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Japanese Mitsubishi ATD-X Shinshin ready for first flight


ATD-X shinshin
Very good work by our Japanese friends . Hope japan joins India's AMCA as well

It looks more or less same
It doesn't look as scary as J-20 or J-31. It is not a prototype, just a tech demonstrator like Su-47.
Dude it looks more stealthy than j20 . Japanese are way ahead of chinese in innovation . A small nation invaded huge partsof china .
Very good work by our Japanese friends . Hope japan joins India's AMCA as well

It looks more or less same

Dude it looks more stealthy than j20 . Japanese are way ahead of chinese in innovation . A small nation invaded huge partsof china .

Japanese are basically Siberians. Short and stubby. Chinese have better physique IMO.
Japanese are basically Siberians. Short and stubby. Chinese have better physique IMO.

Siberians ? How the fuk u came to this conclusion bro :o:

Japnese are Japanese . Chinese have been slaves to these civilisations for centuries . If it where not UK or US or tge West Japanese could be stretched from japan to china . :enjoy: lets not change or we cant chang they history
Very good work by our Japanese friends . Hope japan joins India's AMCA as well

It looks more or less same

Dude it looks more stealthy than j20 . Japanese are way ahead of chinese in innovation . A small nation invaded huge partsof china .
You are wrong here. Its never design for full stealth. Its stealthy version of F-15 & main strong point would be its avionics.
Will be interesting to know more about this project. They do have superior techology.
You are wrong here. Its never design for full stealth. Its stealthy version of F-15 & main strong point would be its avionics.

Based on concepts pics, it looks like Japan wants a full stealth aircraft. If you want to talk about a stealthy F-15. That would be the F-15 Silent Eagle.
I've heard from some posters that this tech demo isn't it's full size? Any clarification?
Possible final version of what it could look like. Remember that the ATD-X is just experimental.

Mitsubishi ATD-X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On July 2014, the TRDI (Technical Research & Development Institute ) released first official photos of the ATD-X prototype, and stated that the aircraft was undergoing tests on ground. Mitsubishi ATD-X shinshin stealth fighter prototype has rolled out, to be fully developed by 2018. [10]

The ATD-X program will then lead to a F-3 fighter to be produced in 2027.[11]


Based on concepts pics, it looks like Japan wants a full stealth aircraft. If you want to talk about a stealthy F-15. That would be the F-15 Silent Eagle.

CGI is good but prototype does not suggest that.
May be next prototype would be more refined.
CGI is good but prototype does not suggest that.
May be next prototype would be more refined.

Mitsubishi ATD-X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Mitsubishi ATD-X Shinshin is an Japanese experimental aircraft for testing advanced stealth fighter aircraft technologies. It is being developed by the Japanese Ministry of Defense Technical Research and Development Institute (TRDI) for research purposes. The main contractor of the project is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Many consider this aircraft to be Japan's first domestically made stealth fighter. ATD-X is an acronym meaning "Advanced Technology DemonstratorX". The aircraft is widely known in Japan as Shinshin (心神?, meaning "spirit of the heart"),[2] although the name itself is only an early codename within the Japan Self-Defense Forces; The name is not officially in use.[3][4] The aircraft's first flight is scheduled for 2015.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Japan, seeking to replace its aging fleet of fighter aircraft, began making overtures to the United States on the topic of purchasing several Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor fighters for their own forces.[5] However the U.S. Congress had banned the exporting of the aircraft in order to safeguard secrets of the aircraft's technology such as its extensive use of stealth; this rejection necessitated Japan to develop its own modern fighter, to be equipped with stealth features and other advanced systems.

A mock-up of the ATD-X was constructed and used to study the radar cross-section in France in 2005.[6][7] A radio-controlled 1/5 scale model made its first flight in 2006 to gain data on performance at high angles of attack and to test new sensory equipment and self-repairing flight control systems.[7]

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