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Japanese government agrees to buy the Senkakus as China rages and fumes!


Aug 13, 2010
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Japanese government agrees to buy disputed islands - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

SEOUL -- Japan's central government has agreed to buy a group of uninhabited islands that also are claimed by China and Taiwan, Japanese media reported Wednesday, potentially increasing regional tension over the simmering territorial dispute.

In a long-discussed deal, the central government will pay the Japanese family who owns the islands 2.05 billion yen ($26.2 million) for three of the islands in the East China Sea, the reports said.

A government spokesman refused to confirm the deal, which was widely reported by major Japanese dailies and the Kyodo news agency in articles that cited unnamed government sources. Japan's government often briefs domestic reporters on background in advance of major decisions.

The nationalization of the hotly disputed islands, known as the Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, comes at a time when Japan's government is struggling to maintain civil relations with its giant neighbor and placate increasingly influential nationalists who are wary of China's rise.

Although this move figures to inflame already-strained relations with China, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda intended it as a way to maintain relative calm, security experts say. The central government purchase trumps a competing bid from the Tokyo metropolitan government, whose ultra-nationalist governor, Shintaro Ishihara, was raising money to buy the islands.

Mr. Ishihara has spoken about stationing Japan's Self-Defense Forces on the islands and building harbors for fishing boats; such moves would raise the risk of confrontation with Chinese vessels that often roam the waters. The central government, which has rented and administered the islands even before this purchase, prefers a hands-off approach: It keeps them uninhabited and almost always denies requests for boats to land. Japan would maintain that no-development policy after the purchase, which should be finalized by the end of this month, the Japanese news reports said.

"Our basic approach is to continue to maintain and manage the islands peacefully and stably," Mr. Noda said in a news conference last month.

The islands -- a supposedly rich ground for fishing and natural resources -- have turned into a flash point in recent months, part of a region-wide escalation of territorial disputes that drew the attention of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during her ongoing trip to Asia.

This summer, China sent three ships to the area. In response, Japan asked its ambassador to briefly return from Beijing. There were back-and-forth landings by activists. Anti-Japanese protests broke out in numerous Chinese cities, with thousands taking to the streets. And, last weekend, a group of Tokyo city officials and experts surveyed the islands without landing on them, measuring water depth, scouting out locations for a dock and declaring that Japan's territorial claim is "undeniable."

Japan formally incorporated the rocky island chain as part of its territory in 1895; the United States administered the land after World War II but returned it to Japan in 1971.

Japan says China offered no objections at that time and only raised its claim several years later, amid news that the islands could have rich fossil-fuel reserves. But a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said the islands have been "China's inherent territory since ancient times."

In an editorial Wednesday in the China Daily, Jin Yongming, a law scholar with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and the Academy of Ocean of China, wrote that Japan's actions have "infringed on China's territorial sovereignty and maritime interests, and poisoned bilateral relations."

"Japan is worried that China's continued rise ... will end its illegal possession of the Diaoyu Islands," Mr. Jin wrote.


This must be the reason martian started that car boycott thread nonsense.

Lets see the fireworks! :pop::pop:
I believe Mr. Noda's game plan is to take the eccentric far rightist Tokyo mayor, Ishihara, out of the equation so that not to further antagonize China. Last week he also stopped some activists from landing in the main island, Diaoyu.
Aren't these Islands already under Japan's control and who are they going to buy is form? The island would still be disputed. Any way those Islans are uninhabitable and very very small so apart from underwater resources I don't see any point for fighting for these Islands. There must be some huge quantity of Oil other rich minerals there. For japan the more important target should be the south Kuril Islands from Russia IMO.
There's a silver lining amidst all of this. The Noda administration is keen on defusing the situation through this move instead of letting Tokyo governor Ishihara go through with his own more provocative plan for having Tokyo purchase and develop the Diaoyu/Diaoyutai islands. Either way though this will be seen as a very provocative move by Taiwan and mainland China.
Aren't these Islands already under Japan's control and who are they going to buy is form? The island would still be disputed. Any way those Islans are uninhabitable and very very small so apart from underwater resources I don't see any point for fighting for these Islands. There must be some huge quantity of Oil other rich minerals there. For japan the more important target should be the south Kuril Islands from Russia IMO.
Simple reason: china is weaker and much easier to defeat than Russia :pop:
YAY! can't wait till they station some troops on the island!

PLA could always use more budget!
President Ma leaves for Pengjia Islet

President Ma Ying-jeou will leave for the Taiwan-controlled Pengjia Islet (彭佳嶼) today, as an inspection tour near the disputed Tiaoyutai Islands, amid the escalating East China Sea sovereignty row. Accompanied by ministers, legislators and media personnel, the president will reaffirm the nation's sovereignty rights to the Tiaoyutais.

full story>President Ma leaves for Pengjia Islet - The China Post

Finally President Ma of Taiwan is making a move to reiterate Diaoyu belongs to Chinese people. There's no doubt in my mind the two brothers across the Strait will joint hands against the Japanese Imperialism, back by the US this time around, again for the final time.
I believe Mr. Noda's game plan is to take the eccentric far rightist Tokyo mayor, Ishihara, out of the equation so that not to further antagonize China. Last week he also stopped some activists from landing in the main island, Diaoyu.

There's a silver lining amidst all of this. The Noda administration is keen on defusing the situation through this move instead of letting Tokyo governor Ishihara go through with his own more provocative plan for having Tokyo purchase and develop the Diaoyu/Diaoyutai islands. Either way though this will be seen as a very provocative move by Taiwan and mainland China.

True, but the Chinese government will likely not appreciate this fact in anycase, as mentioned by Plexyre.

The attempts to defuse the crisis in a politically acceptable way will probably be ignored.

Aren't these Islands already under Japan's control and who are they going to buy is form? The island would still be disputed. Any way those Islans are uninhabitable and very very small so apart from underwater resources I don't see any point for fighting for these Islands. There must be some huge quantity of Oil other rich minerals there. For japan the more important target should be the south Kuril Islands from Russia IMO.

Main driver is nationalism and a sour history together.
Yes, our DF-41 is ready just in time. Japan is kidding itself if it thinks Tokyo will survive 10 MIRV 450kT yield warhead on each DF-41.

President Ma leaves for Pengjia Islet

President Ma Ying-jeou will leave for the Taiwan-controlled Pengjia Islet (彭佳嶼) today, as an inspection tour near the disputed Tiaoyutai Islands, amid the escalating East China Sea sovereignty row. Accompanied by ministers, legislators and media personnel, the president will reaffirm the nation's sovereignty rights to the Tiaoyutais.

full story>President Ma leaves for Pengjia Islet - The China Post

Finally President Ma of Taiwan is making a move to reiterate Diaoyu belongs to Chinese people. There's no doubt in my mind the two brothers across the Strait will joint hands against the Japanese Imperialism, back by the US this time around, again for the final time.
When mainland China and Taiwan ally against Japan, PLAN can bypass the first island China easily and directly threaten Tokyo.
Yes, our DF-41 is ready just in time. Japan is kidding itself if it thinks Tokyo will survive 10 MIRV 450kT yield warhead on each DF-41.

We don't need DF-41 to deal with Japan, it is like to kill a chicken with a bull knife.

We will use our DF-21/25 and CJ-10 to bomb them back to the stone age.
We don't need DF-41 to deal with Japan, it is like to kill a chicken with a bull knife.

We will use our DF-21/25 and CJ-10 to bomb them back to the stone age.

All this talk looks good on patron forums but in real life it is nothing.

Japanese have agreed to buy the islands and are paying for it. If the CCP also agrees, then what's the harm?

There's no war brewing up with the deal being simply considered business.
All this talk looks good on patron forums but in real life it is nothing.

Japanese have agreed to buy the islands and are paying for it. If the CCP also agrees, then what's the harm?

There's no war brewing up with the deal being simply considered business.

The deal is between some Japanese citizens who illegally settled on the islands and proclaimed it their private property and the Noda administration. Since Taiwan and China do not recognize Japanese sovereignty over Diaoyu/Diaoyutai in the first place, such a deal means and does nothing to their claim.
Yes, our DF-41 is ready just in time. Japan is kidding itself if it thinks Tokyo will survive 10 MIRV 450kT yield warhead on each DF-41.

When mainland China and Taiwan ally against Japan, PLAN can bypass the first island China easily and directly threaten Tokyo.

enough empty talk

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