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John Kerry’s ‘apartheid' claim bursts Israel bubble: Commentator

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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John Kerry’s ‘apartheid' claim bursts Israel bubble: Commentator

Interview with Franklin Lamb

Press TV has conducted an interview with Franklin Lamb, political commentator, Beirut about the statement by US Secretary of State John Kerry that Israel risks becoming an apartheid state if fails to make peace with the Palestinian Authorities.

The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: How do you react to this statement, it seems quite significant coming out of the US Secretary of State?

Lamb: It is very significant I would have thought and I submit.

It is one of those times in history where sometimes a word or a phrase can make a big difference and what this is doing is bursting a bubble, including for the Zionists.

I think he knew what he was saying. I think that that word was chosen not only because John Kerry – believe it or not and I met him several times when I worked in Washington – is pro-civil rights. He is pro-human rights – we’ve seen that in his record.

But... he’s been shackled as so many have.

Now that he has decided not to seek the nomination for president in 2016 – partly because he knows that the Zionists will ‘blackball’ him – he is speaking out and he is speaking out, out of frustration and out of concern for the Palestinians and for America’s reputation.

So I think we’re going to hear a lot about this. His other remarks I think are not so solid – the idea that there has got to be a two-state solution... No! There won’t be a two-state solution in my opinion any more than the fake peace process warranted even that label.

The fact of the matter is there must be ONE state. One state; 1 person 1 vote; no chosen people idea; no apartheid regime; no Jewish State – which is the only reason they’re proposing that so that the Zionist regime can expel the Arabs. That’s the direction history is taking us.

He stopped short of that. But by signaling the label, the ‘A’ word – the ‘A’ word ‘Apartheid’, it’s going to be very significant.

And I know as a fact that this view is shared widely by Congress on Capitol Hill; and within the Pentagon; and the White House and the State Department; and importantly, among the international intelligence community, which as you know is made up of those 16 intelligence agencies from the CIA to defensive intelligence etc etc.

So, it’s momentous. And it may be, if people focus, it may be a galvanizing factor in pushing this through.

Kerry and the Americans have gone a long way with their patience with the Zionist regime. Kerry by using that word is expressing what most observers of this “situation”, of this peace process there and that it was dead on arrival and that it was 40 years of a hoax to cover for the Zionist colonial expansion in setting up these settlements.

And then you’ve got the verbiage from a minster and some others that they’ve got to annex... Well, they’re going to run into this problem and I think one of the reasons Kerry used this term was to put a stop to that.

It is time. It is time for the international community to face this and the only way Palestine will be liberated and there will be justice for Jews who want to stay there and for the Arabs whose homeland it is, is through resistance.

Resistance... we’ve known that, we’ve tried other things; the powers that be tried other methods; we’re back to square one and square one is resistance.

Press TV: You say that Kerry’s statement will put a stop or should put a stop to Israeli land grab; but will it realistically stop this Israeli land grab because it seems that at this point at least that Israel is seemingly out of control, even out of US control?

Lamb: Quite right, they are out.

And I didn’t mean to say – excuse me if I implied that – that the use of this term is going to solve that – No. It may well drive the Zionists under a banner of “Oh, now Kerry’s anti-Semitic ... .” So, we’re going to have to look after ourselves because nobody else will.

But that will be futile if the resistance grows and I’m talking about everything from BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement) and college communities around the world -this resistance will grow. It might feed an overdue growth in expansion, if you will, of the resistance, which as we know takes a thousand forms.

So, they may well do that, but at least I think this word choice by Kerry is going to energize the international community to heighten resistance to the apartheid land grabbing regime.

PressTV - John Kerry’s ‘apartheid' claim bursts Israel bubble: Commentator

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