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Japan vying with EU to push Zhongguo's hand to dump US debt.


Oct 19, 2010
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Japan Collection Call on U.S. Debtors

Hello, is this Japan I'm speaking to?

Yes. (tentative). May I ask who's calling?

It's the ACME collection agency. We're calling today because of your outstanding obligations.

Is there a problem?

We're hoping not, but your creditors are beginning to worry you won't be able to keep up with your debt service.

Oh. Why the sudden concern?

It was an item in a recent RMB Currency Trader. And I quote:

Selected Gov't Borrowing Needs

The Land of the Rising Sun has the dubious distinction of sporting the highest debt-to-GDP ratio of any industrialized nation in the world. Now greater than 200%, Japan's relative debt load is bigger than that of Greece, Spain, Portugal or the US. Japan needs to borrow over 50% of GDP this year just to stay afloat, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and its financing needs are expected to reach almost 60% of GDP next year. (See graph below.) Its strength has been somewhat befuddling, especially considering this growing burden of debt.


Why has the Japanese currency been so strong? Because despite all of the yen's problems, Japan runs a trade surplus. Traders view that surplus as a source of funding which can be used to pay down Japan's skyrocketing debt, making the yen seem like a "flight-to-quality" currency despite appearances. However, Japan's strong currency is beginning to affect Japan's ability to export. Competition from China and rising Asian powers such as Vietnam is also beginning to take its toll. Japanese industrial output fell 1.9% in September after dropping 1% in August.

Care to comment, Japan? Japan? Are you there? Hello? Hello?

David again. As you can see from the chart, even though Japan has managed to stay off the radar of the mainstream financial media, the country's economy is in a real mess. And, for the record, the U.S. is in no great shakes, either, not when you consider the neighborhood it's in, in the above chart.

As we have discussed at length in The Casey Report, while the eurozone is back in the soup just now, Japan could very well be the next black swan to lay an egg on the global economy.

Heretofore, Japan has been able to avoid the worst consequences of its many debts and obligations - but that may soon change. In addition to the exports referenced above, the country's high internal savings rates have provided crucial support for the Japanese government's energetic issuance of debt at low rates. But as you can see in the chart below from our own Bud Conrad, those internal savings - like exports - are now in decline.


Japanese Savings Chart

The upshot of this is that the Japanese government will increasingly have to turn to external buyers to finance its many obligations. That, in turn, will require competing with sovereign debt offering better yields.

Japan's extreme borrowing needs over the next couple of years are, at this point, locked in - which almost certainly means that Japanese interest rates will rise - potentially by a lot - relative to the near zero yields now on offer.

Yet it should be obvious from the IMF data that Japan simply can't afford to have the cost of servicing its massive debt rise even a little, let alone a lot. Which is another way of saying that something has to break, and soon.

Another way to view the situation is by looking at the trend for yields being offered by Japan's largest competitor for new borrowings, the U.S. As you can see in chart here - which ran in today's edition of Things That Make You Go Hmmm - yields are clearly moving up.


Daily Treasury Yields

It all begins to get a bit circular when you consider that Japan's aggressive financing needs make it likely the country will have to dial back its participation in future auctions of U.S. Treasuries. It would not surprise me if they followed China's lead in reducing the U.S. paper now held in reserve. That, in turn, could lead to even higher U.S. rates, and even higher rates for Japan. Or it could lead to more monetization of U.S. Treasury debt by the Fed, which in turn leads to Mr. Market demanding higher yields to compensate for the rising potential of inflation.

This Gordian Knot of the interconnected global financial system makes it essential for investors to not only monitor your own house for signs of fire, but to watch your neighbor's as well. In the case of Japan, smoke is starting to leak out from under the door.
poor thing, is this means US is going to ask (force more precisely) Japan to pay the bill? again?

Last month, it was EUR VS USD, and China side with the first one; now it is JPY VS USD is there any possibility that China will come to Japan's rescue this time?
poor thing, is this means US is going to ask (force more precisely) Japan to pay the bill? again?

Last month, it was EUR VS USD, and China side with the first one; now it is JPY VS USD is there any possibility that China will come to Japan's rescue this time?

the US fed will simply print out more money and devalue its dollar, which in turn devalues the US DOLLAR debt that china holds. they just did it recently and wholly pissed of china, which is a currency manipulator, kinda of ironical considering china has been under valuing it's currency since 2008 and thus being responsible for the a slow global recovery too.
the US fed will simply print out more money and devalue its dollar, which in turn devalues the US DOLLAR debt that china holds. they just did it recently and wholly pissed of china, which is a currency manipulator, kinda of ironical considering china has been under valuing it's currency since 2008 and thus being responsible for the a slow global recovery too.

nothing is free from risk, printing out more money means more liquidity in the market, if no one is buying, this will led to the destorruction of USD, which is the goal of Russia and EU at the moment (they have nothing to lose in this situation but can get huge amount of benefits). This is also the ultimate goal of China, for long term when RMB and the internal market are ready, but not now. To prevent this from happening, US need to convince other investors to keep buying what they are going to print. However, China is not willing to do this anymore and sending a strong signal to US in both far east and middle east.

so if China is not buying, someone else has to be. ask yourself a question, if USD is no longer accepted world-wide, what product can US to use to pay for all the imported goods. and what can walls street used to manipulate the world's financial market.
nothing is free from risk, printing out more money means more liquidity in the market, if no one is buying, this will led to the destorruction of USD, which is the goal of Russia and EU at the moment (they have nothing to lose in this situation but can get huge amount of benefits). This is also the ultimate goal of China, for long term when RMB and the internal market are ready, but not now. To prevent this from happening, US need to convince other investors to keep buying what they are going to print. However, China is not willing to do this anymore and sending a strong signal to US in both far east and middle east.

so if China is not buying, someone else has to be. ask yourself a question, if USD is no longer accepted world-wide, what product can US to use to pay for all the imported goods. and what can walls street used to manipulate the world's financial market.

Fed doesn't appear to have good control over certain rates

US Mortgage rates

Build America Bonds

Treasury Bond 10-30 year spread.

and what will happen if Fed cannot control rates or if Zhongguo exercises another lever.


"Many commentators have posited that the US Federal Reserve will not hike interest for several years. It is my contention that the Fed CANNOT raise rates EVER again. The reason for this is that some 80% of the $600 TRILLION in over the counter derivatives market is based on interest rates.

If even 4% of this is “at risk” and 10% of it goes wrong you’ve wiped out ALL The equity at the five largest banks in the US"
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the US fed will simply print out more money and devalue its dollar, which in turn devalues the US DOLLAR debt that china holds. they just did it recently and wholly pissed of china, which is a currency manipulator, kinda of ironical considering china has been under valuing it's currency since 2008 and thus being responsible for the a slow global recovery too.

Not ironical at all, this happens all the time. This isn't the first time the U.S. has manipulated its currency. Also, the Americans pumping hot money out to the world isn't exactly helping the global recovery either.
some wild scenarios being put forth out there, and it's too early to tell if those come to fruition. " Fed will never raise rates" - I just don't see that as a premise other than an outlier. American resiliency is not one that one can bet against.

We are definitely going to forth with some austerity methods and we shall see what happens in the coming years. I n the interim- I don't see our bonds being not picked by others nor the fantasy of the dollar not being the world's trading currency.

Your housing bubble that could bust soon ( not a question of IF but when ) is one to watch on the horizon too.
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