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The latest rankings of 5G development progress in the world
ultimata 2018-12-08 08:47:01
The US Wireless Communications and Internet Association (CTIA) recently released a report saying that China's 5G commercial progress is now ranked first in the world. "The United States lags behind China in terms of overall 5G preparation."

CTIA and leading telecom consulting firm Analysys Mason conducted a comprehensive study of the 5G status quo in countries around the world, focusing on spectrum availability, licenses and deployment plans.

Focus on two key areas: spectrum availability, licensing and deployment plans; and recommendations to streamline the 5G infrastructure planning process, including favorable mobile siting and licensing policies.


Global 5G overall development progress ranking

Recently, Xiaomi Mobile officially issued a document saying that Xiaomi's mobile phone 5G is ready, and Xiaomi's mix3 mobile phone test version has begun to use 5G.


Xiaomi mobile phone official micro

On December 7, China Unicom announced that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has agreed that China Unicom will use the 3500MHz-3600MHz frequency from the date of notification to June 30, 2020. China Unicom will conduct 5G system experiments in mainland China. In addition, China Unicom will gradually stop using the 2555MHz-2575MHz frequency nationwide before March 31, 2019. This part of the frequency will be recovered by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


Therefore, the development speed of China's 5G is ahead of the rest of the world. The 5G big cake has attracted many companies and even countries. Therefore, the 5G dispute is getting more and more intense.
China and the Chinese companies are shameless international pirates too eager to peek through others inventions and steal them. Chinese are worse than the Nigerian scumbags.

You know what's the issue? Its not the Chinese cybersnooping. American's have this sense of superiority that only them can spy and monitor people through American company servers, social media platforms etc. The moment another country follows their leads their a$s burns. China arent doing anything the Americans isnt doing.

Well. American companies do not spy or steal IP's anymore. CHinese are shameless in that aspect. Will give them that.
Since Huawei is stealing technology and patents from Western countries, why do Americans not sue Huawei for patent infringement, but instead sue Huawei for violating sanctions against Iran abide Americain internal laws?

If United States stipulates that all Indians are criminals being indians, and Indians think it is right?
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Sourgraped spotted. What world beaters technology has Indian achieve? zero. It's better to group Indian together with Nigerian. They are the same group. :enjoy:
Now relax you will get ur 50 cents with this post.
The US gov is the gov of all yankees,not the gov of Chineses,maybe also the gov of Japs and S.koreans,but NOT of CHINESES!

To be accurate LG U+ with more than 4100 base stations of 5G from Huawei!
Can not play a fair game,time for CHUNA gov to ban japs cars in CHINA!

No one can't resist high tech.

Even we all know that USA tech products are spying on us... we still use it.

The same with Chinese tech.

For now, it's just not high tech enough. But wait for couple of decades when no ones can make 7G or 8G of communication technology, except China, like it or not, they will getting soft and use it anyway.

It's just USA is also researching 5G, despite it's not yet being delivered. They just wait for it... until it was disappointing.
that's true .
China and the Chinese companies are shameless international pirates too eager to peek through others inventions and steal them. Chinese are worse than the Nigerian scumbags.

Two clowns from two shi.t hole countries passing commentaries .... your countries will need at least another 2 centuries to where China.
Is this unexpected? Of course it is not. The American poodle nexus has started obeying daddy Uncle Sam's instructions. Uncle Sam dictates the rules and the poodles follow the instructions.

China couldn't give a rats a$$. For every poodle there are 5 others. Let these poodles take their equipment from Cisco LOL I am sure Cisco won't collect any data.
Now relax you will get ur 50 cents with this post.
Oh so , getting 50 percent is India world class beater technology? I know Indian has no world beaters technology with 1.2 billion Indian but I think they are all dumb. :lol: If I am indian now, I will jump into river and just died instead of being a parasite lynching this world on the same level of Nigerian cheaters.. Indian has no world beaters technology beside behaving like a troll like you.

Let me show you what is world recognised world first or world class technology. I know its alien to Indian for such feat. :enjoy:

World first 7nm chips

Fastest conventional high speed train

World longest bridge

Chinese invented parcel sorting robots saves millions of manpower and sort more efficiency.

World largest space telescope

World first quantum communication that is hack proof.

Indian? Nothing. :lol:
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Oh so , getting 50 percent is India world class beater technology? I know Indian has no world beaters technology with 1.2 billion Indian but I think they are all dumb. :lol: If I am indian now, I will jump into river and just died instead of being a parasite lynching this world on the same level of Nigerian cheaters.. Indian has no world beaters technology beside behaving like a troll like you.

Let me show you what is world recognised world first or world class technology. I know its alien to Indian for such feat. :enjoy:

World first 7nm chips

Fastest conventional high speed train

World longest bridge

Chinese invented parcel sorting robots saves millions of manpower and sort more efficiency.

World largest space telescope

World first quantum communication that is hack proof.

Indian? Nothing. :lol:
Dnt take it to your heart..u have earned a lot today.
Dnt take it to your heart..u have earned a lot today.
Did my true words hurt your pride badly. What I post is fact. Are you going to claim those video I post is hollywood fake creation to earn 50 cent for PRC China? Come on 1.2 billion indian sure has some world beater technology. Dont be shy to show me. Do you really want to rank the same as Nigeria cheater or you want Indian to be some useless pig given you has the 2nd largest population in the world? :rofl:

I know Indian is impotent is Olympic... even a small Ethiopia can easily trash Indian in terms of Olympic gold.
Did my true words hurt your pride badly. What I post is fact. Are you going to claim those video I post is hollywood fake creation to earn 50 cent for PRC China? Come on 1.2 billion indian sure has some world beater technology. Dont be shy to show me. Do you really want to rank the same as Nigeria cheater or you want Indian to be some useless pig given you has the 2nd largest population in the world? :rofl:

I know Indian is impotent is Olympic... even a small Ethiopia can easily trash Indian in terms of Olympic gold.
US puppets in action lollllzzzz japan is not even a sovereign country. only thing i like is made in japan electronics
US puppets in action lollllzzzz japan is not even a sovereign country. only thing i like is made in japan electronics
I would have to agree with you. The only thing I like about Japan is their electronic industry and Anime.

Otherwise Japan cannot do much more than that with a population of 128 million people.
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