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Kadhafi calls for jihad against Switzerland over minaret ban

What is your argument?

So u change your tune to suit your need, and they have a saying in pakistan about it, i will not repeat it here,

it suits those who define their boundries and abandon them and create new ones as they go along, so they talk from both sides of their mouths.

Parashuram1..Mr. hiding Indian its is you who writes books on here not me therefore your fantasies not mine....have a look at saudi arab religion and states affairs comes together and Saudi Arab is far successful..say cheese your wrong again..lets have a look at Ottoman Empire Islam and states affairs combined..so much for your stupidity...next time no need to cut paste just come to the point..
we have no problem with your country passing any Laws, but stop caliming yourselves to ve secular society.

We the Pakistanis donot like the secularism as defined, so we wait till a better system that deifines the socio-ecnomic well bing of all humans is invented, but wait it is here, it is Islam.

You need to read about secularism. read on.

Secularism Defined

What is secularism? Secularism as a modern political and constitutional principle involves two basic propositions. The first is that people belonging to different faiths and sections of society are equal before the law, the Constitution and government policy. The second requirement is that there can be no mixing up of religion and politics. It follows therefore that there can be no discrimination against anyone on the basis of religion or faith nor is there room for the hegemony of one religion or majoritarian religious sentiments and aspirations. It is in this double sense--no discrimination against anyone on grounds of faith and separation of religion from politics--that our Constitution safeguards secularism, however imperfectly.

These political principles imply also the acceptance of a somewhat more general principle: that the realm of validity of religion in the public arena and society is necessarily limited. Religion, being above all a matter of personal faith, cannot be used as the basis of settling questions of the real world, or of man in society. While individuals in society may base their values on particular religious tenets, where such questions impinge on society as a whole the basis of discussion and social consensus cannot be religion--much less one particular religion. This larger principle does not conflict with the historical fact that certain values in a society may have their foundation in religion; these values are re-examined in a rational and humane spirit before they are accepted as the values that govern the functioning of a modern society, and new values indeed are created which are necessary for modern times.

Despite the weaknesses of actual practice, elements of this understanding of secularism have been an essential part of the accepted political values of modern societies, leading, for instance, to the rejection of untouchability and sati, to the formal rejection of caste, and to the institution of affirmative action as a means of redressing socio-economic inequalities. It is this larger principle that is sought to be challenged today by Hindutva; defending its lies, I believe, at the heart of the struggle against fundamentalism and communalism.

Secularism Defined
Islam is your method and according to your conditions, maybe it is best suited. Switzerland is secular because the Swiss government lets people of different faiths stay in Switzerland without expelling them. This security is called secularism in actual terms apart from not taking the side of any religion when managing the country.

And funny enough, a large part of the world considers Switzerland as rightfully Secular with an excellent track record for safety of individuals irrespective of faith and you don't. Simple as that. So we are secular and we pride ourselves in our country's system.
Parashuram1..Mr. hiding Indian its is you who writes books on here not me therefore your fantasies not mine...

This is all you can come up with.. anything who comments against your short-sighted and intolerant views is an Indian. Keep living in your silly little world of Indophilia. If you have a spark of common sense, you would be wondering why would an "Indian" come to a Switzerland related thread and defend "another country" if he were truly not Swiss.

Unlike you, I don't migrate to a foreign country and curse their very systems like a hypocrite.

have a look at saudi arab religion and states affairs comes together and Saudi Arab is far successful..say cheese your wrong again

Successful? When Christians, Hindus, Buddhists etc are not even allowed to bring their religious materials into the country? You call that as successful.. way to go. I needn't argue with you after knowing your views on what is tolerant and what is not.
Parashuram1;700514]By quelling any potential terrorist movements inspired by Gaddafi in our country. We don't need to let his citizens suffer because of his sick mentality.

This is your reply. But your original quote was

Yeah Right! After that, we will take him and his stupid country back to stone age and expel every migrant who advocates terrorism in our country. Gaddafi forgets that we are ONE Europe

You certainly have the propensity to violence. Your expressed intention of causing an apocalyptic demise of a nation is certainly shocking. Europe is capable of unspeakable horror as the events of WW II showed. An epic event that destroyed countries, a colossal loss of 40 million lives in Europe, and a wanton slaughter of people of a certain faith. Most people didn't forget that, and would not forget that. Soviet Union alone lost about 24 million people. Please think twice ( or more if you need to) before you sing the gospel of European values. If you claim events like that will never happen again, allow me to remind you the quote of of a certain Spaniard ( European) named George Santayana, "those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Your willful intention to take a nation back to stone age certainly indicates that you, "a UN hat wearing proud European" refuse to learn from history.

My dear Bangladeshi friend

You assume way more than you need to.:usflag:

Do you actually think that we would be attacking Tripoli with our armed forces? Please remember that these bombings were done as a response to Mr. Gaddafi's inspiring of terrorist activities against certain countries. I didn't imply that we will bomb Libya. We Swiss don't attack innocent civilians who have no ill-intentions towards us, just because they have a crazy dictator.

In the article Gaddafi didn't make any threat to cause bodily harm. You on the other hand making threats of harm. You said,
He's forgotten the last time his wretched country got a taste of bombing.

Do twist my sentences to your convenience. Please read above responses.

There is nothing to twist here. The UN was created so nations can work out their differences. What is astonishing is you claim yourself to be a UN employee, and then start mouthing apocalyptic rants. For the love of God , take a good look at yourself !!!

I know about my country well enough buddy. Let me take another example of your case. If suppose you have good ties with Myanmar in commerce and trade and then suddenly Burmese regime starts inspiring terrorist activities in your country... would you abandon trade and defend your country or stand there and continue to suffer? Any aggression from our side would be against terrorists and their agencies.

Once again your assuming. But hey I will play along.
There are at least two more actors in your hypothetical theater. The actions these actors take are generally reciprocal in nature. As a UN employee you should know that of all the people.

If defending my country is called right wing noise machine, feel free to make yourself happy with your assumptions. Check on your country's threads on this forum which is nothing but gasbag of aggression against your neighbour India. Now that is called right wing noise machine.

Hold on a moment their pilgrim ! The discussion is about Gaddafi, Switzerland, and your failure to uphold the proud tradition on the UN. No need to drag the kitchen sink in here.
However, interestingly, I noticed Indian and Bangladeshi members passionately defend their cause, you ( with a UN hat and a proud European), on the other hand issuing apocalyptic consequences to a certain country. Following is my original quote,
You sound more like what comes off from the right wing noise machine. You sure as hell don't sound like a " The great UN hat wearing one." In an earlier post I mentioned Gaddafi is boorish. Gaddafi has already made his move, if you are not sure, ask your President.

Chest thumping is done by kids of that age normally and I meant it as a figure of speech.

Here is the definition from Miriam-Webster for chest thumping, "conduct or expression marked by pompous or arrogant self-assertion <political chest–thumping>"
Your diplomatic skills are rather boorish.

And perhaps you need to stop thinking that everything that happens in history doesn't need to necessarily exist all over again. You were earlier a part of Pakistan and for centuries were a part of British empire and before that a part of India... then shouldn't you according to your logic be ruled by Delhi?

I agree to the first sentence to some extent, even though I find it rather objectionable. I am not sure how the second sentence relates to the issue of the minaret. How does the construction of minaret means that Swiss people would want Islamic rule in their land ?
Hey bud, its just a minaret, its not out to get you. I guarantee that its not going to grow fangs or long nails and then chase you in a nightmare. I hope you are in firm control of your faculty. You are showing the classic signs of paranoia.

Switzerland is a country with its own culture and way of life. The migrants chose to come here knowing what they will have to choose and face. We didn't beg them. And what's more, everyone else is staying here proudly. We honor and respect everyone with dignity and respect and give them the same benefits that we do to our citizens. Expatriates are welcome as long as they respect the Swiss laws and way of life. I am not against that.

But they must know that this is not their country and everything ideal according to them cannot exist. I was merely stating that and nothing more. As for right wing noise machine, check the posts about your country on this forum and the enemies that it sees everywhere around itself. So much for right wing noise making.

When someone becomes a citizen of a country, by definition its his/hers country. They are entitled to everything that is under the Swiss Constitution. All the legal avenues are open to those people.

I personally believe in the Constitution of the United States.

Here is my question to you, if they can get the minaret ban overturned by the Swiss Supreme Court or The European Court, will you accept that as the Law of the land ?

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Parashuram is not Swiss. He doesn't even know the most basic facts about Swiss history.

He is an Indian IT coder working temporarily in Switzerland.
Given his intense bigotry against Islam and Pakistan, he is most likely a hardcore Shiv Sena bigot.

Parashuram is not Swiss. He doesn't even know the most basic facts about Swiss history.

He is an Indian IT coder working temporarily in Switzerland.
Given his intense bigotry against Islam and Pakistan, he is most likely a hardcore Shiv Sena bigot.
LOL... such a disease. So basically this is what Pakistanis think; anyone that opposes them is an Indian in disguise.

I know Swiss history very well my friend; the thing is you don't you know current situation itself which others from Americans to British to Swiss members are telling you and yet you blame them as Indians in disguise.

Sleep tight. Au Revoir.
LOL... such a disease. So basically this is what Pakistanis think; anyone that opposes them is an Indian in disguise.

I know Swiss history very well my friend; the thing is you don't you know current situation itself which others from Americans to British to Swiss members are telling you and yet you blame them as Indians in disguise.

Sleep tight. Au Revoir.

You don't know jack about Swiss history.
Your evasive answers and outright false statements about Switzerland make clear you have not lived in Switzerland for any length of time.

You avoided my question in another thread, so I will ask it again here.

How would you ask the following question in Geneva?
"Excuse me please, where do I take bus number seventy six?"

Also, what is the French border crossing town next to Geneva?
What is the border crossing fee?

Your move, my Indian IT coder pretending to be Swiss...
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You don't know jack about Swiss history.
Your evasive answers and outright false statements about Switzerland make clear you have not lived in Switzerland for any length of time.

You avoided my question in another thread, so I will ask it again here.

How would you ask the following question in Geneva?
"Excuse me please, where do I take bus number seventy six?"

Also, what is the French border crossing town next to Geneva?
What is the border crossing fee?

Your move, my Indian IT coder pretending to be Swiss...
When did you ask me anything about my country, Mr. neo? Don't lie to cover up your own follies. Who do you think you are that you find me answerable to? Regarding the bold part, I have the right to choose not to answer anything out of this topic that you ask and I am not compelled to answer your stupid questions no matter. If you want to continue calling me an Indian, go ahead. Unlike you, I don't have an identity crisis between supporting extremism in your homeland or understanding your resident country's contribution in eradicating the same.

Here's a tip for the genius in-case your mind is locked up: How many Indian members do you see talking here for my country?

This thread is not to bloody prove my identity and if you derail the thread once again for personal attacks, I shall be reporting you to the moderators.

Your attitude towards anyone who differs from you is despicable. All I do is defend my country's national laws and you and your fellow members start talking topics that are totally out of context, imposing your imaginary whims and fancies here and questioning me as though you caught a goldfish out of a bowl. Get rid of your stupid paranoia of Indians and Jews haunting you everywhere and stop talking nonsense. It is nothing but your uncontrollable imagination that is making you talk through your nose.

The whole world is a busy place where people have a lot of work to do rather than conspire against Pakistan, like most members here think of.

Now if you have something useful, I shall contribute. I am here to understand the situation in South Asia and see it from the perspective of South Asian; not here to prove some paranoid neighbour haters that I don't belong beside their house.
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When did you ask me anything about my country, Mr. neo? Don't lie to cover up your own follies. Who do you think you are that you find me answerable to? This thread is not to bloody prove my identity and if you derail the thread once again for personal attacks, I shall be reporting you to the moderators.

Your attitude towards anyone who differs from you is despicable. Thanks. Get rid of your stupid paranoia of Indians haunting you everywhere and stop talking nonsense. It is nothing but your uncontrollable imagination that is making you talk through your nose.

Now if you have something useful Mr. so-called-Australian-immigrant, stop making personal attacks.

why not accept the fact that you are an indian .? .. dude every one can smel it !
When did you ask me anything about my country, Mr. neo?

Other posters asked you about Switzerland and your responses were vague. In reply to my (and other) posts, you made statements about Swiss history that are ludicrously false.

Who do you think you are that you find me answerable to?

I take special pride in outing dishonest Indians hiding behind other countries flags. Like you.

Regarding the bold part, I have the right to choose not to answer anything out of this topic that you ask and I am not compelled to answer your stupid questions no matter.

That's OK. I knew you don't have the answers.

Here's a tip for the genius in-case your mind is locked up: How many Indian members do you see talking here for my country?

It's not your country; this thread is about Switzerland.
If you want to talk about your country, there are plenty of threads about India.

This thread is not to bloody prove my identity and if you derail the thread once again for personal attacks, I shall be reporting you to the moderators.

You have been attacking Muslims and Pakistan claiming to be defending your country (Switzerland), so it is relevant to ascertain if you really are Swiss.

If you are misrepresenting yourself, then it is important to know so we can ignore your anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan rants.

Your attitude towards anyone who differs from you is despicable. All I do is defend my country's national laws and you and your fellow members start talking topics that are totally out of context, imposing your imaginary whims and fancies here and questioning me as though you caught a goldfish out of a bowl. Get rid of your stupid paranoia of Indians and Jews haunting you everywhere and stop talking nonsense. It is nothing but your uncontrollable imagination that is making you talk through your nose.

The whole world is a busy place where people have a lot of work to do rather than conspire against Pakistan, like most members here think of.

Now if you have something useful, I shall contribute. I am here to understand the situation in South Asia and see it from the perspective of South Asian; not here to prove some paranoid neighbour haters that I don't belong beside their house.

Methinks you protest too much. :rofl:

PS. Still waiting for those answers, my Indian-IT-coder-working-temporarily-in-Switzerland friend.

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