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Japan OKs easing of military-related exports


Jul 6, 2009
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United States
Japan OKs easing of military-related exports - Houston Chronicle

TOKYO (AP) — Japan relaxed a decades-old ban on military-related exports Tuesday in a bid to expand joint arms development with allies and equipment sales to Southeast Asia and elsewhere.

The new guidelines endorsed Tuesday by the Cabinet are part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push to bolster national security amid China's military expansion and North Korea's nuclear threat.

Abe has said Japan needs to play a larger role in international peacekeeping and defense cooperation. His government is pushing to allow Japan to defend allies, such as the U.S., if they are under attack, by re-interpreting the war-renouncing Article 9 of Japan's constitution.

The new export guidelines pave the way for Japan to join arms technology development with the U.S. and other allies including Britain, France and Australia and acquire more advanced defense capabilities and equipment, saidNobushige Takamizawa, deputy chief of a recently created National Security Secretariat.

He said Japanese contractors could also gain access to technology and enhance their competitiveness.

The move, which reverses Japan's nearly half century-old self-imposed restrictions on weapons-related exports, could escalate tensions with China and South Korea.

Yosuke Isozaki, a special adviser to Abe, said that weapons or related technology exports would be allowed only when they serve international cooperation or Japan's national security. He said Japan will carefully scrutinize the importing country's intentions and ensure that the exports are not transferred to third parties without Japan's consent.

"There is no change to Japan's policy of not allowing any exports that would encourage other countries' conflicts," he told reporters at an embargoed briefing on Monday.

Takamizawa said Japan will primarily export technology and equipment for rescue, transport, surveillance and mine sweeping, and is not considering assault equipment such as tanks and fighter jets.

Possible exports include rescue aircraft to India, mine detectors to developing countries and anti-piracy patrol ships to Indonesia, Philippines and several other countries in Southeast Asia, officials said.

Japan adopted three principles in 1967 banning the transfer of defense equipment and technology to communist states and those in international conflicts or under U.N. sanctions. Those were later expanded into a blanket ban.

The government has issued ad hoc exemptions to the ban, such as for Japan to participate in the joint development of weapons with the U.S. The new guidelines lay out conditions for military-related transfers, so exemptions will no longer be needed. They are an attempt to make the process more predictable for partner countries and companies both in Japan and overseas.

Japan's trade and industry ministry annually receives about 2,300 applications for military-related exports, mostly for repairs, and the number is expected to increase.
we should join for a JV for Next Gen Diesel Electric Submarines.both of their Oyashio and Soryu Class are good subs.but Soryu is surely going to be the base for next gen subs if implemented.
Good i hope the Japanese would make a Lend-Lease treaty

Read the article more clearly:
Takamizawa said Japan will primarily export technology and equipment for rescue, transport, surveillance and mine sweeping, and is not considering assault equipment such as tanks and fighter jets.

Even I don't want their weapons even if they give it away for free.
Japan is already doubling the size of our coast guard with the 10 new patrol vessels they are building for us. We were also supposed to get 2 100m ex-japan coast guard ships as well, but i haven't heard anything about them in a while. And all that was before their export law change. last week's confrontation was an eye opener -- we need an even larger coast guard with even more types of assets. a few japanese flying boats could do wonders for resupplying our outposts
this is very good news, Russia should buy many Japanese arms. Especially the helicopter carrier and cancels the mistral deal


Hyūga-class helicopter destroyer is anyways much better than mistral
this is very good news, Russia should buy many Japanese arms. Especially the helicopter carrier and cancels the mistral deal


Hyūga-class helicopter destroyer is anyways much better than mistral

Maybe Japan should sell their Aegis DDG to Russia, since this contains the core US technology.

Russia could learn from the US Aegis, then make its own version out of it.
Maybe Japan should sell their Aegis DDG to Russia, since this contains the core US technology.

Russia could learn from the US Aegis, then make its own version out of it.
LOL, a interesting deal. Even Japan agree, still ask American AN/SPY-1D radar and MK-41 VLS.

1st deal of Japan export arms, will export 2x amphibious aircrafts to India.
aircraft carrier means attack weapon, not defensive weapon right ???

but China always confuse between offend and defend ... as they called their invasion to Vietnam in 1979 as defensive war ...
I guess Japan would confuse the same ... what if they attack someone ( who threaten them ) in advance and call that as defensive act.
next step needs to be nuclear arms build up in japan. a nuclear armed japan will create a stable asia
next step needs to be nuclear arms build up in japan. a nuclear armed japan will create a stable asia
YES, a good reason to start WWIII. Do u prepare enough nukes for next World War ?
The capacity to wage war is important for stabilizing and peace otherwise a country becomes slaves to global financial system.
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