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JF-17 B receives buy orders even before the maiden flight.

So ZERO delivered in 10 yrs ?
Wtf:o:, dont u understand simple english, i said orders have been placed, production ongoing, deliveries will be made to nigeria n myanmar very soon, its a done deal, they have paid for it, we are making these jets now, myanmar jets are codenamed ruby, i'll break it down for u cause u seem to have trouble understanding long sentences, "19"......"jf17s"...."have"....."been"...."sold"...."uptil"...."now"..."while"...."zero"..."tejas"...."sold", was that clear enough or do i need to write it in brail.
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Haha are u chinese ? Why u have 2 german flags ?
If chinese then no wonder u have the correct info on the planes.

Well punjabis also have a way with words , but i will get thrown out of the forum.
No one will throw u out "tussi boan shugli o"(u r deeply entertaining):D
I stand by my zero delivered till now. Rest all is noise.
So by that logic there are zero Rafales delivered to Indian airforce until now. Have you even signed the contract? Not to mention that there will be no deliveries of tejas to your navy since they have outright rejected it. As for jf17, 19 are under production for foreign buyer so whether you stand by your zero or not it does not matter. No one needs your approval. Being an Indian your backside will always be on fire.
Any hopes to sell JF-17B - with AESA radar - to KSA in future (TOT/No TOT)?
Dhakka Start :lol:


A Perfect light strike aircraft which every Air Force in the world is looking after to buy.
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