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Japan’s Stealth Fighter Gambit

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Japan’s Stealth Fighter Gambit

Tokyo seems poised to spend billions developing the country’s first homegrown stealth warplane. But is the Shinshin really meant for military service?


It’s an arms race China claims it doesn’t want, Russia can’t afford, the United States believes it can’t afford and Japan probably isn’t prepared for on its own.

All the same, the intensifying competition to build radar-evading jet fighters has had a powerful effect on the politics, industry and military forces of the Pacific's four greatest powers – and none more so than Japan’s.

The most recent chapter in a tale that began in 2005 opened with a grainy photograph of a black-painted warplane, published on an Internet forum six months ago. On Christmas Day, Chinese government Internet censors allowed the first amateur photo of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s new J-20 stealth-fighter demonstrator to linger online.

The J-20, a product of the Chengdu design bureau, is a visually impressive aircraft, substantially bigger than Western warplanes such as the F-15 and F/A-18 and adorned with sharp angles meant to reduce its radar reflectivity. Such angles are also seen on the latest US F-22 and F-35 stealth fighters, both built by Lockheed Martin, plus on the Sukhoi T-50 from Russia.

More photos and videos of the J-20 soon followed. But Beijing remained silent about the new plane’s purpose and capability. Foreign analysts, meanwhile, worked themselves into something of a panic.

‘Any notion that an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter or F/A-18E/F Super Hornet will be capable of competing against this Chengdu design in air combat, let alone penetrate airspace defended by this fighter, would be simply absurd,’ wrote Carlo Kopp and Peter Goon, from the think tank Air Power Australia.

If the PLAAF masters engines to match the J-20’s airframe, ‘Asian Pacific’s political landscape will be changed,’ claimed Arthur Ding, a Taiwanese analyst.

Finally, a Chinese official opened up about the J-20. It was in late May, at a press conference during PLA chief Gen. Chen Bingde’s weeklong visit to Washington, D.C. ‘We do not want to use our money to buy equipment or advanced weapons to challenge the United States,’ Chen said in response to a question about the J-20.

There was a ‘gaping gap’ between US and Chinese technology, the general admitted.

But it was too late for Chen to stop an arms race. The J-20’s appearance had already prompted the United States and its closest Pacific ally, Japan, to accelerate the modernization of their own air arsenals. Russia, cash-strapped as always, doggedly plugged away at a planned decade-long test programme using two T-50 prototypes.

Despite a ballooning federal budget deficit and flattening defence spending, Washington shifted billions of dollars into efforts to improve its fleet of F-15 Eagle and F-22 Raptor fighters, while also reaffirming its commitment to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, the total cost of which was projected to exceed $1 trillion.

Tokyo’s reaction to the J-20 was arguably even more dramatic. In a surprise move for a country that carefully avoids military confrontation, Japan revived a plan to develop its own stealth warplane – from scratch.

Today, the so-called Shinshin (‘spirit’) fighter – the product of the Advanced Technology Demonstrator, or ‘ATD-X,’ programme – exists only as a small-scale, radio-controlled model, two non-flying mock-ups and various isolated bits of technology including engines, electronics and the canopy. But plans are in place to fly a fully-functioning demonstrator no later than 2014.

What happens after that is open to speculation. Sometime after 2016, a derivative of the Shinshin could join the F-22, the F-35, the T-50 and potentially the J-20 as combat-ready stealth warplanes in widespread military use.

More likely, Tokyo will continue using Shinshin for its original purpose, as a sacrificial player in a complex political, military and industrial game, the ultimate goal of which is to win Japan a stake in a more affordable (for Japan) and potentially more effective US stealth fighter.

Either way, the J-20’s appearance has raised the stakes for Tokyo and the Japanese air force. Tokyo is facing a shortage of combat-ready fighters, a problem the Chinese warplane’s appearance underscored in dramatic fashion.

The question is whether Japan will design and build new fighters on its own, despite the high cost and extreme risk of such an endeavour – or continue relying on the Americans to supply its warplanes, a strategy that comes with its own political and industrial costs.

Japanese are still far Away , i read some where on internet that they poses 60% of technology of a complete Aircraft.
Japanese are still far Away , i read some where on internet that they poses 60% of technology of a complete Aircraft.

Oh come on, never Challenge the Japanese and Germans when it comes to technology, only thing is Japan has never felt the need of making one ever since under the umbrella of USA....
Oh come on, never Challenge the Japanese and Germans when it comes to technology, only thing is Japan has never felt the need of making one ever since under the umbrella of USA....

then they Should jump into 6th generation Diractly. Instead of competing with china and put their sèlves into Race of 5th gen.
then they Should jump into 6th generation Diractly. Instead of competing with china and put their sèlves into Race of 5th gen.

Why would they need to compete with china when they are under the umbrella of US?? and that was wise enough of them to do as they have very few man power when compared to latter...
US could get into JV project with Japan to develop ATD-X. Another expensive project similar to F-2.
In later stages by 2020+ Japan will be able to order F-35 as a replacement for many of its F-4s and perhaps all of F-4s whereas ATD-X could be the replacement of many F-15s.
since last 3 years they are waiting for landing gears or whats the issue? looking like ready but no landing gears .
since last 3 years they are waiting for landing gears or whats the issue? looking like ready but no landing gears .

Tadaaaaaaaaa, its because you are looking at the same picture after three years....
Looks like it will be stealth due to its tiny puny negligible size..No radar will be able to detect such an insignificant airplane...

dude thats just a wooden model. btw even f 35 size is small but is it insignificant ??? Dont underestimate them thier manufacturing and r&d are far ahead of any asian country.

This is old news. From my experience with the Japanese, in and out of the military, and currently in the semicon manufacturing industry, I have learned NEVER to underestimate the Japanese. As a culture, the Japanese can invoke 'group think' faster than any cultures me and my friends know. This is their greatest strength, a weakness, and a potential curse, if you will. If the Japanese feel sufficiently threatened, and they do not considered within a few months as we normally do but in years, they can build an F-22 near equivalent in very short time. Do not forget that Japan is a major global nuclear power, not necessarily a nuclear weapons power, but for now they do not need or want to be.
then they Should jump into 6th generation Diractly. Instead of competing with china and put their sèlves into Race of 5th gen.

They were talking about directly jumping to 6th gen with anti-Stealth tech. in their new plane.. There was even a thread on this sometimes back..
We should not forget that they were only the second country in the world to develop and deploy AESA radar on their planes..
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