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JF17 is an aircraft of present,Tejas is an aircraft of future - IAF chief

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Strawman, but yes, the same high standards for the other products as well which is why they take time.
And unlike some people our work is not done for us so that we can give it bombastic urdu names only for it to have next to nil pakistani subsystems in them.
The link i provided for all the input gone into Tejas by all major manufacturers is suffice to put your out of box claims to rest....I'm sure it was your so called high standards which made one Baldev Singh take his own life.....maybe you have created another terminology for that.
Lolol, keep telling yourself that, JFT is through and through chinese, it wouldn't be sold to other countries if china was opposed to it.
Its basic common sense that the party that gives more to the partnership has more of a hold in the same.
Your bankrupt mentality is getting the best of you, it's exactly a partnership in a joint venture which you are in denial....Chinese have more influence around the world, they sell weapons around the globe hence have a dedicated market....why would they need Pakistan to market the JF-17 unless Pakistan's own interest is involved.....try to swallow the bitter pill.
Also, why would we want to sell Su-30MKIs?
They are not Indian planes, try to make sense will you.
You are the one who needs the sense, here now you have answered it yourself.....India can't but Pakistan can.
What's funny here is that forget the construction of it in India, again even in a non Indian fighter like the Su-30 MKI we have more Indian components in it than you pakistanis have on your so called "joint venture" JF-17.
Ignoring the rest of your dribble, i guess it must be due to the Indian parts in it due to which it's only somewhat 60% operational.....not an issue with other SU-30s flying with other air arms.
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The link i provided for all the input gone into Tejas by all major manufacturers is suffice to put your out of box claims to rest.

The Tejas went through "all" manufacturers who gave us nothing.
9 pages of nothing but slinging insults at each other and tit for tat mud slinging. It is the view of an Air chief that their fighter is for tomorrow. Fine! What is the problem with that. It might mean that they have decided to use their experience gained from Tejas to build a better fighter tomorrow. IF and WHEN that fighter surfaces, we can then debate whether it is a good effort or not.
What that simply means is that the current version of Tejas is not the finished product. Plain and simple. So what is the fuss about.
Let the IAF chief build a better fighter first and then start comparing. For now this whole issue has been a total and utter waste of effort and band width. The thread needs to be closed as it contributes nothing to our knowledge base.
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9 pages of nothing but slinging insults at each other and tit for tat mud slinging. It is the view of an Air chief that their fighter is for tomorrow. Fine! What is the problem with that. It mivhf mean that they have decided to use their experience gained from Tejas to build a better fivhter tomorrow. IF and WHEN that fighter surfaces, we can then debate whether it is a good effort or not.
What that simply means is that the current version of Tejas is not the finished product. Plain and simple. So what is the fuss about.
Let the IAF chief build a better fighter first and then start comparing. For now this whole issue has been a total and utter waste of effort and band width. The thread needs to be closed as it contributes nothing to our knowledge base.

Meh, the ACM is only saying the JF-17 is operational (present) and the Tejas is yet to become fully operational (future).

And since the Tejas is yet to be configured, it will have better stuff on it.

Nothing special.
Meh, the ACM is only saying the JF-17 is operational (present) and the Tejas is yet to become fully operational (future).

And since the Tejas is yet to be configured, it will have better stuff on it.

Nothing special.
Block 4 (JF17) vrs Tejas (Mark1), because when Tejas will be full operational after 3 years we will have 13 years old mature platform. Tejas already waste lots of valuable time and by the time tejas mature the era of 4 gen will be end. So India is wasting time and money on it. India should focus of 6th gen now so that after 25 to 40 years it can reach her target because currently all 6th gen is in drawing boards only
Block 4 (JF17) vrs Tejas (Mark1), because when Tejas will be full operational after 3 years we will have 13 years old mature platform. Tejas already waste lots of valuable time and by the time tejas mature the era of 4 gen will be end. So India is wasting time and money on it. India should focus of 6th gen now so that after 25 to 40 years it can reach her target because currently all 6th gen is in drawing boards only

Tejas is already operational. 8 are in service and very well tested in recent exercises. All 20 will be operational by the end of the year.

Tejas and JF-17 timelines are pretty much similar and the Tejas's foundation technologies are far more advanced, 4 channel FBW, advanced airframe, superior engine etc.

Plus, unlike the JF-17, the Tejas was primarily made for air defence, and the design is still relevant.

The major difference is the JF-17's current configuration is from the 90s while the Tejas's upcoming configuration for the definitive version is from the late 2010s. So the JF-17's product maturity lead at this stage is irrelevant. The Tejas will be more comparable to the Block 3. And both jets may see simultaneous inductions. By then, the first 20 jets will have reached all the maturity necessary.

We are working on both 5th and 6th gen designs. We are even working on 7th gen designs, stuff that can fly into space. The foundation technologies for the 7th gen design is being worked on today through ISRO.

Tejas is already operational. 8 are in service and very well tested in recent exercises. All 20 will be operational by the end of the year.

Tejas and JF-17 timelines are pretty much similar and the Tejas's foundation technologies are far more advanced, 4 channel FBW, advanced airframe, superior engine etc.

Plus, unlike the JF-17, the Tejas was primarily made for air defence, and the design is still relevant.

The major difference is the JF-17's current configuration is from the 90s while the Tejas's upcoming configuration for the definitive version is from the late 2010s. So the JF-17's product maturity lead at this stage is irrelevant. The Tejas will be more comparable to the Block 3. And both jets may see simultaneous inductions. By then, the first 20 jets will have reached all the maturity necessary.

We are working on both 5th and 6th gen designs. We are even working on 7th gen designs, stuff that can fly into space. The foundation technologies for the 7th gen design is being worked on today through ISRO.

And 8th ven faster than light
This forum turns in to troll. No heathy discussion
Block 4 (JF17) vrs Tejas (Mark1), because when Tejas will be full operational after 3 years we will have 13 years old mature platform. Tejas already waste lots of valuable time and by the time tejas mature the era of 4 gen will be end. So India is wasting time and money on it. India should focus of 6th gen now so that after 25 to 40 years it can reach her target because currently all 6th gen is in drawing boards only
Wait for some BJP leader to claim that 6th gen fighter was designed/developed by sadhus in ancient India. No need for India to spend billions on R&D just re-invent what was done thousands of centuries ago. When they have an easier and probably the quickest way, why follow a length treacherous road?

Tejas is already operational. 8 are in service and very well tested in recent exercises. All 20 will be operational by the end of the year.

Tejas and JF-17 timelines are pretty much similar and the Tejas's foundation technologies are far more advanced, 4 channel FBW, advanced airframe, superior engine etc.

Plus, unlike the JF-17, the Tejas was primarily made for air defence, and the design is still relevant.

The major difference is the JF-17's current configuration is from the 90s while the Tejas's upcoming configuration for the definitive version is from the late 2010s. So the JF-17's product maturity lead at this stage is irrelevant. The Tejas will be more comparable to the Block 3. And both jets may see simultaneous inductions. By then, the first 20 jets will have reached all the maturity necessary.

We are working on both 5th and 6th gen designs. We are even working on 7th gen designs, stuff that can fly into space. The foundation technologies for the 7th gen design is being worked on today through ISRO.

Yup, 36 years and 10 years are 'pretty much similar' time periods by Indian standards. Good to know. Gentleman, you should join Indian DRDO or ISRO rather than wasting your time here. I get saddened when I see such a high class talent being lost on bloggers.
We are working on both 5th and 6th gen designs. We are even working on 7th gen designs, stuff that can fly into space. The foundation technologies for the 7th gen design is being worked on today through ISRO.
Now I am sure why do people here call India "Shupa-Powa".

I will say, stop making these 'working on 6th and 7th generation stuff" and start productizing 4th sen stuff first? All there is to show is a light weight plane with combat radius around 1200 KM or so. Not all weight class or reach have been covered. '6th Gen' and '7th Gen' is a far talk if Indian designed and built planes cann't even reach North or East of Wuhan and come back. That is the minimal requirement before any further tall claims are made. Satisfy basic requirement first and then we will see how far in space Indian designed planes go.
The link i provided for all the input gone into Tejas by all major manufacturers is suffice to put your out of box claims to rest....I'm sure it was your so called high standards which made one Baldev Singh take his own life.....maybe you have created another terminology for that.

Bravo, you posted a years old link that mostly only confirms your bias which I disproved in a moment.

Again, we have and will continue to have more Indian subsystems in Tejas while you wallow at how you don't have and won't have any pakistani ones in yours.

Baldev Singh, seriously?
Another strawman argument, its almost as if you are desperate to stray from the subject coz your original rhetoric can't stand on its own 2 legs, who knew.

Your bankrupt mentality is getting the best of you, it's exactly a partnership in a joint venture which you are in denial....Chinese have more influence around the world, they sell weapons around the globe hence have a dedicated market....why would they need Pakistan to market the JF-17 unless Pakistan's own interest is involved.....try to swallow the bitter pill.

On the contrary your naivety is getting the better of you.

Pakistan's benefit? :what:
You mean mutual benefit, pakistan is at best opening doors for its sale in muslim countries, while the chinese get to have pakistan owe them a boat load while simultaneously unloading cheap fighters they themselves wouldn't induct, on less capable air forces.

Again, JFT is nothing without the chinese, and to pretend that you have an equal hold over JFT's sale is just simply funny.

For example, why is a muslim country selling arms to a non muslim country that is actively driving away muslims i.e. JF-17s being marketed to Myanmar?

You are the one who needs the sense, here now you have answered it yourself.....India can't but Pakistan can.

You mean China can.
India on the other hand can make subsystems for a non Indian plane whereas pakistan can't do it for something pakistanis love to parade as their own, oh sorry "joint venture".

Ignoring the rest of your dribble, i guess it must be due to the Indian parts in it due to which it's only somewhat 60% operational.....not an issue with other SU-30s flying with other air arms.

150 air superiority fighters against a lagging PAF that has how many fighters equivalent to the Su-30s?
Oh, such a handicap we have.

As for other air forces, almost none of those air forces ride the Su30s as hard as we do, hence the need for frequent spares in an already maintenance intensive aircraft.
Also, a new deal to make a $600 million spare facility especially to increase availability of the MKIs is being constructed by HAL.

Some air forces like the RMAF are trained by the IAF and their MKMs get their parts manufactured from HAL.
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Yup, 36 years and 10 years are 'pretty much similar' time periods by Indian standards. Good to know. Gentleman, you should join Indian DRDO or ISRO rather than wasting your time here. I get saddened when I see such a high class talent being lost on bloggers.

36 years? No wonder Pakistanis don't create anything worthwhile.

How is 2013-2001 = 36 years? Check when the first flight took place and when the IOC was achieved. And the look at the foundation technologies used and how many countries have such technologies in their hands.

Now I am sure why do people here call India "Shupa-Powa".

I will say, stop making these 'working on 6th and 7th generation stuff" and start productizing 4th sen stuff first? All there is to show is a light weight plane with combat radius around 1200 KM or so. Not all weight class or reach have been covered. '6th Gen' and '7th Gen' is a far talk if Indian designed and built planes cann't even reach North or East of Wuhan and come back. That is the minimal requirement before any further tall claims are made. Satisfy basic requirement first and then we will see how far in space Indian designed planes go.

We are already producing 4th gen stuff, we are already choosing manufacturers for 5th and 6th gen stuff and conducting foundation research for 7th gen stuff. It's all happening as we speak.

Tejas need complete 50 years of development to actually become a fighter.
So still some time to go.
Tejas need complete 50 years of development to actually become a fighter.
So still some time to go.

As of today, Tejas Mk1 is more capable than a Mirage-2000H, less capable than a Mirage-2000I. Primarily because M-2000I has sensor fusion and better EW.

The new Mk1A will surpass the M-2000I by a healthy margin.
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