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Japan eases fuel rules for India nuclear deal


May 29, 2014
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United States
@Spectre @macnurv @scorpionx @AUSTERLITZ @levina @nair @jamahir @Bussard Ramjet @Skull and Bones @Echo_419 @Water Car Engineer et al ! :cheers:

Japan has given in to India’s demand that it be allowed to reprocess spent nuclear fuel from Japanese-made reactors, negotiation sources said, marking a major shift in Japan’s stance against proliferation.

India, a nuclear power that conducted its first weapons test in 1974 using reprocessed plutonium, has not joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Japan has been seeking measures to guarantee India will not divert extracted plutonium — which could be used to build nuclear weapons — for military use, but no agreement has been reached on the issue, the sources said Thursday.

This is the first time Tokyo has allowed a country using Japanese reactors to conduct fuel reprocessing. Since the Fukushima meltdowns in 2011, Japan has concluded nuclear equipment supply agreements with six countries, including Jordan, Russia, Turkey and Vietnam. But not one had been allowed to reprocess spent fuel generated by the reactors.

As a condition for allowing reprocessing, Japan has suggested throughout the bilateral negotiations, which began in 2010, that India submit an annual report detailing the amount of plutonium generated through reprocessing and where it is stored.

But India rejected the proposal, saying it already has a safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency that subjects it to inspection by the nuclear watchdog, the sources said.

Some Japanese officials had been cautious about approving reprocessing, but Tokyo is now set to agree because its ally the United States has already done so, they said.

The U.S. recently reached a broad nuclear deal with India on condition that India submit certain information regarding extracted plutonium.

Japan eases fuel rules for India nuclear deal | The Japan Times
I'm against the nuclear power plants but it's good to see Japan and India building robust trade relations.
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Nice, more nuclear power stations to satisfy Indian energy requirements, and couple of more nuclear warheads. :D

I like the Indo-Japanese communique style; compromise abounds.

No more nuclear warheads will be inducted. Still India refusing to confirm is the matter of principal rather than practicalities. India doesn't want any condition's imposed as befits the nation of it's aspirational stature.

Nuclear warheads is only there as deterrent or as a second strike options as we have No First Used Policy. Some countries like Pakistan and Russia factor nuclear warheads in their tactical doctrine as a supplement to their conventional forces as they know they can't conventionally match their opponents like India & NATO respectively.

As far as current alignments go, India on paper can defend itself in a conventional war in likely conflicts hence no need for increasing no of warheads. This also the primary reason why there is widespread support from U.K., Japan, Australia, USA and Russia for providing nuclear tech and fuel to India with minimum restrictions.
We don't need warheads. We need viable thorium based reactors.

India has the lead over here for a moment but China will soon surpass us their investment and manpower committed to this tech far exceeds that of India.

Anyway we will get there sooner or later
It is a landmark shift in Japanese nuclear policy, but from the article it seems that no further guarantees were seek from Delhi to ensure that the material wont be diverted towards the nuclear weapons program. Under Abe, Japanese policy is taking a shift more towards a confrontational stance, and lets us not forget that China must been on the minds of Japanese, as it seems they are not very sure about the deal themselves.

And lets not forget India's growing need for power production as a growing economy.
For a population like India has...and the boom in power requirements that's going to hit India's planners in a couple of years....nuclear power is one of the necessities.
I understand that, and also the fact that we will be sitting on ticking nuclear bombs if the number of NPPs in the country increase.
The problem lies in the fact that our policy makers think of immediate future. Unfortunate!

I read it somewhere that a tiny part of Africa is all we need to create clean solar energy for the entire world.

And in turn will get itself perished in the process too.

How? Do you have anything to fight back?

Let's see how indian ruined their last chance to get H-bomb.

List of nuclear weapons tests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"May 11, 1998: Operation Shakti (type: implosion, 3 uranium and 2 plutonium devices, all underground). The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) of India and the Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO) simultaneously conducted a test of three nuclear devices at the Indian Army Pokhran Test Range (IAPTR) on May 11, 1998. Two days later, on May 13, the AEC and DRDO carried out a test of two further nuclear devices, detonated simultaneously. During this operation, AEC India claimed to have tested a three-stage thermonuclear device (Teller-Ulam design), but the yield of the tests was significantly lower than that expected from thermonuclear devices. The yields remain questionable, at best, by Western and Indian scholars, estimated at 20kt-45kt."

india does have some A-bombs ,but A-bomb is heavy at weight and 100-1000 times less powerful than H-bomb.
So, China can eliminate india from the earth, and india can only damage some Tibetan villages.
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I think it's difficult for nations to wise-up even after digesting massive amount of nuclear radiation by being bombed - they still thirst for more........ more they will get..........Does Japan seriously think that China and Pakistan will sit idly while India processes more plutonium from Japanese reactors for it's arsenal? Japan just became an official enemy state........... excellent, more wholehearted support for China in all it's future SCS endeavors....... and by the way, it should get ready for some "nuclear terrorism" too..... shit happens........
I understand that, and also the fact that we will be sitting on ticking nuclear bombs if the number of NPPs in the country increase.
The problem lies in the fact that our policy makers think of immediate future. Unfortunate!

I read it somewhere that a tiny part of Africa is all we need to create clean solar energy for the entire world.

Can you clarify the ticking time bomb remark in reference to NPP?

Solar energy is far from viable but in next 20-30 years may be tech improves sufficiently to make cheap and more efficient solar panels.

India is a poor nation and can't afford solar power as a viable source of energy, we need energy and infrastructure badly to progress and change our economic profile and thermal is the cheapest energy available which suits our purposes. Alternately Nuclear Power is being developed as a source of clean energy. Wind and Solar will remain fringe elements for foreseeable future. Yes, there will announcements and investments in Solar and Wind but the Suzlon example is a cautionary tale in relying too much on it.

We can't skip the development curve which is Thermal and Hyrdro -> Nuclear -> Solar & Wind.

Infact I know of very few nations who have majority of their energy needs met by Solar & Wind and they are all developed with extremely high GDP per Capita.

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