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Japan's first female destroyer commander ! Welcome aboard !

I have no PM o_O

and i use google plus. You have it?

P.s.: not all japanese are small. The one i know Matsumae is pretty tall. same hight as all of us.

Get it?

And that,coming from a virgin?:smokin:
How would you know?:azn:

In the navy we used to joke around : when sailing to strike! It's not the size of the battleship, but the motion in the ocean. ;)
This is the first US female Madam Amy Graham, commander of war ship USS Curtis Wilbur, she has been patrolled in Paracel island recently.



Nữ hạm trưởng chỉ huy tàu chiến Mỹ áp sát Hoàng Sa - VnExpress
very progressive in Japanese culture. she must be very very good many times better than men to land this position

bravo and respect.
very progressive in Japanese culture. she must be very very good many times better than men to land this position

bravo and respect.

She is actually descendent of a powerful military family, bro. Her grandfather was a naval hero, and her great grandfather was the late Admiral Otani Koshiro, the Commander of the 舞鶴鎮守府, or imperial Japanese navy's 2nd Fleet.
She is actually descendent of a powerful military family, bro. Her grandfather was a naval hero, and her great grandfather was the late Admiral Otani Koshiro, the Commander of the 舞鶴鎮守府, or imperial Japanese navy's 2nd Fleet.
that is very well but with a limited knowledge about conservative Japanese society and place of man and woman .. I am just paying my respect to all those men who enabled a day where a very accomplished and well deserving female is a commander. I don't know if this would have been possible 60 years ago despite her impressive linage and bloodline of heroes.

you see, the point I am making here is .. there is always a first who breaks the taboo or say a trend or an invisible but impenetrable social / hirarical barrier. it goes for both women and minorities , say black people in the west and women in both east and west. who against all odds learn and become pilots, judges, leaders, military commanders etc. and in order to do that.. they have to be twice or more times better than their male counterparts
Her rank is 2等海佐 (Commander). She's in command of a destroyer squadron, probably one of the newer Akizuki's that was inducted recently. As for family background, perhaps there is some influence of her grandfather's name.

Are there any female commanders in the PLAN, my friend? :)
In my knowledge, we don't have any female commander in the navy, that is why I was kind of surprise to see a female commander in JMSDF. Even we have some high ranking female "officers" in the PLA but all of them are 文藝兵. Moreover, i just notice that from your post Japan do not use 中佐 anymore, but 2等海佐.I guess I miss the UC Gundam Federation ranking like 大佐, 少佐, 大尉.
Even the most deadly Nihonto is not willfully placed outside where it is exposed to the elements. The Nihonto is ensheathed in the 拵え (koshirae) where it is protected. It is only unsheathed when combat or battle is imminent.


Every time I look at the Nihonto, I recall 逆刃刀.真打 from Rurouni Kenshin.

I guess Japan have inherited our Tang's spirit of warrior in the old day, we used to have the spirit of warrior in Tang dynasty that many people practiced martial art and sword-play. During Song dynasty people prefered study, but we practiced "茶道" and it was also inherited by the Japanese.

This is too bad that after Yuan dynasty, we kind of lost some of our traditions, like in Song dynasty we ate like the Japanese that everyone had their own meal or dish. Not to mention, after Qing dynasty we lost our own traditional clothing and hair style, but luckily Korean inherited it and more Chinese are now paying attention on our lost traditions. Fortunately, as I say it before, Japan and Korea have preserved a lot of things, especially our traditional Hanfu, which can provides many useful information for us. Hanfu's renaissance is on way, my friend.
Everyone who posted a remark about looks in response to this thread should be ashamed for their sexist attitude. Please only judge these women for the naval professionals that they have become and are. In particular those men who have not achieved a similar position of responsibility themselves do well to refrain from any such remarks: you have yet to perform to the same standard.
Photo courtesy of JMSDF.


自衛隊も変わりましたね。私がいた頃は戦闘艦には、女性自衛官は配置されていませんでしたが、艦長として女性自衛官が配置されるとは。女性だからと、見下されないように、頑張って頂きたいですね。大谷艦長の健闘を祈ります(^-^ゞ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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All the best to JMSDF's first female commander. Not easy in a male dominated armed service of long, honored tradition. :tup:
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