1947? And
Why PA did Kargil under the disguise of freedom fighters?
Let us test this hypothesis: Where do you stand on the recent overtures by the elected government to increase economic and political ties with India, and do you see these overtures as a positive or negative development with regards to Pakistan's claims on Kashmir? Then let us extend your answer into the military mindset. What do you see? Please be honest.
Well economic ties with anyone is positive for the country if it is benefiting the country not the individual sealing the deals...

Military will not see it positive as India is an enemy which has literally cost us lives not just in 10s ..

I hope I am not digressing from the topic at hand here. Would you be kind enough to tell was it PA or Pashtun Militia that captured Azad Kashmir in 1947? And
Why PA did Kargil under the disguise of freedom fighters?
For these there are various versions available online you can go swim in the pool of knowledge since I am not in military I cant point which is right and which is wrong...Media as we have seen cant differentiate cancer drugs from vaccine or factor 8 injections so there are not a very useful source...as for Indian media...well that hyped up and reported that Modi's name in sanskrit was found on the weapons found with the terrorist at Karachi airport speaks heaps about reliability and credibility of such media....so I wont say anything on a topic I cant get reliable or credible sources of! :enjoy: Nor will I hear people maligning my country or its institution based on these pathetic media reports!
Well economic ties with anyone is positive for the country if it is benefiting the country not the individual sealing the deals...
Military will not see it positive as India is an enemy which has literally cost us lives not just in 10s ..

Well, how do you explain economic ties as being positive for the country when its own military does not see it as positive? There is your answer. :D
Well, how do you explain economic ties as being positive for the country when its own military does not see it as positive? There is your answer. :D
That is a very bad experiment...one should not jump to conclusions based on a set of mentality that this is the only route/ answer/ way...that shows limited / narrow minded mentality which I am sorry to say disgusts me about many desi men!
Democracy is a waste of time, especially in Pakistan. Politicians spend 99% of their time and efforts trying to stay in power rather than improving the country. We need one leader who knows what he/she is doing.
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