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Journalist who brought down Gen McChrystal is dead.


May 3, 2009
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US reporter who felled Gen McChrystal dies in crash

LOS ANGELES: Michael Hastings, the Rolling Stone journalist who triggered the 2010 downfall of US Afghanistan commander General Stanley McChrystal, died in a car crash Tuesday, his employer announced.

Hastings, whose profile of McChrystal quoted the four-star general as criticizing President Barack Obama and his senior advisers, died in Los Angeles. He was 33, according to his current employer, BuzzFeed.

“We are shocked and devastated by the news that Michael Hastings is gone,”said Ben Smith, editor-in-chief of the news website which the late reporter joined in February last year.

“Michael was a great, fearless journalist with an incredible instinct for the story, and a gift for finding ways to make his readers care about anything he covered from wars to politicians,” he added.

McChrystal was summoned to Washington by Obama in June 2010 and swiftly relieved of his command after comments attributed to him and his aides in the magazine article, headlined “The Runaway General.”In the profile, McChrystal aides mocked Vice President Joe Biden, called the president's national security adviser “a clown,” and said the general was “disappointed” by his first meeting with Obama.

McChrystal himself was quoted deriding the US special envoy to the region, Richard Holbrooke, and saying he felt “betrayed” by the ambassador to Kabul, Karl Eikenberry, who had raised pointed objections to his war strategy.

BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Smith said Hastings “wrote stories that would otherwise have gone unwritten, and without him there are great stories that will go untold.”Rolling Stone managing editor Will Dana also paid tribute to Hastings, who was a contributing editor to the bi-weekly magazine.

“Great reporters exude a certain kind of electricity,” he said.

Such journalists give off “the sense that there are stories burning inside them, and that there's no higher calling or greater way to live life than to be always relentlessly trying to find and tell those stories.

”Obama replaced McChrystal in Afghanistan with David Petraeus, the talismanic general who rescued a losing war in Iraq and was one of the most decorated and respected military people of his generation.

Petraeus went on to lead the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 2011, but resigned in disgrace in November 2012 after admitting an affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell, 20 years his junior.

US reporter who felled Gen McChrystal dies in crash - DAWN.COM
lol, you ppl getting your panties in a twist.

Pic from the crash site, single car accident, my layman's and my driver's opinions say he was pushing it on the straight stretch of road and lost control, but ofcourse everyone is free to form his own opinion.


If you drive at "hell of a lot of speed"
then get into an accident

you will see then "hell of a lot of fire"

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I dunno...call me paranoid.... but something here rubs me wrong
Let the conspiracy (theory) begin.

--- The more constipated the better

Why are you people so allergic to different points of view ? This very habit of smashing everything else you don't believe as a "conspiracy theory" in a bid to ridicule a human is just wrong and stupid ... Many people themselves don't realize that this is the very attitude religious fundamentalists have.... lack of ability to comprehend or even try to understand another persons point of view ... Except your not willing to kill over it...

Jimstonefreelance.com - The new root of truth. (Very important ..please go through it)

In his book "The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America's War in Afghanistan” Hastings described a death threat he received from a McChrystal staffer.

"We'll hunt you down and kill you if we don't like what you write," the staffer allegedly told him. "Well, I get death threats like that about once a year, so no worries,” Hastings responded.

Car accident ? Just drives off the road into a tree??? How stupid do they think we are anyway?

Looks like Hastings had received Death threats from McCrystals staffer.....
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May be someone was following him and that made him speed?
W...this is the very attitude religious fundamentalists have.....

Religious fundoos and commies are the top dogs when it comes to starting constipated conspiracy theories, like 3000 Juice who stayed home on Sept 11.

etc. etc. etc.

If you drive at "hell of a lot of speed"
then get into an accident

you will see then "hell of a lot of fire"


No you don't.... this isn't the movies .... Mercedez just don't burn up like that
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