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Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

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It takes a lot of courage to accept when one is wrong or may have been duped. But don't fret, brother, I am no wiser than you. I used to have a soft spot for MQM and defended them on many platforms, including on this forum. We all have to be careful about politicians selling us pipe dreams, and not get too emotionally invested in one politician/political group. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. This shouldn't change, regardless who we support.

Then it wasn't the 2011 jalsa, but it was one of those jalsas around that time where IK started to gain mass following. Regardless, this knee-jerk reaction won't serve you. I am as far away from Noon League, as I am from PTI.

The essence of my post doesn't change. People sitting with feudals/industrialists and pirs and talking about the common people cannot bring accountability on their peers.

If thats the case whats the point of you being in PTI? As per what you have said about feudals/industrialists, i do agree with you, however the political setup of Pakistan doesn't allow a common man like me and you to come up the ranks.

As for JKT, he isn't a feudal, infact he is a self made man, his dad was just a police officer. He made his wealth from the ground up and is now the highest tax payer in Pakistan. I have been following him for a while even though he isn't from my area but from what i have a gathered he is a genius and he is sincere. why else would he work so hard to help PTI even though he knows he won't ever be able to become a lawmaker again?

While SMQ, he isn't my favorite person and i can't seem to figure it out. I reckon he has his vested interest in it but i am just guessing.
Billions ma hogi... Keun??

billions? nah its a simple plant man not high end lithium ion battery pack chargers.

what is the procedure in getting into this lucrative halal market?

i am sure an ordinary citizen would like to have a crack at this goldmine return of a business to alleviate the poor like China
Are we naive to believe that jahngir tareen invested in PTI for nothing ? He along with razq dawood and kusro bukhtraar are running businesses yet also making agriculture policies suit to their businesses ..watch this programs to see whats going on with agriculture sector of Pakistan
Haha what a joke growers always become innocent in the end bhai they are getting well above support price next year they will be planting more cane and sugar will become excess in 2 years
g aissa he hai!! amm insan ko allloood nai hai!

cane growers not getting any benifit from this rise.
Read the whole article as well.. It mentions sugar mills owners have always been in government setup be pmln ppp or pti you wont believe but the the support sugar mills industry got in pmln is unmatched by pti so far..
g aissa he hai!! amm insan ko allloood nai hai!

cane growers not getting any benifit from this rise.

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