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Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2016 !

Joyeux Noel and Merry Christmas everybody!

Yes,an island of Latinity in a sea of Slavs as someone put it some time ago.Altough the roots of the people are Thracian,not Roman,just the language.Plus,ofcourse, due to history,a Slavic,Cuman adstrat.
How does this affect your drinking? Are you a wine drinking country or a vodka one?
. .
Joyeux Noel and Merry Christmas everybody!

How does this affect your drinking? Are you a wine drinking country or a vodka one?

vodca one...we call it "tuica" though....anyway,real men drink thinghs with 40%+ alcohol in it :)))
Hope he won't go over Somalia,Brunei,Saudi Arabia,they might shoot him down.:undecided:

Thank you and a Merry Christmas to you to Sir !

LOL! Santa has counter measures, those grinches can't stop Christmas.

I thought this year,we should celebrate them in French no ? :-)

Joyeux Noël et Joyeuses fêtes à tous mes amis ; (Merry Xmas to my friends)

@Nihonjin1051 @mike2000 is back @Blue Marlin @bobo6661 @flamer84 @Taygibay @vostok @A.P. Richelieu @F-22Raptor @AMDR @Bundeswehr @Steve781 @LeveragedBuyout

View attachment 282001

(A special thought for every soldiers fighting anywhere in the world who will be far from their families to celebrate )

Et surtout une bonne et heureuse année à tous les autres membres du forum ! (A good and happy new year to every members of this forum,In advance ! :chilli: )

View attachment 282002

May the next year be better than this one ! Take care of you guys !
(I'll forget a lot of persons,but they will recognize themselves ! :cheers: )

@Abingdonboy @waz @Slav Defence @Slave_to_the_waffle @PARIKRAMA @Nilgiri @Penguin @Atanz
@Aminroop @Frogman @MICA @AUSTERLITZ @KAL-EL @WebMaster @anant_s @[Bregs]

Etc. etc. etc. :-)

Merry Christmas bro! All the best to you and your family.

Merry Christmas and God bless @Nihonjin1051
Merry Christmas@KAL-EL

God Jul to you as well (and everyone else)!!!

Christmas eve, no work or responsibilities... what to do, what to do... oh yeah...


:partay: My pre-Christmas celebration game is stronk!

Merry Christmas everyone:cheers:.

Merry Christmas my friend!
. .
LOL! Santa has counter measures, those grinches can't stop Christmas.

Rudolph be into evading measures ,huh ?:rofl:

Starting february 1st i'll be in in London on a 1 year working contract,hope we'll have a tea man.
Rudolph be into evading measures ,huh ?:rofl:

Starting february 1st i'll be in in London on a 1 year working contract,hope we'll have a tea man.

Ha, I'll be there for sure man and I'm buying the cakes!

As for Rudolph, he was outfitted with Chaff on his hooves last year. :triniti:

Rudolph be into evading measures ,huh ?:rofl:

Starting february 1st i'll be in in London on a 1 year working contract,hope we'll have a tea man.

Well if you go north of the Watford Gap give us a shout. A mighty good old traditional English Fish an Chips is on me ......
Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noel And Festive greetings to all.. @Darmashkian Though i'm born to a traditional Catholic family, I'm more of a avid follower of Buddhist philosophy, Mate, Though not necessarily a Buddhist.. :-)

I'm sorry, you mentioned in the past that you were a Burgher, & going by some of your previous posts I thought like most of them you were a Christian..

Please accept my sincere apologies for the wrong I have done :( It will not happen again, I promise that. I didn't know you were more of a Buddhist
Okay I slept through my French lessons at school right at the back of the class so I won't bother wrecking the French language.

Instead Merry Christmas and happy New Year to yeh"all. May your wishes come true, may you drink, eat and *censored" in excess.

Just some shitty pictures....




Merry Christmas now im going bact to drinking ;p

Kurwa ! Poles never change right ? :yahoo:
vodca one...we call it "tuica" though....anyway,real men drink thinghs with 40%+ alcohol in it :)))

I meant Eastern European people. :enjoy:
Rudolph be into evading measures ,huh ?:rofl:

Starting february 1st i'll be in in London on a 1 year working contract,hope we'll have a tea man.

So you are going to leave us ? :( What are you going to do there ? :-)
Ha, I'll be there for sure man and I'm buying the cakes!

During my chilhood,me and my parents used to visit a lot of countries,even some sh*tholes you never heard of,but never went to the UK when it is just near our country. :lol:
Have to plan a visit there ! :cheers: (Just have to cross the channel)
During my chilhood,me and my parents used to visit a lot of countries,even some sh*tholes you never heard of,but never went to the UK when it is just near our country. :lol:
Have to plan a visit there ! :cheers: (Just have to cross the channel)

What the heck! I'm surprised. You do know that 400,000 French live in London alone! Come and visit my friend. I'll show you around.
Just some shitty pictures....

My ribs are cracking with laughter ....

Poles never change right ?

I know a Pole here who answers to the name "Yazzy" although I think his name is Jazhek or Yazhek. He has been stoned since he first saw him 5 years ago. Hell of a worker though.

Have to plan a visit there

Well if you do cross the Channel do let us know. You also will be invited to my favourite chippie.
I thought this year,we should celebrate them in French no ? :-)

Joyeux Noël et Joyeuses fêtes à tous mes amis ; (Merry Xmas to my friends)

@Nihonjin1051 @mike2000 is back @Blue Marlin @bobo6661 @flamer84 @Taygibay @vostok @A.P. Richelieu @F-22Raptor @AMDR @Bundeswehr @Steve781 @LeveragedBuyout

View attachment 282001

(A special thought for every soldiers fighting anywhere in the world who will be far from their families to celebrate )

Et surtout une bonne et heureuse année à tous les autres membres du forum ! (A good and happy new year to every members of this forum,In advance ! :chilli: )

View attachment 282002

May the next year be better than this one ! Take care of you guys !
(I'll forget a lot of persons,but they will recognize themselves ! :cheers: )

@Abingdonboy @waz @Slav Defence @Slave_to_the_waffle @PARIKRAMA @Nilgiri @Penguin @Atanz
@Aminroop @Frogman @MICA @AUSTERLITZ @KAL-EL @WebMaster @anant_s @[Bregs]

Etc. etc. etc. :-)
Noël nous réserve tous des surprises de toutes sortes: que ce soit des paroles douces:smitten: , ou des amis à la porte :thinktank:; une belle soirée tranquille :meeting:, ou de beaux cadeaux utiles.:-) Que ce Noël soit rempli de joie! Joyeux Noel a toi Gabriel et que la fête de Noël t'apporte tout ce que tu veux: Bien du plaisir et des surprises sur PDF :enjoy:


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