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Kale-MKEK Light Machine Gun

Terrible plan is you ask me, It shoots 5,52mm Rounds which is far to weak for the Turkish army. I hope this will only be made for the Special forces because i rather want to see an 7,62mm MG as the Standart for the Army.
Put some pictures! Somebody

It looks just too simple >>>to garbage with this junk, and makers should be trailed with tression, goddamn idiots!!
Put some pictures! Somebody

It looks just too simple >>>to garbage with this junk, and makers should be trailed with tression, goddamn idiots!!

Why? Its definitly one of the best of its kind since its weight is much less then other Machine guns of its class but the capabilities are all the same.
I think it looks awesome and will serve our army good..Time will tell tho..There is still some time ahead for this project
Just like you pointed out in your previous post, i was also wishing for something like the Good old badass MG-3's, i just compared with these and didn't like it, and when i read about 5,56mm i hate it even more. Imo, best would be to cancel this concept and make something similar to the MG's.
Just like you pointed out in your previous post, i was also wishing for something like the Good old badass MG-3's, i just compared with these and didn't like it, and when i read about 5,56mm i hate it even more. Imo, best would be to cancel this concept and make something similar to the MG's.

Most of the LMGs use 5.56mm..And we need to focus on its effectiveness not its looks mate
Yes, i must add i don't have any idea on which units will use these, if for SF's then 5,56 will do the job for them, but that's a different story after that, it should be tested on it's effectiveness to make a final decision about it.
5.56 is a good round. And for the most it's enough. The mg are used for surprest fire not to make headshots.
If they hade given me a mg with 6 kg I should have kissed my captain.( Btw it was a she ).
5.56 is the best in my world. :))
Terrible plan is you ask me, It shoots 5,52mm Rounds which is far to weak for the Turkish army. I hope this will only be made for the Special forces because i rather want to see an 7,62mm MG as the Standart for the Army.

Yes it´s the best choice , i mean why in the South East of Turkey we see more PKM´s then MG3´s !



Why the Turkish Army get´s PKM ´s that answer i should think now all here .
Yes it´s the best choice , i mean why in the South East of Turkey we see more PKM´s then MG3´s !



Why the Turkish Army get´s PKM ´s that answer i should think now all here .
First off the MG3 is a very good machine gun due to its high rate of fire and the ability to change barrels very quickly however the PKM is known to be more reliable.

My theory as to why they are using the pkm in the southeast may simply be because the PKK is using so if you capture any ammo after an operation you can use it as well.
It´s more the Range of the PKM & Accuracy & Bullet of 7.62 !

Germany replaces his MG3 ´s with MG4 ´s.


But MG5 is the one with 7.62 !

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