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Sir, any difference between Blk3 wingtip rails and earlier block ones.?

Earlier ones were short.
this one can fit this
Crash at final approach is not a good sign even if its a bird strike. We designed FC1 to avert such situations and FC1 RD93 has redundancy build into it. It has excellent low and slow speed flight profile. Looks like a failure of LP. Red alert sign.

One JF-17B crashed. Pilots ejected. Chutes observed. The crash happened on final approach.
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A machine can always be replaced , with high number of birds near landing zone accidents happen
As long as the pilots managed to safely land
No confirmation of the type of aircraft. Indians claim its a Thunder B.
relatives in the air force have confirmed that it was Thunder B and was hit be a bird during final approach۔ something needs to done about birds around runways...
relatives in the air force have confirmed that it was Thunder B and was hit be a bird during final approach۔ something needs to done about birds around runways...
that something is called good civic sense and better waste management.
the way garbage is thrown out in the open attracts birds.
its a total mindset about cleanliness that needs to be changedin our society that will never happen.

a short term solution is to make all area near landing approach outof bound. have the dumping sites moved.
otherwise no amount of installing bird shooters will ensure full safety.

any permanent preventive measure will be cheaper than losing a jet. but our PAF leadership has habit of never learning.

recal we lost F16 due to hogs crossing runway because the geniuses thought it was expensive to erect boundry wall or barb wire all alongthe base.
that something is called good civic sense and better waste management.
the way garbage is thrown out in the open attracts birds.
its a total mindset about cleanliness that needs to be changedin our society that will never happen.

a short term solution is to make all area near landing approach outof bound. have the dumping sites moved.
otherwise no amount of installing bird shooters will ensure full safety.

any permanent preventive measure will be cheaper than losing a jet. but our PAF leadership has habit of never learning.

recal we lost F16 due to hogs crossing runway because the geniuses thought it was expensive to erect boundry wall or barb wire all alongthe base.
agreed. our people need to grow the heck up! A good start was this Eid ul Adha when the PAF made public service ads advising people living around air bases to ensure cleanliness after animal sacrifices so that the animal waste won't attract birds that can be dangerous to the PAF aircrafts which are assets of the people and for their defense.
a short term solution is to make all area near landing approach outof bound. have the dumping sites moved.

Easy to say, hard to implement. Whose jurisdictional duty would it be, and who would pay for it, both for the initial move and then to maintain the sites?
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