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Japan's growth hurt by row with China: World Bank

So this is a kind of fear. In ASEAN,every countries are equaly treated. But when refer to china, sometimes u may think china will use her power to what u call "dominate" vietnam. in fact there is no country want to doninate vietnam, but every country will influence vietnam via economy, military and political power, US. Russia, Japan, every country dose.
So what u fear is only the word "BIG", such a big china just out door is 1000 times dangerous than a ambitious Japan far far away, right?
Compare to US, Russian and other countries in NATO, u can find china is more moderate on international affairs.
You were wrong. It's nature and a fact at now and even several decades more. I don't know what going on at 100 years later but now, China is still developing and got many problems itself. With the size of it, equation of two state are nothing for sure.

When you want the others believe and tied benefits, interest with China, then It shall do something can get truth from others . At present, China still not proven itself like peaceful and responsible at region and global. It's very long road!
You were wrong. It's nature and a fact at now and even several decades more. I don't know what going on at 100 years later but now, China is still developing and got many problems itself. With the size of it, equation of two state are nothing for sure.

When you want the others believe and tied benefits, interest with China, then It shall do something can get truth from others . At present, China still not proven itself like peaceful and responsible at region and global. It's very long road!
More than 30 years has passed since the war between china and viet. I have to say, it was a wrong war happened in a complicated envirments. Before that war, china and viet are friends like china and PK now. So we lose a friend, no matter for what reason. We should stop and learn from that war. China and viet got nothing, the border problem has beed dealed via negotiation at last, so why did we fight then?
Viet still keeps her eyes on china and has a large army because u think someday china will fight with you again. The prejudice is hard to eliminate but we shall try. Hope someday, after the disputed islands (or something else) are resolved, we can be friends again.

too many errors 0_0
More than 30 years has passed since the war between china and viet. I have to say, it was a wrong war happened in a complicated envirments. Before that war, china and viet are friends like china and PK now. So we lose a friend, no matter for what reason. We should stop and learn from that war. China and viet got nothing, the border problem has beed dealed via negotiation at last, so why did we fight then?
Viet still keeps her eyes on china and has a large army because u think someday china will fight with you again. The prejudice is hard to eliminate but we shall try. Hope someday, after the disputed islands (or something else) are resolved, we can be friends again.

too many errors 0_0

hey jose, there is no political friendship - certainly none between chinese and viets - that comes before political animosity. in politics the first order of business is to identify the ones you hate. and then, only then, do you make friends with people who hate those you hate.

the value of political friendship - not personal friendship - i always derivative and always derives from the intensity and authenticity of the feeling of hatred. we briefly made friends with viets in keeping white pigs from continental east asia, but most of the history between us and the viets is filled with hate. that hate is far more authentic than whatever flimsy, lukewarm feelings we had back in 50's and 60's.

and by the time the island issues are revolved, most viets here would probably be killed and certainly none will have been left to befriend you, jose. don't talk like a woman as if everything should be rosy and pink, jose.
hey jose, there is no political friendship - certainly none between chinese and viets - that comes before political animosity. in politics the first order of business is to identify the ones you hate. and then, only then, do you make friends with people who hate those you hate.

the value of political friendship - not personal friendship - i always derivative and always derives from the intensity and authenticity of the feeling of hatred. we briefly made friends with viets in keeping white pigs from continental east asia, but most of the history between us and the viets is filled with hate. that hate is far more authentic than whatever flimsy, lukewarm feelings we had back in 50's and 60's.

and by the time the island issues are revolved, most viets here would probably be killed and certainly none will have been left to befriend you, jose. don't talk like a woman as if everything should be rosy and pink, jose.
But the solution should be friends, not enemies. The hetrid is the problem of almost all asian countries. See what happens everyday in mideast, confrontation is enough.
The west also make the relitionship worse, to profit them with our blood. We should consider a way to eliminate hate and cease fire.
But the solution should be friends, not enemies. The hetrid is the problem of almost all asian countries. See what happens everyday in mideast, confrontation is enough.
The west also make the relitionship worse, to profit them with our blood. We should consider a way to eliminate hate and cease fire.

the only thing the west sells is the crazy idea that there can be eternal peace among the human race - and they make wars in the name of that peace! as a chinese, it is not only our holy duty to hate but to make the hatred of the west the most unconditional, most original form of hate of all, the hate that renders all other hatred legitimate, like our hatred of viets and nipponzi. the next world war, like the last one but UNLIKE the first one, would again be a struggle over the very moral and judicial legitimacy of political hatred. and once we prevail over people who hate hate, we will usher in an era in which hatred can be freely and wholesomely exercised. it will be an era where political animosity is accepted as normative and normal and as healthy and therapeutical, like it always was throughout human history upto the last century. it will be a bliss!

but before that can happen, i welcome a war - to the death - with all the anglo-saxons and zionists and rootless races who propagate hatred against political hatred and design to police the politics of hate for their own profit and resort to the most unspeakable and deviant tactics to distort all that is beautiful, salubrious and honorable about the plitics of hate. it is not the end of history, just finally its beginning.
the only thing the west sells is the crazy idea that there can be eternal peace among the human race - and they make wars in the name of that peace! as a chinese, it is not only our holy duty to hate but to make the hatred of the west the most unconditional, most original form of hate of all, the hate that renders all other hatred legitimate, like our hatred of viets and nipponzi. the next world war, like the last one but UNLIKE the first one, would again be a struggle over the very moral and judicial legitimacy of political hatred. and once we prevail over people who hate hate, we will usher in an era in which hatred can be freely and wholesomely exercised. it will be an era where political animosity is accepted as normative and normal and as healthy and therapeutical, like it always was throughout human history upto the last century. it will be a bliss!

but before that can happen, i welcome a war - to the death - with all the anglo-saxons and zionists and rootless races who propagate hatred against political hatred and design to police the politics of hate for their own profit and resort to the most unspeakable and deviant tactics to distort all that is beautiful, salubrious and honorable about the plitics of hate. it is not the end of history, just finally its beginning.
so we will turn "combat race"? Cann't image what the world will be. Final judgement? That war may lead to real real death considering nuclear weapons may be used.
so we will turn "combat race"? Cann't image what the world will be. Final judgement? That war may lead to real real death considering nuclear weapons may be used.

to accept anglo-saxon military and ideology hegemony is to accept the end of history. if i have to accept the end of history, i prefer that end comes in the shape of nuclear weapons launched at my and all anglo-saxons' heads.

but history is not like that. the bloodiest chapters of history are written mostly by the least warlike races. i, for one, don't think chinese are a warlike race, and i consider myself a very gentle person who hasn't hit a single person after high school. the true war is started when a gentle race decides war is the only resort to defend itself, and because of their gentle nature, often these races are able to build themselves into tight, functioning economies and societies, and their social and economic organizations also happen to be why the sedentary races can fight the most ferocious and prolonged wars once they make up their mind to undertake the enterprise of war.
More than 30 years has passed since the war between china and viet. I have to say, it was a wrong war happened in a complicated envirments. Before that war, china and viet are friends like china and PK now. So we lose a friend, no matter for what reason. We should stop and learn from that war. China and viet got nothing, the border problem has beed dealed via negotiation at last, so why did we fight then?
Viet still keeps her eyes on china and has a large army because u think someday china will fight with you again. The prejudice is hard to eliminate but we shall try. Hope someday, after the disputed islands (or something else) are resolved, we can be friends again.

too many errors 0_0
Good to see Chinese with those thought. But one thing I want say more is "the prejudice" which you said, @Jose4Zhou.
It's not only from war in past, but also come in the fact right now. That is rise of China influence on others country. Some is good, but some is not good and became worse because it's too fast risen. That was made many trouble.

Example like this nazi comment:
hey jose, there is no political friendship - certainly none between chinese and viets - that comes before political animosity. in politics the first order of business is to identify the ones you hate. and then, only then, do you make friends with people who hate those you hate.

the value of political friendship - not personal friendship - i always derivative and always derives from the intensity and authenticity of the feeling of hatred. we briefly made friends with viets in keeping white pigs from continental east asia, but most of the history between us and the viets is filled with hate. that hate is far more authentic than whatever flimsy, lukewarm feelings we had back in 50's and 60's.

and by the time the island issues are revolved, most viets here would probably be killed and certainly none will have been left to befriend you, jose. don't talk like a woman as if everything should be rosy and pink, jose.
His view fill with hatred and negative, so He think there is almost hatred among Vietnamese and Chinese when It come to say about each others.
It's just likely in thousands fiction in China sites which hunger for blood and pride of China's rise.
I say for sure there is almost Chinese didn't know enough about Vietnam and Vietnamese's thought. Most things which they know just came from China media with nearly full hatred and aggression, considered Vietnam like betrayal and ungraceful.
Too fast risen and arrogant illusion in Chinese media propaganda with too much national pride making everything became worse.
But the solution should be friends, not enemies. The hetrid is the problem of almost all asian countries. See what happens everyday in mideast, confrontation is enough.
The west also make the relitionship worse, to profit them with our blood. We should consider a way to eliminate hate and cease fire.
Which part you agreed with him!?
United in Asian country is great. I also agree that peace and war are two side of coin, but now, time of wars should pass.
China was rising, that could bring many benefits and balance in region.
With that thought on mind, Japan was want to made a closer relationship with China in 2006, 2007, but nearly impossible right now.
It need more people with proper thought in China about future, not ******* thirsty for blood and revenge for national pride in China's net fictions.
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hey jose, there is no political friendship - certainly none between chinese and viets - that comes before political animosity. in politics the first order of business is to identify the ones you hate. and then, only then, do you make friends with people who hate those you hate.

the value of political friendship - not personal friendship - i always derivative and always derives from the intensity and authenticity of the feeling of hatred. we briefly made friends with viets in keeping white pigs from continental east asia, but most of the history between us and the viets is filled with hate. that hate is far more authentic than whatever flimsy, lukewarm feelings we had back in 50's and 60's.

and by the time the island issues are revolved, most viets here would probably be killed and certainly none will have been left to befriend you, jose. don't talk like a woman as if everything should be rosy and pink, jose.
wanna fighr with us?
First: do u have the guts to fight?

Second:Go back to China,grab a gun and fight now,don't just stay in England ans Bark loudly,prove that u r not 50cent keyboard warror first.
Which part you agreed with him!?
United in Asian country is great. I also agree that peace and war are two side of coin, but now, time of wars should pass.
China was rising, that could bring many benefits and balance in region.
With that thought on mind, Japan was want to made a closer relationship with China in 2006, 2007, but nearly impossible right now.
It need more people with proper thought in China about future, not ******* thirsty for blood and revenge for national pride in China's net fictions.

Only about the comments regarding relitionships between conutries. I should quote that part.
It's very sad to see u know some politicians only focus on their own profit in or out china. Althougth those thoughts that want to pull the relitionship between china and viet advance seems naive to some people, some day, it will be accepted by the most public.
Only about the comments regarding relitionships between conutries. I should quote that part.
It's very sad to see u know some politicians only focus on their own profit in or out china. Althougth those thoughts that want to pull the relitionship between china and viet advance seems naive to some people, some day, it will be accepted by the most public.

hey jose, if your country is all set on a path of war with the hapless viets, your choice will be reduced to either making enemies with the viets and joining the cause or making enemies out of every chinese who wants war with viets. you cannot stop making enemies just because you fear that decision and lack the balls to do that. jose, hate is the first and most original and powerful of political sentiments, and only women and children are excused from not making a choice whom to hate, and since you, jose, picked a male-sounding name, i have to assume all your talk of universal love and friendship is either stupid or disingenuous. am i right, jose?
You are wrong. See european countries, they were old enemies but now friends. If you fall into blind hatrid, you will lose your mind.
You are wrong. See european countries, they were old enemies but now friends. If you fall into blind hatrid, you will lose your mind.
Right,he's losing his mind.We come here to know more abt China and want to know why China still want war with VN again when she have so many enemies around now.

I found out that:The main reason why China wanna war with us again coz there are many idiot like 'iajj' thinking that Chinese have superior race than the others when actually its just a cheap propaganda from its corrupted Govt.
Right,he's losing his mind.We come here to know more abt China and want to know why China still want war with VN again when she have so many enemies around now.

I found out that:The main reason why China wanna war with us again coz there are many idiot like 'iajj' thinking that Chinese have superior race than the others when actually its just a cheap propaganda from its corrupted Govt.

We don't hate you, but you are just annoying in our eyes.

Whoever tries to get on our way will annoy us. :coffee:
We don't hate you, but you are just annoying in our eyes.

Whoever tries to get on our way will annoy us. :coffee:
we're dradding Japan-US-Russia-India to get on our expansion way in SCS(east sea) and controling the biggest and most important part now.If you think u're stronger and superior,then,stop quarreling and fight now.

If u cant fight with us,then back off and accept that u have nothing better tthann the others
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