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Japanese army chief visits India’s Eastern Command HQ


Nov 10, 2012
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Japanese army chief visits India’s Eastern Command HQ


Kolkata, May 7 (IANS) Japan’s Chief of Army Staff General Eiji Kimizuka visited the Eastern Command Headquarters at Fort William here Tuesday and discussed issues concerning security and enhancing military ties between the two armies.

General Kimizuka interacted with Eastern Command chief Lt. Gen. Dalbir Singh during his one-day official trip to Kolkata.

“The two discussed issues concerning security, enhancing military ties between the armies and other issues of mutual interest,” according to a defence press release.

General Kimizuka is on a four-day visit to India from Sunday.
Japanese army chief visits India’s Eastern Command HQ - Firstpost

Four days !!! I bet something serious is going on between two countries .There have been slew of bilateral visits in recent times in the shadows of Chinese hegemony which must have set the bell ringing in China . Last month I think Indian COAS had also visited Tokyo and our MMS too is scheduled to visit Tokyo later in this month to access the mood of Imperial Japan under new readership.

@illusion8 @Dumbledore what do you think buddy.
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Four days !!! I bet something serious is going on between two countries .There have been slew of bilateral visits in recent times in the shadows of Chinese hegemony which must have set the bell ringing in China . Last month I think Indian COAS had also visited Tokyo and our MMS too is scheduled to visit Tokyo later in this month to access the mood of Imperial Japan under new readership.

@illusion8 @Dumbledore what do you think buddy.

Japan, India and US trilateral collaboration is in full swing, even the US has major issues with China, the pentagon accused china of continous cyber attacks and meddling in the SCS.
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nothing is gona change. we are trying to ride on two boats at the same time.
nothing is gona change. we are trying to ride on two boats at the same time.

I would second that thought.China's recent, I would say mis-calculated overture in Indian territory would have cleared the doubts regarding China's intentions and long term plans.Our relations with China right now is in trip-wired mode and it' also a fact that if we take on China on our own then, we will be blown out into pieces.
With hopeful change of leadership in 2014 in Delhi there would be a new nationalist leader, who don't take half measures, he is always very clear and confident about what he is doing.Things are gona change for betterment of strong and secure India.
nothing is gona change. we are trying to ride on two boats at the same time.

In international relationships there are no friends only common targets .
In fact I would love India to ride dozens of boats at the same time . Maintain ties with US as well as with Russia ; with Israel as well as with Iran .
Do not forget that Netaji Subhash's Indian National Arma (Azad Hind Fauj) was backed by Japan..

Something strange, their was no mention in the main stream news channel's about this visit.
I love Japanese Flag....simple and beautiful

It's symbolism is ancient. It represents the sun, and the japanese people have all sorts of mythical assosiations with the sun. Their country's name in japanese means "originating from the sun". They believe that their race originated from the sun. (Or maybe just the emperors, I'm not sure.) They have referred to themselves as the land of the rising sun, for centuries. The sun has been used as their banner for millenia. Their ruling dynasty, which is the oldest continously ruling dynasty anywhere on earth, traces their origin (mythically, I'm sure) to the sun. (In India, the suryavamshi kshatriyas claimed the right to rule from the sun god.) This banner has very powerful (positive as well as negative) symbolism for japan and her neighbours.

On topic : I wonder why the japanese army chief decided to visit the eastern command specifically. (The command in charge of dealing with China.) That too, at this particular time. Message? Coincidence?
I'm sure there would have been lot of talks on the past events.
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