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Jets And Much More: How China Just Showed Off Its Military Muscles

@Deino Here we have a coward Chinese hater called himself DADY! He uses "Dongyabingfu", meaning "East Asian Sickmen", to insult Chinese members! We strongly suggest the moderator reveal his location or IP address, and kick the bustard out of the forum in no time! thanks.

So far I'm not aware of any of his posts, but in case you notice one, just report him.
Hi, Dongyabingfu,

Well, there's only one thing worse than oversea traitors, and that's domestic traitors. While oversea traitors are laughed at by Chinese people, domestic traitors like yourself bring tears to the Chinese masses eyes. That's the misery that the Deng dynasty has brought to the masses, and actually Xiaoping's reforms haven't just brought misery to Chinese, it's also brought misery to the world. Take for example, the US prison population has doubled since Xiaoping's reform. Xiaoping's surrender has allowed the US, and the west to focus its efforts on domestic enemies. Xiaoping's surrender also put many 3 world countries directly at risk, leading to the invasions of Iraq, and Afganistan.

In the 60s, and 70s, the west enjoyed good benefits. After Xiaoping's capitulation in 78, the west no longer needed to accomodate westerners. During the 60s, and 70s, western countries used welfare, and social programs to disuade people from following comunism. However, when Xiaoping surrendered, and went capitalist, the west no longer needed to please its domestic population. That's when welfare benefits in the west plumeted.

Domestically in China, there were no sweat shops in 1966. When Xiaoping seized power in 78, he invited foreign parasites into China, and exploited his own people. That was the sweat shop revolution. Prior to Xiaoping's seizure of power, the workers had high levels of autonomy in their factories. Xiaoping took all that away. It was also in 78 that crime began to skyrocket. I know a Chinese man who recently died. He would be about 75 if he were alive today. He told me that the day that Xiaoping took over China, his thermos got stolen. Before that, he never had any problems with theft. In 1966, no one had to lock their doors. Today, China has steel cages surrounded their windows, even on floors as high as the third floor. Now imagine that, things are that bad that people are climbing up three stories to rob someone's house.

I never get tired of saying this, but while there are people who have no healthcare in China, Xi thinks it's a good idea to lend trillions of dollars to the west. If that isn't treason, what is? Can you imagine the backlash Trump would face if he was lending trillions to North Korea?

China seems to be paying protection fees. In other words, China always offers its markets so that countries don't try to dispose of China, but does this really work? How much protection fees can you actually pay? And what happens if you can't pay the protection fees anymore? Will it be another 8 nation alliance? In fact, many people in China believe that China is giving all that money to the west because China is afraid to get beaten by the west, so China has to open up its markets. What does that mean though? Does it mean that China today is even weaker than during the Qing? At least during the Qing, they needed to lose a war first before surrendering their markets. Now the Deng dynasty is voluntarily opening up its markets.

Why does the Chinese media says that they have an equal relationship with the west? What a joke man. China imports all sorts of western cars, yet do you ever notice that you don't see any Chinese cars in the west? Why is that? You can't even get a Xiaomi in America. Yet iphones are flooding the Chinese markets. No wonder the Chinese economy is in such bad shape.

You ever notice how all the things that China imports from the west are expensive, yet all the products China exports is cheap. I wonder what explaination the Deng dynasty has for that.

China always says that it needs to allow a small group of bourgeoisie to get rich first before other can get rich, but isn't that the same model that capitalists use? The reality of it is, the Chinese get rich, and then they leave China, and take their money with them. The ordinary Chinese don't benefit from Dengism.

Why does the Chinese regime continue to dupe the people?
Suicide is the easy way out of your misery. Posting long rants on the internet does not alleviate your pain. It only makes you angrier and angrier as you watch the Chinese live with dignity and garner the kind of respect that you can only dream about.
Hi, Dongyabingfu,

Well, there's only one thing worse than oversea traitors, and that's domestic traitors. While oversea traitors are laughed at by Chinese people, domestic traitors like yourself bring tears to the Chinese masses eyes. That's the misery that the Deng dynasty has brought to the masses, and actually Xiaoping's reforms haven't just brought misery to Chinese, it's also brought misery to the world. Take for example, the US prison population has doubled since Xiaoping's reform. Xiaoping's surrender has allowed the US, and the west to focus its efforts on domestic enemies. Xiaoping's surrender also put many 3 world countries directly at risk, leading to the invasions of Iraq, and Afganistan.

In the 60s, and 70s, the west enjoyed good benefits. After Xiaoping's capitulation in 78, the west no longer needed to accomodate westerners. During the 60s, and 70s, western countries used welfare, and social programs to disuade people from following comunism. However, when Xiaoping surrendered, and went capitalist, the west no longer needed to please its domestic population. That's when welfare benefits in the west plumeted.

Domestically in China, there were no sweat shops in 1966. When Xiaoping seized power in 78, he invited foreign parasites into China, and exploited his own people. That was the sweat shop revolution. Prior to Xiaoping's seizure of power, the workers had high levels of autonomy in their factories. Xiaoping took all that away. It was also in 78 that crime began to skyrocket. I know a Chinese man who recently died. He would be about 75 if he were alive today. He told me that the day that Xiaoping took over China, his thermos got stolen. Before that, he never had any problems with theft. In 1966, no one had to lock their doors. Today, China has steel cages surrounded their windows, even on floors as high as the third floor. Now imagine that, things are that bad that people are climbing up three stories to rob someone's house.

I never get tired of saying this, but while there are people who have no healthcare in China, Xi thinks it's a good idea to lend trillions of dollars to the west. If that isn't treason, what is? Can you imagine the backlash Trump would face if he was lending trillions to North Korea?

China seems to be paying protection fees. In other words, China always offers its markets so that countries don't try to dispose of China, but does this really work? How much protection fees can you actually pay? And what happens if you can't pay the protection fees anymore? Will it be another 8 nation alliance? In fact, many people in China believe that China is giving all that money to the west because China is afraid to get beaten by the west, so China has to open up its markets. What does that mean though? Does it mean that China today is even weaker than during the Qing? At least during the Qing, they needed to lose a war first before surrendering their markets. Now the Deng dynasty is voluntarily opening up its markets.

Why does the Chinese media says that they have an equal relationship with the west? What a joke man. China imports all sorts of western cars, yet do you ever notice that you don't see any Chinese cars in the west? Why is that? You can't even get a Xiaomi in America. Yet iphones are flooding the Chinese markets. No wonder the Chinese economy is in such bad shape.

You ever notice how all the things that China imports from the west are expensive, yet all the products China exports is cheap. I wonder what explaination the Deng dynasty has for that.

China always says that it needs to allow a small group of bourgeoisie to get rich first before other can get rich, but isn't that the same model that capitalists use? The reality of it is, the Chinese get rich, and then they leave China, and take their money with them. The ordinary Chinese don't benefit from Dengism.

Why does the Chinese regime continue to dupe the people?
This wall of text can be summarized by the phrase "I'm stupid."
You are starting to sound like a parot now. Suicide is for people like Liushaoqi! :enjoy: They pay you for this? You can't argue my points can you? Because you know they're true. The truth hurt doesn't it? Revealing my Ip can potentially reveal something much deeper.

1) If I am on a Chinese ip, then it shows that Chinese people don't have faith in China, or Jinping, and actually reinforces some of the points I've been making. It would also prove that the Deng dynasty's psyops are a failure, and ineffective, and that Chinese people indeed recognize many of the problems going on in China despite the skyscrapers. It also means that many Chinese people are indeed discontent with the way China is run.

2) If I am on a western ip, then it means that the west doesn't have faith in China, and indeed the Deng dynasty has wasted their money paying protection fees to the west for the past 40yrs. Once again proving my point that money can't buy influence, and that China's soft power is indadequate. It would also mean, of course, westerners recognize China's weaknesses and therefore can, and will effectively use that against China. This is one of the reasons why google is blocked in China, because Jinping is afraid that google can map out the behaviors, and mindset of Chinese people, and effectively use that against China.

3) If I am posting from the 3 world, then it reveals that the third world doesn't have faith in China, which is a 180 degree turn from 1966 when the third world saw China as their leader.

So which would you like to choose?

Let's not get nationalistic here, because it is what has brought China down the drain, and alienated China from the international community.

I mean for christ sake, you literally have millions of Hongers talking down on Chinese, and there isn't a whole lot you can do. It's common place for Hongers, and Taiwanese to refer to Chinese as dongyabingfu. Isn't it funny that China, in addition to blocking western websites, actually has to block Hong Kong websites too! What does this tell you? That China can't even control its own territories. I mean who honestly is going to respect that. It also goes to show that Hong Kong is a base for anti Chinese theory. Strong countries create unity, and weak countries create fragmentation, and that's what we're seeing in China today.

I have nothing but respect for real Chinese who have real jobs, the workers the farmers, but if you are Chinese and are trying to parot, or echo the lies of the Dengchandang, or free loaders, then I have no respect for you, and you should join Liushaoqi, and actually indeed as I have mentioned before, China has actually become much weaker since 1966. This fact you can't debate. The allies that China had in 1966, compared to today is no comparison. Even domestically, Chinese have become much less patriotic. Today's China is much more fragmented than it was in 1966. China lacks the cohesion that it once did. The education system has also failed. I was talking to one Chinese who worked for the government, and he said, our country is improving. They're teaching confucianism. What a joke? Confucianism? Really? That's supposed to convince me that China is improving. Who are they trying to kid? But you know what? Real Chinese without an agenda have recognized China's decline. Many Chinese have said that today's Chinese youth are much worse than they were in 1966. Crime is much higher. I've mentioned this before, but in a small Chinese town, there used to be only 2 cops back in 66. Today, there are hundreds of cops. This reflects on how the leaders have been unable to properly educate the Chinese youth. That's why they need so many cops. The Chinese subways did't need security check points during the cultural revolution, but guess what? They do today. Go to the city halls in China, and you will see that they are surrounded by cops, and guarded like Ft Knox. If the Chinese government was doing the right thing, why all the security? Wouldn't the people automatically support you if you were indeed doing the right thing? Which is what the problem is. The Chinese government are not aligned with the people anymore, nor have they been for the past 40yrs, this is why they need all the security. It's also why they didn't need the security back in 1966, because the people largely supporting their government in 66, whereas they don't today.
You are starting to sound like a parot now. Suicide is for people like Liushaoqi! :enjoy: They pay you for this? You can't argue my points can you? Because you know they're true. The truth hurt doesn't it? Revealing my Ip can potentially reveal something much deeper.

1) If I am on a Chinese ip, then it shows that Chinese people don't have faith in China, or Jinping, and actually reinforces some of the points I've been making. It would also prove that the Deng dynasty's psyops are a failure, and ineffective, and that Chinese people indeed recognize many of the problems going on in China despite the skyscrapers. It also means that many Chinese people are indeed discontent with the way China is run.

2) If I am on a western ip, then it means that the west doesn't have faith in China, and indeed the Deng dynasty has wasted their money paying protection fees to the west for the past 40yrs. Once again proving my point that money can't buy influence, and that China's soft power is indadequate. It would also mean, of course, westerners recognize China's weaknesses and therefore can, and will effectively use that against China. This is one of the reasons why google is blocked in China, because Jinping is afraid that google can map out the behaviors, and mindset of Chinese people, and effectively use that against China.

3) If I am posting from the 3 world, then it reveals that the third world doesn't have faith in China, which is a 180 degree turn from 1966 when the third world saw China as their leader.

So which would you like to choose?

Let's not get nationalistic here, because it is what has brought China down the drain, and alienated China from the international community.

I mean for christ sake, you literally have millions of Hongers talking down on Chinese, and there isn't a whole lot you can do. It's common place for Hongers, and Taiwanese to refer to Chinese as dongyabingfu. Isn't it funny that China, in addition to blocking western websites, actually has to block Hong Kong websites too! What does this tell you? That China can't even control its own territories. I mean who honestly is going to respect that. It also goes to show that Hong Kong is a base for anti Chinese theory. Strong countries create unity, and weak countries create fragmentation, and that's what we're seeing in China today.

I have nothing but respect for real Chinese who have real jobs, the workers the farmers, but if you are Chinese and are trying to parot, or echo the lies of the Dengchandang, or free loaders, then I have no respect for you, and you should join Liushaoqi, and actually indeed as I have mentioned before, China has actually become much weaker since 1966. This fact you can't debate. The allies that China had in 1966, compared to today is no comparison. Even domestically, Chinese have become much less patriotic. Today's China is much more fragmented than it was in 1966. China lacks the cohesion that it once did. The education system has also failed. I was talking to one Chinese who worked for the government, and he said, our country is improving. They're teaching confucianism. What a joke? Confucianism? Really? That's supposed to convince me that China is improving. Who are they trying to kid? But you know what? Real Chinese without an agenda have recognized China's decline. Many Chinese have said that today's Chinese youth are much worse than they were in 1966. Crime is much higher. I've mentioned this before, but in a small Chinese town, there used to be only 2 cops back in 66. Today, there are hundreds of cops. This reflects on how the leaders have been unable to properly educate the Chinese youth. That's why they need so many cops. The Chinese subways did't need security check points during the cultural revolution, but guess what? They do today. Go to the city halls in China, and you will see that they are surrounded by cops, and guarded like Ft Knox. If the Chinese government was doing the right thing, why all the security? Wouldn't the people automatically support you if you were indeed doing the right thing? Which is what the problem is. The Chinese government are not aligned with the people anymore, nor have they been for the past 40yrs, this is why they need all the security. It's also why they didn't need the security back in 1966, because the people largely supporting their government in 66, whereas they don't today.
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