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Kabul suicide attack massive casualties

What is happening to hazara in Kabul is directly responsibility of India and Israel. Just because Ghazni did not supported Afghan govt they did this today and Afghan govt India Israel USA and NATO are directly responsible for this few weeks ago same happened when imam bukhari joined Taliban with forces to fight in jowzjan. They bombed hazara village and now a repeat of it.

no doubt, This will push hazara to taliban. they are dropping an axe to their own feet.
We must limit the gov in kabul to what it is! a kabul principality propped up by yanks and indians. they do not rep afghanistan.

There is only one solution to this and counter India. Iran has to step in and give Pakistan access to it assets in India. This is the only solution offence is the best defence.

no doubt, This will push hazara to taliban. they are dropping an axe to their own feet.
These idiots will lose Mizar-e-Sharif as well. They are playing a wrong game.
Afghanistan is stuck once again by enemies of peace. Afghanistan needs a strong intelligence to prevent such incidents. Afghanistan is again and again attcked by proxies. Until Afghanistan puts its intelligence right, these people will keep attacking Afghanistan.
There is only one solution to this and counter India. Iran has to step in and give Pakistan access to it assets in India. This is the only solution offence is the best defence.

These idiots will lose Mizar-e-Sharif as well. They are playing a wrong game.
Everything is going towards the final showdown. This much is becoming evident. There will be more bloodshed its just a given unfortunately.

Either way the side occupying will loose.
so sad RIP . THIS COUNTRY IS BURNING SINCE AGES .afghans need to learn how to live in civilized world
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎
jo bhi ho . killing innocents should not go unpunished . poor hazaras are at the target of terrorists from very long time in afghanistan and pakistan both .
So go shoot ajit deol he is responsible for their killing.
jo bhi ho . killing innocents should not go unpunished . poor hazaras are at the target of terrorists from very long time in afghanistan and pakistan both .
watch your words and watch your pm . mr hypocrite .
you even didnt ban the bhajrang dal ( the organisation who proudly conduct the riots in 2002) .
jo bhi ho . killing innocents should not go unpunished . poor hazaras are at the target of terrorists from very long time in afghanistan and pakistan both .
Thats better, whoever is behind this innocent bloodshed should get into hell (even if it is Pakistani establishment) but I am sure that Pakistan is not behind this and it is propaganda ...

Pakistan supports both Taliban and Afghan as both are the ground reality, Taliban are not foreigners but are the people of the land having support from most of the local population and the only way peace can prevail in Afghanistan is not by killing Taliban but by reconciliation between Taliban and current Afghani regime ... US have to get out of Afghanistan ...
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎
RIP fallen innocents
That's another success of western intervention, they're useless and clueless about this region of the world. They should f uk off already.
Afghanistan is stuck once again by enemies of peace. Afghanistan needs a strong intelligence to prevent such incidents. Afghanistan is again and again attcked by proxies. Until Afghanistan puts its intelligence right, these people will keep attacking Afghanistan.

Afghan Govt., its Army & NDS are the problem. They re in bed with ISIS.

Protecting, Facilitating & Saving ISIS.

They had provided free passage to TTP. The same TTP which later joined ISIS.

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