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Jim Traficant talks about Jewish control of America

It's not as simple as you are tried to sound. There is background behind the story.

Jim Traficant went over to Israel and got that guy out of jail over there that the jews had said was a 'concentration camp' guard. Dukmajin, or something. The Israeli judges had declared that there was no evidence against him, but none the less, he was in jail in Israel, and Traficant got him released somehow. The jews hated him for doing this.
John Demjanjuk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

even Traficant admits his conviction was related to his 1983 acquittal of similar charges.
Sir with all due respect you said the phrase "long before when islam was the religion"....i dont agree with this.
Islam means "submission to One God"....it was there when Adam came, was there when Moses came, was there when Jesus came and when every prophet or messenger came ..he braught the message of "submission to One God"...and that in Arabic means Islam...and the followers of respective prophets (Peace be upon them)....were all "those who submitted to the will of One God"...in Arabic which means Muslims.

God says in the Quran...16:36
"And verily We have raised in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods. Then some of them (there were) whom Allah guided, and some of them (there were) upon whom error had just hold. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for the deniers! (36)"

This means that where ever humans had lived ..be it india..south america...or any place a messenger was sent with the same message and according to Billal Philips only the last group was sent to Middle East...many of which are the common prophets of Abrahamic religions(Islam, Christianity and Judaism)

There was only one religion...and thats submission to One God and submitting to the will of One God and believing in all His prophets.
To remind you again...
Islam: "submission to One God"
Muslims: "Those who submit to the will of One God.
Thus muslims were there among every nation since the beggining of this world..who believed in On True God and who believed in prophets sent to them.

Hope this helps you...Regards
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now lets not go into side issues but i post this list, since its relevant to this discussion

The Disney Group

Michael Eisner - Disney, Capital Cities/ ABC

Joe Roth - Disney Pictures, Touchstone

Weinstein Brothers - Miramax

Steven Bornstein - ESPN, A&E

Leonard Goldenson - former head of ABC

Robert Iger - current head of ABC

Stuart Bloomberg - Programming

AOL/Time Warner

Gerald Levin - AOL/Time Warner, Time, Sports Illustrated, HBO, CNN,

Norman Pearlstine - Chief of content, bloomberg

Danny Goldberg - Warner Bros. Records to 1995

Stuart Hersch - Warner Video

The Redstone Group
Sumner Redstone (Murray Rothstein) - CBS, Viacom, Blockbuster, Prentice
Hall, Simon & Schuster Publishers, Pocket, Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon
TV and radio companies

Rupert Murdoch (½ Jewish)- News Corp. Fox

Peter Chernin - Fox TV, 20th Century Fox, NY Post
Laura Ziskin - Fox 2000
Peter Roth - Fox Entertainment
Tom Rothman- 20th Century Fox Studios


Jeff Zucker - President of NBC

Neal Shapiro- (former)NBC News President, Dateline Exec. Producer

Other Jewish Visual Media Moguls:
Ronald Perelman - New World Entertainment, Revlon

Steven Spielberg, Jeff Katzenberg, David Geffen - Dreamworks SKG

Edgar Bronfman (World Jewish Congress president) - MCA, Universal,

Seagrams, BET 3 (Black Entertainment Television)

Michael Schulhof - (former president of Sony America)

Sony Corporation of America: Howard Stringer - chief

-Columbia Pictures: Amy Pascal - chair ?????

Warner Bros.: Barry Meyer - chair; Jordan Levin - pres. of Warner Bros. Entertainment.

Miramax Films: Harvey Weinstein - CEO

Paramount: Sherry Lansing - president of Paramount Communications and chair of Paramount Pictures’ Motion Picture Group.

DreamWorks: Stephen Spielberg, David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg (owners)

MTV Entertainment: Brian Graden - president

Turner Entertainment: Brad Siegal - president
Clear Channel Communications: Robert Sillerman - founder

Wall Street Journal: Peter R. Kahn, CEO

New York Times, Boston Globe, and other publications: published by Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr.

New York Daily News: Mortimer Zuckerman, owner

Village Voice, New Times and network of alternative weeklies: Owned by David Schneiderman

Washington Post: Donald Graham, chair and CEO, son of Katharine Graham Meyer, former owner of Washington Post

San Francisco Chronicle: Ron Rosenthal, managing editor; Phil Bronstein, exec. editor

AOL-Time Warner Book Group: Laurence Kirshbaum, editor


US News & World Report: Mortimer Zuckerman, owner and chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish-American Organizations, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbying groups

New Republic: Marty Peretz, owner and publisher (NR openly identifies itself as pro-Israel.)

Barron’s: Peter R. Kahn, CEO

National Review: Michael Ledeen, editor

Business Week: Bruce Nussbaum, editorial page editor

Newsweek: Donald Graham, chair and CEO, and Howard Fineman, chief political columnist

Weekly Standard: William Kristol, editor, also executive director, Project for a New American Century, (PNAC)

The New Yorker: David Reznik, editor; Nicholas Lehman, writer; Henrick Hertzberg, “Talk of the Town” editor

List of Jewish American politicians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Axelrod - Senior Advisor to the President
Larry Summers - Economic Advisor to the President
Paul Volcker - Economic Advisor to the President
Peter Orszag - Head of Budget
Rahm Emanuel - Chief of Staff
Ronald Klain - Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States
Tim Geithner - Treasury Secetary


1. This list may have some wrong entries - this is because it was compiled from various sites and blogs.

2. This list is far from exhaustive.


1. The American Jewish population was estimated to be approximately 5,128,000 (1.7%)

2. There seems to be a trend that jewish people in these positions tended to be replaced by others jews aswell.

“As a proud Jew,” writes Joel Stein, a columnist for the Los Angeles Times, “I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood … I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.” [13]

lets try and have a discussion based on some facts guys.
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Judeo Christian ties is the main thing that binds Israel and the U.S. together. Not some Jewish lobby effort. Israel also enjoys strong support and economic benefits. becuase they have proven themselves to be more of a friend. then any other Arab nation in the area.

America was founded on the principle of freedom of religion. And Christianity was the main force behind that. when people saw Israel come into existence as a country after approximately 2000 years. as was prophesied long before Islam was even a religion. They are going to show favor to them. As I have said before on this forum. The fight with the Jews and Muslims is a religious one. No Muslim country will ever be victorious against Israel in driving them out. They hold God's favor.

And before you make the argument that it was man and not God that gave them Palestine. Know this God uses men a lot of the time in orchestrating events. You may see the battle as not over. and you are right. there is a large battle coming but just as with every other attempt to destroy Israel. it will not succeed. Nor will the U.S. stand by and allow anyone to try and destroy them. If this causes Muslim countries to hate the U.S. then so be it.

May be this can help

On Sunday March 16, 2003 in Rafah, occupied Gaza, 23 year old American peace activist Rachel Corrie from Olympia, Washington was murdered (crushed to death) by a US-made Israeli bulldozer. As a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement, Rachel was in Gaza opposing the bulldozing of Palestinian homes by the Israeli army.
Rachel Corrie

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