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JUI(S) Head Maulana Sami-ul-Haq assasinated


Apr 18, 2016
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Seriously disturbing news coming out...…
Enemies of Pakistan taking this to new level.

Update::::::: He is passed away ……. May Allah Protect Pakistan.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

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He is assassinated by insider and him and his family knew him

Samiul Haq wants judgement reversed in blasphemy case

NOWSHERA: Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Sami (JUI-S) chief Maulana Samiul Haq on Wednesday said it was a black day in the history of Pakistan that a woman who had committed blasphemy was released.

Addressing a protest rally at Shobra Chowk here, he said the courts failed to serve justice in the blasphemy case.

Maulana Anwarul Haq, Maulana Mohammad Idrees, Maulana Hamidul Haq, Maulana Syed Yousaf Shah, Maulana Irfanul Haq and a large number of seminary students were present on the occasion.

Maulana Samiul Haq urged Prime Minister Imran Khan to use his influence to get the verdict reversed as it would have consequences for the government.

He said that neither the government nor the opposition parties condemned the verdict which was deplorable.

The JUI-S leader said that the seminaries were the citadels of Islam and no effort would be spared to uphold the sanctity of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him).

He said the decision would encourage blasphemers to commit blasphemy. He said the verdict had been under international pressure to appease the West.
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GOP needs to act fast, time for dialogue is up, these goons are getting nastier, need to take action before more damage is done, its not just TLP but enemies of the state are joining in to damage the state, this is a perfect opportunity for them.
You let Nawaz harami out, you let Zardari move about freely, you cant bring a penny of lotted money back, you let create this drama of Asiya right before very important China trip.

What the f*** establishment is doing?

Complete and utter failure , there is no f***** deterrence at sub conventional level with enemy nations.
He is dead according to Geo and ARY
Pakistan's enemies using the opportunity to push Pakistan into deeper turmoil.
The deobandis were not part of the protests, this is getting dangerous.
Supreme Court judges responsible for there drama and contribution should be forced to resign and just put that woman on ECL, before the situation is pushed beyond limits of this govt.
Now that is an extreme unfortunate. When the protesters were going back and things are getting normal suddenly this tragedy happens. Off course this is an attempt to spark the situation again.
Someone wants to drag army in this matter and seems that they have succeed.
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