Afghans who didn't come to the SAARC summit, recject our aid to them, and spend every chance they get to denounce Pakistan. I wonder why they aren't on the guest list?
That being said, perhaps this meeting focuses more on the Taliban part of Afghanistan, and what a future Taliban ruled Afghanistan could benefit to Rus, China, Pak. Maybe it would be better since in government they would appeal to the many groups already fighting, and their brutal governance would put an end to scum like ISIS. Maybe if the major powers 'nudged' the Taliban into power, they would remember and reward mining contacts and promote trade, rather than the current govt. who's national interests are a copy and paste of India's.
Tbh would a Taliban govt be much different to the average Afghan? We already know Kabul currently has some kind of system to allow local warlords to rule in return of recognition of the government.