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Junaid Safdar confronted by Pakistani Women in Madina as a Choor Family

:Here we have our ruling family member , they are our national Thieves

He is our future PM
Since PTI won't exist in 10yrs

Allah ki shaan. They can relocate to mars with their loot and still not find izzat.
Sir you are Young
I was like you in early 2000s.
Then NRO 1.0, NRO 2.0 and now NRO 3.0 has happened..all of these NROs happened for one reason only..

People of Pakistan wanted it

People of Pakistan wanted all these NROs..yeah sure they regret it now but anyone saying PMLN wasn't popular in 2002, 2008, 2013, 2018 (PUNAJB)and in 2022(in Punjab) is a fool and liar

In 10 years you will see NRO 4.0 since Pakistani don't want to work like Chinese or USA citizens and want to be rich like Arabs and drive Lamborghinis
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In 5 years they will tell IK why aren't we driving Lamborghinis..hence they will vote back for some corrupt person bringing NRO 4.0

you cant take love for al sharif and Al Bhutto from pakistanis..since modern Pakistan creation in 1971 the love has never waivered
He is our future PM
Since PTI won't exist in 10yrs

Sir you are Young
I was like you in early 2000s.
Then NRO 1.0, NRO 2.0 and now NRO 3.0 has happened..all of these NROs happened for one reason only..

People of Pakistan wanted it

People of Pakistan wanted all these NROs..yeah sure they regret it now but anyone saying PMLN wasn't popular in 2002, 2008, 2013, 2018 (PUNAJB)and in 2022(in Punjab) is a fool and liar

In 10 years you will see NRO 4.0 since Pakistani don't want to work like Chinese or USA citizens and want to be rich like Arabs and drive Lamborghinis
In 5 years they will tell IK why aren't we driving Lamborghinis..hence they will vote back for some corrupt person bringing NRO 4.0

you cant take love for al sharif and Al Bhutto from pakistanis..since modern Pakistan creation in 1971 the love has never waivered
I hope, for all our sake, that you are proven wrong, sir.
Mr Zunaid is being treated very poorly here by the beghariat people.
all including PPP, PMLN, JUI along with "My Baap" do not want people of Pakistan wake up to the call. they will never let them go free enough to do so.

atleast after so many years of criticism about social media, we could find something good about it. it became people's voice.

one thing that is proven and brought naked to the eye of a common man about estb and the filth they have so far spread during this one year, is a blessing in disguise for the people again credit goes to social media.

these times, the outcome of the conspiracy hatched and executed during PTI last one year in power, will be part of history forever.

i wish it happens, that someday it becomes part of our history text books, either we see it happening or not.

even it is better to be talked about for military too and they realize how lions bow down when lead by a jackal.

i wish all those journalists speak up who wee present during that hearing by chief saab as beans spilled by Mir and Zehra.

this nation need to grow sane and improvise and they can do anything one can wonder.
In 5 years they will tell IK why aren't we driving Lamborghinis..hence they will vote back for some corrupt person bringing NRO 4.0

you cant take love for al sharif and Al Bhutto from pakistanis..since modern Pakistan creation in 1971 the love has never waivered
Yawn.. outburst after sharif virtual balxs sucking session…and mastutating to Nani Maryam video… patwari slave mentality…
In 5 years they will tell IK why aren't we driving Lamborghinis..hence they will vote back for some corrupt person bringing NRO 4.0

you cant take love for al sharif and Al Bhutto from pakistanis..since modern Pakistan creation in 1971 the love has never waivered

Yawn.. outburst after sharif virtual balxs sucking session…and mastutating to Nani Maryam video… patwari slave mentality…
We have 40 years of history

Not a single day has gone since creation of modern Pakistan (except mushi marshallah and IK 3yrs that Al sharif and Al Bhutto haven't served this county

The days they weren't here people were yarning for them to save them
We have 40 years of history

Not a single day has gone since creation of modern Pakistan (except mushi marshallah and IK 3yrs that Al sharif and Al Bhutto haven't served this county

The days they weren't here people were yarning for them to save them
People do not love them, people have no choice and third choice isn’t allowed to rise up by these two corrupt parties.. army if it isn’t grabbing power then it is colluding with with either of these two bunch of crooks…
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People do not love them, people have no choice and third choice isn’t allowed to rise up by these two corrupt parties.. army if it isn’t grabbing power then it is Collin with with either of these two bunch of crooks…
That's what @ziaulislam meant, I think . After IK, there little hope until a new figurehead emerges.
Sure, people won't go back to sher ik wari fer. That's water under the bridge. But, the movement to take back the country will die off. The opportunists that make up PTI top tier will be infighting before khan is 6 feet under.

In fact, IK explicitly said in an off the record meeting with journalists couple days ago that now all efforts are to kill him. There is literally no other way to get rid of the spectre of accountability. First it was accountability for chors, now it's also accountability for the collaborator chowkidars. It's do or die for them. Do not for a second think, they won't try another wazirabad. The 145 cases (last I checked) are nothing other than exposing him for assassination. No chance in hell he will be convicted or otherwise damaged via these bogus cases. This is just to assassinate him at the right time.
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Shameless despicable dirty rotten bloodline . I feel for the next generation and the generation after of this prostitute family who are being hounded on the streets of Pakistan on the streets of London and in the vincinity of the holy land as the two bit crooks they are .
My dogs are shown more respect in the U.K. & Pakistan than these corrupt motherfucking family .

I’m awaiting the death of one of this bastard family members and you have never seen or will witness the party that will break out in Pakistan on the joyous occasion .

Imagine being a Pakistani and the only country you can walk freely in is India 😂🤣😂.

What a shameless motherfucking family dirtying up the holy lands with there paleetness .

Kill yourself shareefs you’ll have better use as fertiliser
:Here we have our ruling family member , they are our national Thieves

Tje people who do this filth and make videos of it at our holy places r utmost garbage. Which the drug addict imrando created...
Imrando destroyedpakistan moraly.financialy.
Kashmirs mujram.who sold the blood of mujhadeens.
Mau u rot in hell..harami ki nasal..Niazi
we should keep our earthly politics outside the corridors of Holy Haram and Masjid-e-Nabvi

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