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JF-17 Testing With New Fuel Tanks

People under influence of drugs, grandiosity or intoxicated... All such should not post on the forum... Coz all three will start with belittling the others and blowing their trumpet either openly or in a discretest way possible.
A message can be conveyed without hurling abuse and showing some decorum.
Good day

Old man---& stop being so arrogant---isn't that an oxymoron---.

I am too old to change my stripes---. I am a creature of habbit---. How about yourself---?

Can you stop " Hunting Bear "?

What do you think---@Mentee ?

M ki khiyal dsa'n
Meri ki mjaal ay g :partay:

@Bossman hi dude,

first of all **** you for being an insolent twat and my apologies if you find it offensive.

So here's the deal, when a human keeps in touch with the devil and the angels for a lengthy period of his life and happens to experience the modus operandi of both dimensions then rage takes over watching his own kind digging their graves - - - - - - -.

As for those ugly tin packs of a fuel tanks they do give the "jugard" vibes. Zid baazi m jahaz bna to Lia laikin ab na nigla ja rha na ugla - - - - -.

And being old ande xperienced is a prized position every growing man aspires to get.

Your father is old and you would also turn too ! So age factor is not derogatory at all like you wanted to paint it - - - - - - -.

The thing about mastan khan is that he's trying to pull you back to the basics of the real world - - - - - - - how to achieve the status of an empire and maintain it coz if you don't take the initiative of doing so then someone else will - - - - -

but you guys giving him a hard time out of your programmed artificial nature and many knowingly and to look different - - - - -.

I say screw those tts and professionals with a melodramatic attitude of a sissy girl and the diction of Shakespeare, only two things they are good at - - - - - -.

P:S: never underestimate and berate a kid and an old man for no reason, they could screw you in ways you might not even have imagined :lol:

Desperate Pakistani kids---so excited about this obsolete design fuel tank being installed on the JF17---.

What are you fools thinking---that this fuel tank will make it a Master Blaster from a chicken little---?

This is just an ordinary SURPLUS fuel tank that a poor air force is trying to convert for usage as there are a surplus of them---.
Well to be fair sir, the JF-17s haven't been flying around without their standard tanks and why don't we see these SURPLUS tanks on the platforms they were (IF) originally intended for and if the poor air force can afford to build and field a multi-million dollar aircraft then not quite sure why would it want to cut corners for pennies.
They are testing aero dynamics for some thing which may have similar weight and size...... Fuel tanks here are just some thing of similar dimensions which was available... The thing which is going to go here is probably not ready for live tests yet...

The fuel tanks are too little for jf 17

My 2 cents
M ki khiyal dsa'n
Meri ki mjaal ay g :partay:

@Bossman hi dude,

first of all **** you for being an insolent twat and my apologies if you find it offensive.

So here's the deal, when a human keeps in touch with the devil and the angels for a lengthy period of his life and happens to experience the modus operandi of both dimensions then rage takes over watching his own kind digging their graves - - - - - - -.

As for those ugly tin packs of a fuel tanks they do give the "jugard" vibes. Zid baazi m jahaz bna to Lia laikin ab na nigla ja rha na ugla - - - - -.

And being old ande xperienced is a prized position every growing man aspires to get.

Your father is old and you would also turn too ! So age factor is not derogatory at all like you wanted to paint it - - - - - - -.

The thing about mastan khan is that he's trying to pull you back to the basics of the real world - - - - - - - how to achieve the status of an empire and maintain it coz if you don't take the initiative of doing so then someone else will - - - - -

but you guys giving him a hard time out of your programmed artificial nature and many knowingly and to look different - - - - -.

I say screw those tts and professionals with a melodramatic attitude of a sissy girl and the diction of Shakespeare, only two things they are good at - - - - - -.

P:S: never underestimate and berate a kid and an old man for no reason, they could screw you in ways you might not even have imagined :lol:

Blindly following established names is the worst trait amongst Pakistanis, and the quoted post is a textbook example. Mr. Mastan Khan has shown ignorance of aeronautical engineering, and has once again committed the grave mistake of unwittingly treating an aircraft like a car. A high performance machine such as JF-17 can't simply be fitted with 'spare inventory' to make ends meet. If such crass procedures were followed, the end result would be similar to what you regularly read about IAF aircraft. Any new device will undergo physical tests only after careful analysis of its impact on the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft.

As to why these particular fuel tanks, I have already explained the reason of lower aerodynamic drag. Research based on numerical simulations suggests that a conical forebody followed by a cylindrical afterbody minimizes drag in the supersonic regime above Mach 2. As an example, here is an optimal shape


computed in the paper here


This shows that these fuel tanks are not obsolete, exactly because the laws of physics themselves are not obsolete. Furthermore, based on this information, one can speculate why PAF wants to use lower drag fuel tanks after a decade. And the answer is, as already discussed, either that something else is causing an increase in drag, or the Mach number of the aircraft is slated for increase.

Finally, stop acting like the PA of Mastan Khan.
Finally, stop acting like the PA of Mastan Khan

I dont give a rat arse about anyone on this forum no matter how large and pompous they are in real life except few posters . You don't have the intellectual capability to grasp on what he's offering - - - - - - - - - - -.

No matter how much you guys bad mouth him but this doesn't change the fact that this forum owes this car sales man half of its existence.

Blindly following established names is the worst trait amongst Pakistanis, and the quoted post is a textbook example
Yeah he wants to break bad behavior like this which is quite rampant in our security establishment.
Its better to wait for a year or so and then start replacing the existing engines of JF-17 with newly developed upgraded engines like WS13E or RD-93MA.
People under influence of drugs, grandiosity or intoxicated... All such should not post on the forum... Coz all three will start with belittling the others and blowing their trumpet either openly or in a discretest way possible.
A message can be conveyed without hurling abuse and showing some decorum.
Good day


So innocent you are my man---.

Come and work in the american corporate or management world---.

So innocent you are my man---.

Come and work in the american corporate or management world---.
Firstly a behaviour of a man does not depend upon whether he works in a corporate sector, runs a shop, a garage or a retail joint be it in us, eu or pakistan..
Its ur concience and inner control that stops u from using a particular word or a particular way to talk to ur fellow colleaguea or brothers..
As i said earlier a person has to be either drunk, intoxicated, pompous or a twit to think high of himself and belittle others as all the books, all the literature and all the religions or sects out there advocate humility, patience and calmness even if put against the worst adversary and imbeciles out there.
Lastly my take on this is
Humility, courteousness, contentment and patience are the biggest blessings of almighty allah after a good health. One should always pray for these.

Having said this, You sir, u have the right to agree or simply ignore my message and practice what u deem suitable for u.

P. S. For the record i was working for a decade with a multinational with offices both in uk and us. So i guess i am pretty exposed to the western or us corportae world,or culture but still i stand by the above remarks.

Good day sir.
I think this tank is also needed as dual SD-10 launcher need more clearance and the 1100 or 800 tank rear find are too wide , guessing here but with two supersonic tanks 1000 plus liters of additional fuel plus 4xsd-10 and wingtip plus perhaps a jammer pod is standard cap profile for future as block 3 radar can guide 4 on 4 vs current radar 2 on 2 ;)
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Unless the room is enough and these are just additional optional tanks to utilise f-7 inventory of tanks as well
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