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Journalist forced to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’ by Hindutva fanatics


Nov 29, 2020
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New Delhi: A group of Hindutva fanatics on Sunday forced Anmol Pritam, a journalist associated with the ‘National Dastak’ YouTube channel when he was covering an anti-Muslim gathering called by former BJP spokesperson Ashwini Upadhyaya at Jantar Mantar.

”If so many people surround and ask me to chant Jai Shri Ram then I will not do it. I will chant the slogan if I wish to do so,” the 24-year-old journalist Pritam told the group.

Pritam has shared a video clip on Twitter, in which he can be seen being forced to chant the slogan.

Apart from the aforementioned incident, several hate speeches were made and anti-Muslim slogans were raised at the event. A group of men shouted the slogan, ”When Muslims will be cut into pieces they will shout Ram Ram”

Several social media influencers have appreciated Pritam for resisting against Hindutva fanatics.

”Salute @anmolpritamND . You are the bravest journalist. You have shown immense moral and mental strength in extreme situation,” Dilip Mandal said on Twitter.
Those smiling religious fanatics, in another situation, could have easily cut him up with swords or burnt him alive. One was that huge fellow at 21:43 mins who directly told him "Come outside and I will show you". And there was that older fanatic who became so emotional.

But salute to this journalist, Anmol Pritam ( and his cameraman ), though maybe he should have said what they wanted him to say given the dangerous situation.

Are these highly "religious" people so unknowing of the many problems in India - people dying of hunger and from easily treatable diseases ? Many of these gathered people are middle class who run shops or do white collar jobs and are single-minded in feeding the street dogs in their area while also being single-minded not to be bothered about people suffering from hunger or dying from treatable disease. And why are our recent Bollywood films and OTT content concentrating on frivolous things instead of bringing at least two films each year on important issues ?

And these people were calling dismissing the protesting farmers as being part of the agenda of "terrorists" and leftists but are they aware that 300,000+ farmers in India committed suicide between 1995 and 2017 mainly because of ( artificially-existent ) socio-economic reasons ?


@Drizzt, thank you for posting the thread.

@Naofumi @xeuss @Joe Shearer @T90TankGuy @Goenitz - please watch the entire vid.
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Sooar katey jayenge, ram ram chillayenge. Was the chant.

They want the UCC, and oppose a proposed Haj house being built in a non Muslim area.

Journalist was shouted at but no physical harm was inflicted on him.

No big deal, a few unsavoury slogans but a democratic protest. During the CAA rioting and protests, the muslims were at it with their own unsavoury sloganeering.

Spicy democracy, that is all, no blood, bullets or bombs.
Please see the initial part of my previous post.

When and if some real UCC comes the Hindutvadis will find the removal of many of their own cultural elements gone. :)

I don't know about BD but what about Pak ?
Nope. Nothing like india where there are organized vigilante group formed under the protection of the ruling setup to hunt down and kill minorities in a coordinated way as seen even during the visit of Pres. Trump.
Nope. Nothing like india where there are organized vigilante group formed under the protection of the ruling setup to hunt down and kill minorities in a coordinated way as seen even during the visit of Pres. Trump.

Nonetheless a variation exists though perhaps in lesser number :
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A mob accused of burning alive a Christian couple in an industrial kiln in Pakistan allegedly wrapped a pregnant mother in cotton so she would catch fire more easily, according to family members who witnessed the attack.

Sajjad Maseeh, 27, and his wife Shama Bibi, 24, were set upon by at least 1,200 people after rumors circulated that they had burned verses from the Quran, family spokesman Javed Maseeh told NBC News via telephone late Thursday. Their legs were also broken so they couldn't run away.

"They picked them up by their arms and legs and held them over the brick furnace until their clothes caught fire," he said. "And then they threw them inside the furnace."

Bibi, a mother of four who was four months pregnant, was wearing an outfit that initially didn't burn, according to Javed Maseeh. The mob removed her from over the kiln and wrapped her up in cotton to make sure the garments would be set

Although burning the Quran is technically punishable by death in Pakistan, Tuesday's killing in Punjab province has triggered protests by the country's Christians and prompted Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to say he would show "no mercy" to those responsible.

As rumors gathered pace that they had burned pages from the Muslim holy book, the couple tried to flee but were forbidden to leave by the brick factory's owner. Just like their parents, the slain pair worked under an arrangement of bonded labor and the owner said they owed him money.

Accompanied by a dozen people, factory owner Yousaf Gujjar allegedly went to the couple's home last weekend and locked them in an office so they couldn't leave. By Tuesday, loudspeaker announcements from local mosques were branding Sajjad and Shama as "blasphemous" and saying they should be "wajib-ul-qatal," which translates as "necessarily murdered," according to the family's account.

Unable to break down the office door, the swelling crowd ripped open the building’s thatched roof. "They first threw bricks at them," said Javed Maseeh, who is Sajjad's cousin. "Then they dragged them out" and burned them.

Please don't pretend as if you live in a society that has evolved from regressive and primitive practices.
Bhai, in Bangladesh those Jamaat-e-Islami and Hefazat-e-Islam types were / are no better.

I partially agree with you and I was partially joking in regards to my original comment.

But looking at videos like this, I can't help thinking about the fine line between humans and animals.
Curry is totally not a thing in Bangladesh.

Please see the initial part of my previous post.

When and if some real UCC comes the Hindutvadis will find the removal of many of their own beloved cultural elements gone. :)
What part, about BD Islamist zealots being of a similar bent to Indian rw ?

Yes, we're ok to let go of those Hindu laws etc, no problem.
Nonetheless a variation exists though perhaps in lesser number :

Please don't pretend as if you live in a society that has evolved from regressive and primitive practices.
Nope. These are neither government supported as in india nor as wide spread as to happen every other day. One day in the name of cow, next day love jihad and for NRC/CAA or whatever the day after.

What is a headline news followed by government action and widespread societal condemnation and self correction in Pakistan is just another Sunday in india.
What part, about BD Islamist zealots being of a similar bent to Indian rw ?

Sorry I meant the initial part of post #2 in response to your post #6 "Journalist was shouted at...".

Yes, we're ok to let go of those Hindu laws etc, no problem.


Nope. These are neither government supported as in india nor as wide spread as to happen every other day. One day in the name of cow, next day love jihad and for NRC/CAA or whatever the day after.

I agree about the underlined but there was once a time in Pakistan ( 1980s ) when the government policy was to encourage regressivism in Pakistan and regressive interference in a neighboring country. But it is fantastic that Musharraf came along and through his propagation of Enlightened Moderation gave encouragement and space to those elements that were better or progressive.
Sorry I meant post #2 in response to your post #6 "Journalist was shouted at...".
This wasn't a murderous lynch mob by any stretch. Unsavoury slogans, yes... a big group of jazbatis, yes.. but nobody was at risk. They wanted air time and to be on camera shouting at that guy who they opposed politically... just good old fashioned democracy and jazbati public gatherings... barely a story if you ask me...

Unless one is of a commie thought policing bent ;)
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