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Kabul restaurant attack 'was warning from Taliban for the West to leave Afghanistan'


Feb 2, 2007
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Barnett Rubin, a former senior adviser to the US for Afghanistan, said the attack was a warning to the international community and the Afghan government that it would not allow Western forces to remain in the country beyond 2014

The Kabul restaurant attack that killed two Britons including a Labour MEP candidate was a Taliban warning that it will not allow foreign forces to remain in Afghanistanafter 2014, one of the US government's leading advisers said on Sunday.

Afghanistan's National Security Council, which is chaired by President Hamid Karzai, accused "foreign intelligence services" of being behind the suicide bomb and gun attack that killed 22 people on Friday night.

Del Singh, a Labour candidate for May's European elections, was among 13 foreigners killed in the attack on the Lebanese restaurant Taverna du Liban, a popular drinking and dining oasis for Kabul's international community.

The victims also included a representative of the International Monetary Fund and two United Nations advisers, including one working on reconciliation with the Taliban.

According to Barnett Rubin, who until two months ago was senior adviser to the US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, the attack was a warning to the international community and the Afghan government that it would not allow Western forces to remain in the country beyond 2014.

The United States and the Afghan government were discussing a Bilateral Security Agreement to secure the country after the withdrawal and the "message of this attack is that there won't be an international presence because we won't allow it," he said.

Washington hopes the Afghan government will sign a Bi-lateral Security Agreement to allow 15,000 troops to remain at nine military bases throughout the country to ensure the country does not descend into anarchy when combat troops withdraw at the end of the this year. Mr Karzai however has said he will not sign the deal until the United States stops controversial night raids and reduces the number of civilian casualties.

Supporters of the deal believe it will secure the main cities and highways and maintain levels of international aid essential to fund government services and pay army salaries. Without an agreement there could be a "catastrophe" in the country, Mr Rubin warned at the Jaipur Literature Festival.

Mr Rubin rejected Taliban claims that the attack had been in retaliation for an American air strike last week in which eight civilians were killed.

A statement for the presidential palace released on Sunday said: "The NSC said such sophisticated and complex attacks are not the work of the ordinary Taliban, and said without doubt foreign intelligence services beyond the border are behind such bloody attacks."

Kabul restaurant attack 'was warning from Taliban for the West to leave Afghanistan' - Telegraph
Already the Afghans are blaming ISI to be behind the attack. Without any evidence they accuse us, and create tension between the West and Pakistan.
These Afghan wimps really need to be taught a lesson when the NATO troops leave.
Read somewhere that "A terror attack is one of the weakest persuasions in existence --if it be intended as a show of strength" . American troops may leave the land but NATO is surely going to maintain a military presence in some form , and with their drones and bases , they wouldn't need a substantial human presence to do it.
What's wrong with these assholes? Bombs or no bombs, US troops are leaving by the end of this year anyway. So what's the point of these bombings?

Already the Afghans are blaming ISI to be behind the attack. Without any evidence they accuse us, and create tension between the West and Pakistan.
These Afghan wimps really need to be taught a lesson when the NATO troops leave.
And pray, how do you propose to do that? Send the PA in? :azn:
What's wrong with these assholes? Bombs or no bombs, US troops are leaving by the end of this year anyway. So what's the point of these bombings?

And pray, how do you propose to do that? Send the PA in? :azn:

Aray nahi bhai. It is a folly to try to invade Afghanistan. Many foolish tried. British, Russians and now Americans, but you cannot subjugate those people. It will be the Afghan taliban who will do all that. Lohay ko loha kaat tha hain, so Afghan per Afghan ko chordo.
Aray nahi bhai. It is a folly to try to invade Afghanistan. Many foolish tried. British, Russians and now Americans, but you cannot subjugate those people. It will be the Afghan taliban who will do all that. Lohay ko loha kaat tha hain, so Afghan per Afghan ko chordo.

What you say is pre-1985 wars.

Things have changed since 1985.

you all need to pay attention.

People who live in the past suffer gravely.

Thank you
the main problem is Pakistan .... both Afghanistan and India suffer from the terrorism originating in the one country.
the main problem is Pakistan .... both Afghanistan and India suffer from the terrorism originating in the one country.

Just so you know, Before America Invaded Afghanistan, Pakistan and afghanistan both were a peaceful country. Look what's happening in Iraq. Wherever US went or invaded, they destabilized those peaceful countries and left behind a mess that no body could solve. Blame US for that
Just so you know, Before America Invaded Afghanistan, Pakistan and afghanistan both were a peaceful country. Look what's happening in Iraq. Wherever US went or invaded, they destabilized those peaceful countries and left behind a mess that no body could solve. Blame US for that
But then you guys have been hand-in-glove with the Yanks for inventing the Taliban to fight against the Russians. Then you joined America's so called war on terror post 2001.

You have to take some of the blame too for the Afghan mess.
What is happening in Pakistan especially with funding TTP, RAW is one of foreign elements, shares the similar blame.

Both Pakistan and USA share the blame for Afghan Taliban in the past, but if Pakistan didn't initiated this, Pakistan would have been invaded next, and Afghanistan would still be slave to Russia. So, Pakistan had every right to defend itself, starting with the resistance group to resist against Russia, whilst Afghanistan blaming Taliban, should be grateful for ISI funded Afghan Taliban, otherwise Afghanistan would be still slave to Russia. ISI-funded Afghan Taliban just bought more time for Afghanistan till USA's invasion.

First, Russia invaded Afghanistan and then USA invaded Afghanistan. Without their invasion, Afghanistan would have been in better position, and there would no Taliban. I guess Pakistan should have allowed to Russia to kill Afghanistan and Pakistan itself, and by USA as well. Is that what you want? Just say it.
What is happening in Pakistan especially with funding TTP, RAW is one of foreign elements, shares the similar blame.

Malik bhai, till today, Pakistan has provided zero proof of RAW funding the TTP. It's all idle speculation and a convenient cover for the gross incompetency of the Pakistan Establishment. And remember, the TTP has threatened to wage war against India too.

Both Pakistan and USA share the blame for Afghan Taliban in the past, but if Pakistan didn't initiated this, Pakistan would have been invaded next, and Afghanistan would still be slave to Russia.

Again speculation. There's no way the Soviet Union would have invaded Pakistan. Period! The fact is you guys helped the Americans in Afghanistan against the Soviets for those dollars - billions - as well as the promise of propping up your defence establishment against India, accepting huge quantities of American weapons and equipment which was deployed along your Eastern border..

Secondly, you needed a pliable dispensation in Kabul for your so called security against a non existent Indo-Soviet alliance - a sort of pincer from the West as well as the East, like a nut cracker, which was nothing but a totally fictitious scenario.
It could be just the opposite: an attack by Northern Alliance types to show that Afghanistan is very unstable and the West's work is not yet done.
But then you guys have been hand-in-glove with the Yanks for inventing the Taliban to fight against the Russians. Then you joined America's so called war on terror post 2001.

You have to take some of the blame too for the Afghan mess.

Yes we own the partial blame too. But, If I quote the example of Indians Helping Bangali's in 71 due to large influx of migrants coming in to India and then again involving yourself in Srilanaka Tamil problem. Pakistan went through exactly same phase. Large influx of afghan immigrants plus keeping Afghan stable so pakistan don't burn. The policies enacted at that time were need of time but they were short sighted and later politicians/generals ineptness in correctly analyzing/handling situation led to that mess

Malik bhai, till today, Pakistan has provided zero proof of RAW funding the TTP. It's all idle speculation and a convenient cover for the gross incompetency of the Pakistan Establishment. And remember, the TTP has threatened to wage war against India too.

Again speculation. There's no way the Soviet Union would have invaded Pakistan. Period! The fact is you guys helped the Americans in Afghanistan against the Soviets for those dollars - billions - as well as the promise of propping up your defence establishment against India, accepting huge quantities of American weapons and equipment which was deployed along your Eastern border..

Secondly, you needed a pliable dispensation in Kabul for your so called security against a non existent Indo-Soviet alliance - a sort of pincer from the West as well as the East, like a nut cracker, which was nothing but a totally fictitious scenario.

Orion, Isn't NDS officers/top cadre being trained in India by your Military intelligence and RAW and they are providing NDS the technical assistance?

How do you Soviet Union would not have invaded Pakistan just like they invaded afghanistan illegally?? We had to absorb 1-2 million afghani immigrants. Just like you provided assistant to bengalis, we had every right to extend a similar help to afghanis back than. It was not about Top dollar being paid
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Yes we own the partial blame too. But, If I quote the example of Indians Helping Bangali's in 71 due to large influx of migrants coming in to India and then again involving yourself in Srilanaka Tamil problem. Pakistan went through exactly same phase. Large influx of afghan immigrants plus keeping Afghan stable so pakistan don't burn. The policies enacted at that time were need of time but they were short sighted and later politicians/generals ineptness in correctly analyzing/handling situation led to that mess

Orion, Isn't NDS officers/top cadre being trained in India by your Military intelligence and RAW and they are providing NDS the technical assistance?

How do you SOviet Union would not have invaded Pakistan? We had to absorb 1-2 million afghani immigrants. Just like you provided assistant bengalis, we had every right to extend a similar help to afghanis back than. It was not about Top dollar being paid

TT-P & TT-A is the same.

So where these training help T.T functions?
Malik bhai, till today, Pakistan has provided zero proof of RAW funding the TTP. It's all idle speculation and a convenient cover for the gross incompetency of the Pakistan Establishment. And remember, the TTP has threatened to wage war against India too.

Again speculation. There's no way the Soviet Union would have invaded Pakistan. Period! The fact is you guys helped the Americans in Afghanistan against the Soviets for those dollars - billions - as well as the promise of propping up your defence establishment against India, accepting huge quantities of American weapons and equipment which was deployed along your Eastern border..

Secondly, you needed a pliable dispensation in Kabul for your so called security against a non existent Indo-Soviet alliance - a sort of pincer from the West as well as the East, like a nut cracker, which was nothing but a totally fictitious scenario.

It doesn't matter if Pakistan provides the proof or not, even though several have been caught repeatedly. They already started spy war. Balochistan is crawling full of anti-Pakistani agents - funded by foreign elements.

Whether or not Soviet Union would have invaded Pakistan, but no invasion, no Taliban. Afghan Taliban is the product of the resistance - funded by CIA, and personally oversaw by Pakistan. Pakistan didn't want to take this chance which is understandable given the circumstantial Pakistan has been placed in for allowing USA to invade Afghanistan. I say the reason is understandable.

No invasion, no Taliban. It's simple. It's no one to blame except Russia and any nation that illegally invades Afghanistan and potential threat to Pakistan. You, India would have done the same thing, in fact Indian soldiers already killed more than 100,000 kashmiri people which includes children, women and old men & women to weaken Kashmir before it has chance to resist. Thank God for Pakistan that Kashmir is not alone facing this battle.

TTP has nothing to do with Pakistan, and what is happening in Pakistan is not because of Afghan Taliban. What is happening in Pakistan is because of TTP relies on funding. Whether you accept this or not, if TTP doesn't get fund, TTP will die slowly by itself. Only if those foreign elements care about peace, that's what they should do. Who am i kidding with? In fact, whom am i kidding with especially someone purposely ignoring what is happening in Balochistan. Remember, anyone that attacks sovereignty of Pakistan will be punished big time. I assure you with 100% confirming that Pakistan border will be extend to POSWAN more or less due to some nation purposely undermine the nation through spywar tactics.
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