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Japanese economy taking a hit

China is where it is today with all the opposition and/or sanctions from US, Europe, Japan, India and Russia.
on the other hand Japan, Germany and India's rise were with the help and support of Europe and US.
you cannot compare Chinese commitment and resolve with any other country least compare it with Vietnam and Philipines.
It's not just losing the gigantic consumer, China can stop delivering very important raw materials which is very important for their technology sector. Many gadgets depending on these materials and since 2010 China has reduced the number of export to Japan. We all know China is gonna be affected as well that's why we aren't bluffing, who has the most to loose? If Taiwan decides to follow China's example and loads of overseas Chinese decide to join with the boycott how does that sound? The situation in EU is not looking good so if Japan is gonna depend on EU for replacing China then think again. With unemployment rate rising in EU i don't think that's helping Japan. It's gonna hurt China but it's gonna be a mega blow for Japan. There are plenty of alternatives for replacing Japanese products, want cars? German, British, Italian, Chinese cars to choose from.
Want other gadgets? There are Taiwanese, Chinese and Korean or EU brands to choose from. China's growth has been affected because of EU crisis and what makes you think Japan can sell more products to the West? Japan faces tough competition from US, Korean, Taiwanese tech companies.

Japan's traditional markets have been the west, China's a newer phenomena - I agree that owing to the crisis and competition from China on prices Japan will find it difficult to match the numbers, but then there are ways, Japan can be given preferential treatment and they can compete in the qualitative markets rather than China's quantitative manufacturing. They would have thought this through to an extent.

It is a loss both ways and will affect Japan more than China but will not bring them to their knees as envisaged. China has already put trade restrictions on exports of rare earths to Japan so they are already aware of it.
Japan can invest in Vietnam and exports to ASEAN or China or elsewhere. We will never replace China as consumer market.
Japan is a very big economy with 2 lost decades and is of course also an important trading/business partner. I know Japan is aware of all of this and that's why they decided to make such a bold move to purchase the islands. But why are they trying to repair the damage and engaging talks with China now? Might as well move all factories to VN and Philippines now if they really don't need China. Anyway the talks are still ongoing and dispute remains unresolved. Just wait which direction we are heading, we all have our own views. In the meantime Japanese car makers are losing money i suppose nobody would argue with me on that.
I assume the relationship between China and Japan is like China and Vietnam: hate and love!
That has not changed much since centuries.
Japan so just leave china to her sorry self one there are a lot of markets in Asia with better people than china one ASEAN is here its a good market top contender markets are Philippines and Indonesia and also Malaysia and Thailand and Vietnam and Laos to so as Cambodia also India and also the central Asia too a lot of markets open for Japan if the Chinese are acting that why leave why stick to a place your not wanted and your citizens could be hurt just because your ancestors did some evil things in their time.
The Treasury Department estimates that US debt to China is approximately $1.16 trillion. That is nearly $15,000 in debt for the average American family do you think america has balls to give china hard time directly I dont think so,america is using proxy like phillipines and japan to do it dirty works .it's better country like vietnam ,phillipine and japan realise that US is just using them to irritate china ,they have to lose more then to gain in this stupidity.
The Treasury Department estimates that US debt to China is approximately $1.16 trillion. That is nearly $15,000 in debt for the average American family do you think america has balls to give china hard time directly I dont think so,america is using proxy like phillipines and japan to do it dirty works .it's better country like vietnam ,phillipine and japan realise that US is just using them to irritate china ,they have to lose more then to gain in this stupidity.

US has lodged several WTO complains / cases, the highest ever so far and won every one them. I don't see us getting less aggressive on China. This is not about throwing your balls on the table its is about economics. In case you missed it the trade deficit is in favor of china, and their export heavy economy depends on equal caution on taking on the US. Silly blustering talk about balls notwithstanding
small countries that unable to grasp the direction correctly can only become victims of the great power game.
Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- Japan's unilateral move of the so-called "purchase" of the Diaoyu Islands, which are Chinese territories, two weeks ago has taken its toll on bilateral economic and trade ties, experts said on Tuesday.

Chinese people intending on traveling to Japan have been bogged down. Heavyweight travel agencies, including China International Travel Service Limited, China Comfort Travel and China CYTS Tours Holding Co., Ltd., have halted travel business to Japan.

As far as Chinese travel to Japan is concerned, the impact of Diaoyu Islands rift could go as deep as the 2011 Fukushima earthquake, said a manager from the Marketing Department of the China CYTS, who preferred to be anonymous.

More Chinese organizations and groups canceled their travel plans to Japan in a bid to show strong protests and firm opposition to Tokyo's rash move of "purchase", media reports said.

Flights between China and Japan have been hampered in terms of flights being cut and delays of new routes opening. All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. and Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. canceled up to 23,000 seats on routes to China during the last few weeks.

Chinese airlines, including Air China, China Hainan Airlines and China Southern, have either canceled or cut flights to Japan in September and October. China Eastern Airlines and Juneyao Airlines postponed plans to open new routes to Japanese Sendai and Okinawa separately.

Moreover, Japanese automakers, including Tokyo, Honda and Nissan, shut down several factories in China under the pressure of Chinese demonstrations over the "purchase."

Insiders expect the automakers' losses to hit at least 250 million U.S. dollars, adding that September sales of Japanese auto products in China, the largest auto market in the world, could decline 50 percent month on month.

Japanese electronic appliance makers also felt the chill from Chinese consumers' spontaneous boycott of Japanese products. Sales revenue of Japanese home appliance makers slumped sharply, retailers in Beijing said.

Chinese Vice Minister of Commerce (MOC) Jiang Zengwei said on Sept. 13 that the so-called "purchase" would inevitably have a negative impact on China-Japan economic and trade ties.

Commerce Ministry spokesman Shen Danyang told a press conference on Sept. 19 that Japan should take full responsibility for the damage of economic and trade relations between the two countries caused by Japan's "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands.

In 2011, Sino-Japanese trade volume totaled over 340 billion U.S. dollars. China has been Japan's largest trade partner since 2007 while Japan is China's fourth largest trade partner, after the EU, U.S. and the ASEAN. China is the biggest destination for Japanese exports and biggest source of its imports.

Meanwhile, China's imports account for 23.7 percent of Japanese exports volume. Bilateral trade volume last year took up 21 percent of Japanese gross trade volume for the year, while it merely accounts for 9.4 percent of China's annual gross trade volume.

"China will lose less than Japan if economic and trade wars have to be our choice ultimately," said Mei Xinyu, a researcher at the International Trade and Economic Cooperation Institution under China's Ministry of Commerce.

The Chinese market is hard to replace for Japan, whose economy has been witnessing sluggish growth for years, said Mei, adding that if major fluctuations happened on Sino-Japanese trade relations, the shock waves would be felt strongly worldwide.

(Wait till China fully stops exporting rare earth materials to Japan)

mean while chinese people should boycott japanese goods in long term! dont let them make money in china and use that money to invade china water. if there is loss, the temperory loss is not a big deal. the local competitors or german companies will replace japanse companies. this would be big loss for japan instead! need to make them go bankrupt even when they still do business in china!
VN GDP is 100billion$, Japan-China trade is 345billion$~~

There are countries like India and Vietnam which can replace China in longterm. The recent moves by Japan are indicating it. Nobody wants their national security at risk just for few billion dollar worth of trade.
mean while chinese people should boycott japanese goods in long term! dont let them make money in china and use that money to invade china water. if there is loss, the temperory loss is not a big deal. the local competitors or german companies will replace japanse companies. this would be big loss for japan instead! need to make them go bankrupt even when they still do business in china!

Mate Chinese are not offering technologies or even developing technologies all they are offering is good infrastructure and cheap labour force. With the increase in recent labour wages China is no longer a cheap producer of good. This is an advantage for the countries like Vietnam and India. Japan has lot of Firms and joint ventures with India and future looks bright.
Indians such as himself doesn't know what's real and fails to show up with facts. If he really thinks that Philippines or Vietnam can replace China be my guest, clearly some Japanese politicians think the opposite otherwise they wouldn't be sending an official over to Beijing trying to repair the damage. He can only say it's bullsh!t that's all. And as for Viet who thinks Vietnam or Philippines can ease the pain show us same figures. Is the amount of consumers in Philippines and Vietnam larger than China? How many can afford expensive Japanese cars? How much will it cost for Japanese companies relocating their factories? How much money will their tourism industry lose? The Fukushima disaster and the after effect is still very painful for their economy. Japan is located on a sh!t position with 3-4 tectonic plates underneath, strong earthquakes is not a rare phenomenon over there which will result in millions of dollars of damage each time a huge one occurs. Japan is an export country and losing their biggest importer will be a huge blow to them because their domestic consumption including Vietnam and Philippines is still below China. EU crisis is not only affecting China but also Japan and the way EU is handling it the crisis is gonna last for a while. It's a joke to think by relocating factories to VN or Philippines it can replace China's consumption?

Sending of Japanese official after the senkaku protests is to cool down tensions and a short term goal. the recent moves by Japan,the trade corridor which is planned through the ASEAN countries upto India and recent vietnam visit of Japanese is an indication of the major shift in trade policy of japan.
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