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Japanese man auctions off planet Earth

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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It takes all kinds...

Japanese man auctions off planet Earth | The Nation

WE see crazy and bizarre items auctioned off on sites like eBay or Yahoo Auctions, every day, but this is the first time someone actually thought about selling our planet. The starting price was a measly ¥69 ($0.86), but since the auction went viral, the price has surged to ¥9,889,899,888 ($123,000,000). I still think it’s a bargain.

I know, this might seem like a joke to you, but it’s apparently no laughing matter to the seller. In the product description, it’s mentioned the Earth was bestowed upon the seller by God, who appeared to him in a dream. And since these are tough times, he decided to sell it to the highest bidder and improve his financial status. He lists our planet as “authentic” and warns bidders there is a “no return” policy on the item. So if you end up placing a bid and wind up owning the Earth and its inhabitants, you’re kind of stuck with us.

You might feel tempted to post a prank bid on this, but the seller instructs all potential buyers to include a message expressing their serious intention to buy planet Earth, otherwise he will consider it a prank bid. And if there are too many prank bids he threatens to close the auction and start over at ¥69. In fact, he already did that once already, so please, be careful.
One mad psyco japanese!!!

So you are reading on Pakistani News Site, How is it??
Two years ago, There was a Spanish woman who claimed she owned the Sun and wanted to collect taxes on it, so I see no reason why this man can’t do the same with our planet.
Considering the mess this planet is in, I think even ¥69 is too much!! I wouldn't take it even if someone gave me a billion dollars!! :P :lol:
Silly Japanese...the US owns the earth....moon too (we have a 9999 thousand year lease on the sun...option to buy)

watch in 1080 HD and if possible 3D. :cheers:
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Does such an insane concept earn a thread for itself?

I think it should be shifted to Stupid and Funny.

What's wrong with the Japanese?

This is not the first time they've come up with weird things. Earlier it was that inflated-forehead fashion; now it is this.
Silly Japanese...the US owns the earth....moon too (we have a 9999 thousand year lease on the sun...option to buy)

The US at least owns the Jews properties.
I sometimes wish all the tsunami's hitting Japan would somehow hit the middle east, just to calm those people down.
Maybe the Japanese government will try to "purchase" this one too...

I will NOT be sold! I AM a part of Earth!
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