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Japan to Refocus Military on China

Water Car Engineer

Sep 25, 2010
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United States
TOKYO — In what would be a sweeping overhaul of its cold war-era defense strategy, Japan is about to release new military guidelines that would reduce its heavy armored and artillery forces pointed north toward Russia in favor of creating more mobile units that could respond to China’s growing presence near its southernmost islands, Japanese newspapers reported Sunday.

The realignment comes as the United States is making new calls for Japan to increase its military role in eastern Asia in response to recent provocations by North Korea as well as China’s more assertive stance in the region.

The new defense strategy, likely to be released this week, will call for greater integration of Japan’s armed forces with the United States military, the reports said. The reports did not give a source, but the fact that major newspapers carried the same information suggested they were based on a background briefing by government officials.

The new guidelines also call for acquiring new submarines and fighter jets, the reports said, and creating ground units that can be moved quickly by air in order to defend the southern islands, including disputed islands in the East China Sea that are also claimed by China and Taiwan. These disputed islands are known as the Senkakus in Japanese and the Diaoyu in Chinese.

Details of the realignment, which was delayed a year by the change of government in September 2009, have been leaking out since large joint military drills this month between Japan and the United States that included the American aircraft carrier George Washington.

Since initially clashing with the Obama administration over an American air base on Okinawa, Japan’s new Democratic Party government has been pulling closer to Washington, spurred by a bruising diplomatic clash three months ago with China over the disputed islands and fears about North Korea’s nuclear program.

The United States has used Japan’s concerns as an opportunity to strengthen ties with the country, its largest and most important Asian ally, and to nudge Japan toward a more active role in the region. In particular, Washington has proposed stronger three-way military ties that would also include its other key regional ally, South Korea.

During a visit to the region last week, Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, urged Japan to join American military exercises with South Korea. In a meeting with Japan’s defense minister, Toshimi Kitazawa, Admiral Mullen said the two nations needed to support South Korea after North Korea’s deadly shelling last month of a South Korean island.

The proposal of three-nation drills has already met resistance in Japan, whose military is severely constrained by its pacifist, postwar Constitution, and also in South Korea, where bitter memories of Japan’s brutal early-20th century march through Asia still run deep. However, Japan has slowly begun to shed some of the postwar phobias against a larger Asian role for its military, known as the Self-Defense Forces, one of the largest and most technologically advanced in the region.

In recent days, Prime Minister Naoto Kan has raised the possibility of changing laws to allow Japanese forces to be sent to the Korean Peninsula to rescue Japanese expatriates in the event of a crisis, and also to search for Japanese known to have been abducted by North Korea in the 1970s and 1980s.

“We need to slowly move forward with consultations with South Korea about whether they would allow in transport aircraft from the Self-Defense Forces,” he told reporters on Saturday.

In another sign of growing coordination, South Korea’s vice minister of defense, Lee Yong-gul, visited Tokyo late last week for talks with his Japanese counterpart, Kimito Nakae, on increasing bilateral cooperation.

Newspaper descriptions of the new Japanese defense strategy did not mention joint drills with South Korea. They did, however, make it clear that Tokyo views North Korea and particularly China as its biggest threats.

The revised guidelines call for shifting some ground forces from the northern island of Hokkaido, where they were originally intended to fend off a Soviet invasion, to its southern islands to fill a “gap” there, the reports said. This gap was exposed by recent Chinese naval maneuvers near islands in the Okinawa chain that raised alarm in Japan.

Under the reported revision, Ground forces would be maintained near their current level of about 150,000 personnel, the reports said.

Success of American imperial designs with the aid of money greedy clowns in NK it has been made much easier..ever wonder whats being the socialist Kim Jong Il drama?? He seems to hate west but love dollar and western luxuries and it the largest single handed consumer of European luxuries. Often these socialist leaders are money-puppets willing to go any length for filling their bank accounts. And regarding Japan its probably in its worst form today with industry overly dependent on west and a parasitic "western modeled" financial system, WW2 humiliation and a pawn of American imperial politics. Isolation from two major neighbors S.Korea and China. Japan is behaving very much like India. Both want to play big brother in their respective regions.
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I guess that they are afraid of this ----->


As long as they continue to keep their "pacifist constitution" and stay away from nuclear weapons, they shouldn't worry.
the minute they give up pacifist constitution they'll become the next iraq. like israel does not accept a nuclear iraq, we do not accept a nuclear japan, and will bomb its nuclear facilities.
I guess that they are afraid of this ----->


As long as they continue to keep their "pacifist constitution" and stay away from nuclear weapons, they shouldn't worry.

And what does it mean,i mean the inscription's in the pic
Japan and Iraq cannot comparable....

the difference of strength between israel and iraq and between china and japan was far smaller. iraq had a credible chance against israel. it failed to stop the IAF from destroying its reactors. japan is the same way.
as long as they have their pacifist constitution YOU shouldn't worry.

It's actually nearly impossible for them to change their "pacifist constitution".

The Americans who wrote their post-WW2 constitution designed it that way, to pre-empt any future threat from Japan.

In fact the Japanese constitution has never been amended even once since 1945, due to that difficulty.

Also the Japanese have a strong cultural aversion to nuclear weapons, due to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Because of that, they are at the forefront of the global "non-proliferation" movement.
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japan have good US missile and aircraft defence systems. So its not easy to attack japan.
And what does it mean,i mean the inscription's in the pic

Wu wang guo chi = Do not forget national humiliation.

In a reference to the 20 million innocent Chinese civilians, that were butchered by the Imperial Japanese Army during WW2.
japan have good US missile and aircraft defence systems. So its not easy to attack japan.

You are one funny Indian comedian. :yahoo:

The disadvantage Japan has is --> Japan is too small in size.

So even if Japan has all the most powerful US missiles and aircraft defense system that will not save her form being defeated by China if a war ever broke out between the two.

Just tell me how can Japan handle thousands of incoming missiles from China ??? Missile Defense is nothing but snake oil.
You are one funny Indian comedian. :yahoo:

The disadvantage Japan has is --> Japan is too small in size.

So even if Japan has all the most powerful US missiles and aircraft defense system that will not save her form being defeated by China if a war ever broke out between the two.

Just tell me how can Japan handle thousands of incoming missiles from China ??? Missile Defense is nothing but snake oil.

Japan doesn't need to be big enough to defeat China conventionally, just strong enough to make China think twice before picking on Japan.

If Japan can set China's economy back a decade or two (or three) at a time when China is looking to become more important in the world order, I think that goes a long way to making China think twice.

the rest is likely conflict with the US, which should make China think thrice before attacking Japan.
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