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JF-17A/B 's cockpit (pictures)

But we need to get more simulators for our Airforce pilots , the simulators that they have looks great for alot of advance trainings in class room so the manuvers can be done in air as well

Perhaps we should invest in the chinese trainers for the JF17 thunder platform
the new L15 cockpit

Thats one very beautiful cockpit,:cheers:
Bluddy Indian trolls, they cannot accept anything at all. Whine and winge is all they do. The thread was to show the cockpit of the JF17, but all of a sudden, Indians wish to derail the thread again, just like countless others, Mods seriously need to start watching their behaviour here as there is a clear pattern emerging with the posts.
Bluddy Indian trolls, they cannot accept anything at all. Whine and winge is all they do. The thread was to show the cockpit of the JF17, but all of a sudden, Indians wish to derail the thread again, just like countless others, Mods seriously need to start watching their behaviour here as there is a clear pattern emerging with the posts.

I second that, infact Indians are ruining every other Pakistani thread with their BS. Mods please take note of this and restrict this Indian trolling on every Pakistan thread.
Bluddy Indian trolls, they cannot accept anything at all. Whine and winge is all they do. The thread was to show the cockpit of the JF17, but all of a sudden, Indians wish to derail the thread again, just like countless others, Mods seriously need to start watching their behaviour here as there is a clear pattern emerging with the posts.

Read post #12 and you will see who derailed it... and which BLUDDY did it
seems like an decent important over the original.

But now that France has given the cold shoulder to Pakistan, You may have to settle for what the Chinese have to offer.
seems like an decent important over the original.

But now that France has given the cold shoulder to Pakistan, You may have to settle for what the Chinese have to offer.

Thanks we already know that without your need to tell us but then again:disagree: and by the way being on hold does not mean its off the table, lets see how events unfold once India decides its MRCA.
Clearly we can see the improvements Chinese are making in their Avionics suit and Pakistan should benifit from this knowledge sharing

Who know we might see some of this for our future crafts :coffee:

Just shows what Chinese Avionics are capable of


It would be amazing if we can use some of this next generation avionics being developed by Chinese Avionics firms:china:

Can these be used in any of our fighters that we have or should we wait for J14?
Man seems as another thread going to a waste ... we can not even talk about nothing anymore in peace with you guys fighting with each other all the time. Guys really lets pay some respect to the site for once and stop this childesh bs nonsense.
india feels the might

If you have the feeling that we experience the slightest bit of worry witnessing your nation procure JF-17s and swiftly induct them, then you're gravely mistaken.

JF-17 is nothing but a cheap alternative to modern day fighters, a wanna be in the F-16 league. You're merely trying to satisfy yourself that your APC is a Battle tank and even fantasizing battle scenarios about it.

Now since the French avionics are on hold, everyone seems to be praising the Chinese avionics ..The forum members seem to know more about technology and Chinese capability than PAF itself, which is why it made the mistake of approaching the French for avionics.

I have come to realize that this is just a support system used to satisfy your insecurities.
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