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Kalam calls for nuclear weapons-free world


Jul 20, 2011
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Making a strong plea for a world free from nuclear weapons, former president A P J Abdul Kalam on Saturday said “universal pressure” should be built to ensure destruction and non-proliferation of such arms.

“Universal pressure should be built for a nuclear-free world,” Mr. Kalam said while addressing a gathering at the historic Gaiety Theatre here.

“Nuclear energy is required for power but nuclear weapons lead to mass destruction and should be destroyed,” the leader said.

At the ‘Fundamental Duties to Strive Towards Excellence’ colloquium, he said in response to a question that “there are more than 10,000 nuclear weapons in the world and USA and Russia have signed a treaty for reduction of nuclear weapons and it is hoped that both the countries would abide by the treaty.”

Lauding the role of scientists in achieving food sufficiency and raising food-grains production to 250 million tonnes, the leader underlined the need for a second “Green Revolution” to meet the increased demand of 340 million tonnes by 2020.

“We need to prepare an exhaustive plan taking into account factors like water, power, fertilisers, pesticides, seeds, crops, finance, storage, warehouse and stakeholders for synchronised action to achieve the target,” he said.

Mr. Kalam, who also interacted with students, called for a second freedom struggle for “economic prosperity” and said that lawyers, who played an important role in the freedom movement, must take the lead to bring about this change.

Exhorting students to strive for excellence in whatever field they choose for themselves, he asked them to “exploit their full potential, have passion to chase their dream and enhance their capabilities.”

On the role of teachers and family in the upbringing of children, he said that parents should be instrumental in giving a “spiritual home” while teachers should be role models and inspire the young.

The Hindu : News / National : Kalam calls for nuclear weapons-free world
“Nuclear energy is required for power but nuclear weapons lead to mass destruction and should be destroyed,” the leader said.

The best would be, if we could get rid of both but for several reasons that's not realistic. Nuclear energy is still an important tech for emerging countries with big energy requirements. Similarly nuclear weapons are bad of course, but secures a stalemate between countries that normally could go for war with conventional weapons, that forces many lives as well.
We have to focus on reduction of these nuclear assets and to develop alternative ways, but that will take a lot of time.
The number of nukes that a country posses has now become a symbol of global power status. Just imagine if all the countries in the world are nuclear capable?
Look at what happened to japan, it has now been hit twice by the nukes. Once it was nukes, now a reactor has blown up. While nuclear energy tends to provide cleaner source of electricity, it oughts to be just as dangerous as the bombs.
Practically speaking, nuclear disarmment is an impossible task. The only thing that we can hope foe is that the nukes doesn't reach the wrong hands or no one is idiotic enough to press the "Nuke em all" button.
nuclear disarmament is not possible unless nations will fear other nations, nuclear weapons development started as a chain reaction (irony that nuclear weapons themselves employ chain reaction as there triggering mechanism) & they can be abandoned only as a result of chain reaction. US developed it to win WW 2 quickly, Russia develop it in fear of the US, China developed it in fear of both Russia & US, France & Britain developed it in fear of both Russia & China, India developed it in fear of China while Pakistan developed it in fear of India. So what was started by US should be ended by US, it has to be the efforts of US that can result in a nuclear free world, but sadly US is in no mood to give up it's nuclear superiority.

On the contrary were nuclear weapons responsible that more than 60 years of "cold" war did not turn "hot" because of mutually assured destruction (MAD) scenario???

don't know if they are good or bad for the world :)
Kalam Sir's Dream of Nuclear Weapon Free World is Unbeatable but it seems Impossible as long as the Haterated exists among Brothers,Neighbours & Rivals.
Cliche... Correct me if i am wrong... isn't this the same person who was heavily involved in Indian Nuclear Program.
If he really wanted nuclear free world why would he get involved in this at first place.

Now trying to be Moral man. Ha ha :)
Cliche... Correct me if i am wrong... isn't this the same person who was heavily involved in Indian Nuclear Program.
If he really wanted nuclear free world why would he get involved in this at first place.

Now trying to be Moral man. Ha ha :)
You can't ask for nuclear disarmament if you don't have them. US and Russia agreed to reduce their nuclear stockpile coz they have enough warheads not only to destroy each other but entire planet.

Do you think US will get rid of nuclear weapons if entire community of nations who don't have them, led by Iran ask US to get rid of them....

He did because it was need of the hour, China already had nuclear weapons and so would have Pakistan got it before India if we didn't work on it. What should we have done, fold and take moral high ground...Sorry real world where we live doesn't work like this.
Nobody will listen to him :P We need more nukes and should be ready for MAD with China .
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