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Japan deploys Anti-ship missiles on Miyako Island


Sep 24, 2010
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Global Times | 2013-11-7

Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force has deployed surface-to-ship missiles on Okinawa's Miyako Island in an unprecedented move that experts say is targeted at blocking the Chinese navy.

The Type 88 missiles arrived at Hirara Port on the island by ferry earlier Wednesday from a base in Hokkaido and are scheduled to be deployed to a radar site on Miyako Island, Japan's defense officials said, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

The missile deployment is part of Japan's ongoing military exercises in Okinawa and Kyushu from November 1 to 18, which include a drill on capturing an island. Japan has not released its specific plan for using the missiles during the drills.

The delivery of the missiles was delayed for around an hour due to locals attempting to block the weapons from entering the port, condemning the exercise as dangerous, unnecessary and not in their best interest.

Miyako Island lies around 250 kilometers away from the Miyako strait, through which Chinese navy travels to the West Pacific. Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said that the simulation targeted no specific country, Japan's national broadcaster NHK reported at the weekend, according to South China Morning Post.

However, people in China do not see it that way.

"The missile deployment is mainly set against China and it can pose real threats to the Chinese navy," Li Jie, a Chinese navy military expert, told the Global Times.

The Miyako strait is 250 kilometers long and the firing range of the missiles is 150 kilometers at the maximum, which makes it easy for Japan to cut off the sea transport if they deploy them at both ends of the strait, Li said.

However, while the strait serves as the most convenient path for the Chinese navy to travel to the West Pacific as its width and water depth are suitable for large ships, there are still many other straits for such voyages, Li added.

The relationship between Beijing and Tokyo has been strained after Japan's so-called nationalization of the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea in September last year.

Meanwhile, the atrocities carried out by Japan during its colonial rule in World War II remain a source of anger in both China and South Korea.

Japan's Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said on Tuesday that the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe inherits the Murayama statement on the country's wartime conduct, specifically the apologetic sentence, South Korea's KBS reported.

Kishida told the House of Councilors Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that Abe also stands by the line, which says Japan "through its colonial rule and aggression, caused tremendous damage and suffering to the people of many countries, particularly to those of Asian nations."

This came as South Korean President Park Geun-hye said in an interview with the BBC on Monday that she sees no point in a sit-down with Abe while Tokyo refuses to apologize for "past wrongdoings."

While Japanese media see Kishida's statement as Japan's efforts to allay the concerns of China and South Korea, Lü Yaodong, a Japan expert with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times that people should not read too much into his comment.

"Kishida made the statement only when asked by the Democratic Party at the session and such recognition of the Murayama statement makes it hard to convince its neighbors and the rest of the world that the country has fully realized its wartime atrocities," Lü said.

Amid the soured relations, bilateral exchange rebounded. Statistics released by Japan's travel watchdog showed that in September Chinese tourists visiting Japan increased by 28.5 percent year-on-year.

Agencies contributed to this story

Japan deploys missiles on strategic strait - CHINA - Globaltimes.cn
video link: Japan deploys anti-ship missiles on Miyako Island CCTV News - CNTV English
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Good move by Japan

How you could term it as a good move .....??

it is an un-necessary move by Japan ..... it would not be beneficial for any nation in the region .....
How you could term it as a good move .....??

it is an un-necessary move by Japan ..... it would not be beneficial for any nation in the region .....

When china sends its war ships on this island is that a good move fof region peace ? peace is some times achieved by remaining fully prepared for war too
China transit/pass thru' these islands because it is the fastest route to reach the western pacific.
It is through international water which is allowed by international law of freedom of navigation.
Obviously, Japanese move that target to block Chinese right for freedom of navigation would not be well received by China.
China transit/pass thru' these islands because it is the fastest route to reach the western pacific.
It is through international water which is allowed by international law of freedom of navigation.
Obviously, Japanese move that target to block Chinese right for freedom of navigation would not be well received by China.

Well receive, not well receive, it is still a legal move for the Japanese, they don't set policy to please anyone but their own, neither Chinese nor South Korea elect the Japanese government, they need to please their own people, not Chinese, not South Korean
Well receive, not well receive, it is still a legal move for the Japanese, they don't set policy to please anyone but their own, neither Chinese nor South Korea elect the Japanese government, they need to please their own people, not Chinese, not South Korean
I think even a fool would see this as an aggressive act.

Japan is acting aggressively, and Okinawan that is going to be at the receiving end of these acts is protesting.

The delivery of the missiles was delayed for around an hour due to locals attempting to block the weapons from entering the port, condemning the exercise as dangerous, unnecessary and not in their best interest.

They seem to be of the opinion that this is not to their best interest.

Are they Japanese?
Well receive, not well receive, it is still a legal move for the Japanese, they don't set policy to please anyone but their own, neither Chinese nor South Korea elect the Japanese government, they need to please their own people, not Chinese, not South Korean

Ans so does Chinese gov, they will defend their right of freedom ...

Reality is in case of any conflict , Japan is totally dependent on USA, whereas USA is busy and occupied all over the world, they cant help them.... Japan going to loose it anyway and its going to be against USA interest as well..

So chill out nothing will happen ....
Ans so does Chinese gov, they will defend their right of freedom ...

Reality is in case of any conflict , Japan is totally dependent on USA, whereas USA is busy and occupied all over the world, they cant help them.... Japan going to loose it anyway and its going to be against USA interest as well..

So chill out nothing will happen ....

lol what you said did not change anything one bit, those island the missile is being set is still Japanese land and Japan is free to do whatever they want with it

Just because they want to avoid war with china, does that mean they need to please them?

In the end of the day, Japan would still do what they think they should do, and problem with china will not be of any concern of the Japanese government
How you could term it as a good move .....??

it is an un-necessary move by Japan ..... it would not be beneficial for any nation in the region .....

posting missiles for self defence.why should it be only against China???stop posting news from Global times as it is a propaganda $h!t...

the Japanese version....

In an unprecedented move, Japan has deployed several surface-to-ship missiles in the Miyako Islandin Okinawa Prefecture as part of the ongoing military drills of the Self-Defense Forces. The exercises will be until November 18 and will be participated in by around 30,000 personnel who will be training on how to defend the country from any invading force.

The 20 vehicles with missile launchers arrived from Hokkaido via high-speed ferry at the Hirara Port on Wednesday, with another unit due to arrive at the southern part of Okinawa, this time coming from Aomori Prefecture. These other missiles will be part of an exercise where a destroyer will take on the role of a “hostile” ship. The missiles are projected to fire at a range that can cover the waters between Miyako and the main island of Okinawa, which coincidentally (or probably not?) is the route used by Chinese ships when going to the Pacific Ocean.

But the Defense Ministry is quick to say that the drills are not to target a specific country, even as another drill to defend remote islands will also be held in the waters near Okinawa. It is common knowledge that Japan is involved in several territorial disputes with China andSouth Korea. There were a few local protestors who attempted to block the arrival of the vehicles with the missiles. They believe that these exercises are useless, dangerous and is not in the best interest of the residents near the area.

Japan deploys surface-to-ship missiles in Miyako island for defense drills - The Japan Daily Press

just a war game,and Ch!na is p!ss!ng in their pants..
lol what you said did not change anything one bit, those island the missile is being set is still Japanese land and Japan is free to do whatever they want with it

Just because they want to avoid war with china, does that mean they need to please them?

In the end of the day, Japan would still do what they think they should do, and problem with china will not be of any concern of the Japanese government
So Japan would just ignore the effect they do domestically on their neighbors?

Japanese has followed the same logic with their insensitive treatment of their WWII atrocities in history, their visiting the yakushina shrine with war criminals, their hunting of whale etc. They have always maintained that attitude of defiance that is simply incomprehensible from the point of view of serving their own national interest.

Yes, the Japanese has the sovereign right to do whatever she please, but if you pissed off your neighbor, there are consequence. And a responsible leader would weight what the nation would gain and loss carefully, and act accordingly.

Acting aggressively and upping the ante with your biggest trading partner that you enjoy a surplus, is in my opinion, not very wise.

Japan trying to achieve the goal of becoming a "normal" country by acting this way, instead of following the Germany way, is in my opinion, a mistake.
So Japan would just ignore the effect they do domestically on their neighbors?

Japanese has followed the same logic with their insensitive treatment of their WWII atrocities in history, their visiting the yakushina shrine with war criminals, their hunting of whale etc. They have always maintained that attitude of defiance that is simply incomprehensible from the point of view of serving their own national interest.

Yes, the Japanese has the sovereign right to do whatever she please, but if you pissed off your neighbor, there are consequence. And a responsible leader would weight what the nation would gain and loss carefully, and act accordingly.

Acting aggressively and upping the ante with your biggest trading partner that you enjoy a surplus, is in my opinion, not very wise.

Japan trying to achieve the goal of becoming a "normal" country by acting this way, instead of following the Germany way, is in my opinion, a mistake.

First of all, you say like having a defence force and use it for their own training is an agression, then they should not have a defence force and the Japanese should damn right now train them up

Then you also need to see Chinese is conducting exercise is the same very sea with the almost same equipment, and that is not an agression to you?

Then you sounded like okinawan is not Japanese
Last time I check, they were holding a Japanese passport

So according to you theory, if japan is "not wise" to hold any exercise in the same area the Chinese thoroughfare is not wise, then please tell me what is wise?

At the end of the day, the island is Japanese island, whatever they do to it is their business, china can protest, but that's about it. If china indeed cut off trade with Japan just for a few missile and exercise on land that does not belong to them, then I am afraid it's china that not being wise not the Japanese

Or you are saying china should use trade to blackmail the world is a wise tactics, then it's up to uou
When china sends its war ships on this island is that a good move fof region peace ? peace is some times achieved by remaining fully prepared for war too

Chinese troops landed on the Island ???
SHow us the proof !
posting missiles for self defence.why should it be only against China???stop posting news from Global times as it is a propaganda $h!t...

the Japanese version....

In an unprecedented move, Japan has deployed several surface-to-ship missiles in the Miyako Islandin Okinawa Prefecture as part of the ongoing military drills of the Self-Defense Forces. The exercises will be until November 18 and will be participated in by around 30,000 personnel who will be training on how to defend the country from any invading force.

The 20 vehicles with missile launchers arrived from Hokkaido via high-speed ferry at the Hirara Port on Wednesday, with another unit due to arrive at the southern part of Okinawa, this time coming from Aomori Prefecture. These other missiles will be part of an exercise where a destroyer will take on the role of a “hostile” ship. The missiles are projected to fire at a range that can cover the waters between Miyako and the main island of Okinawa, which coincidentally (or probably not?) is the route used by Chinese ships when going to the Pacific Ocean.

But the Defense Ministry is quick to say that the drills are not to target a specific country, even as another drill to defend remote islands will also be held in the waters near Okinawa. It is common knowledge that Japan is involved in several territorial disputes with China andSouth Korea. There were a few local protestors who attempted to block the arrival of the vehicles with the missiles. They believe that these exercises are useless, dangerous and is not in the best interest of the residents near the area.

Japan deploys surface-to-ship missiles in Miyako island for defense drills - The Japan Daily Press

just a war game,and Ch!na is p!ss!ng in their pants..

I would really love to see what kind of idiot of a president will stop billions and billions dollar of trade because the othe country were doing some exercise in their own land

If that do happen, that leader deserved the place of world stupidest leader

I would really love to see what kind of idiot of a president will stop billions and billions dollar of trade because the othe country were doing some exercise in their own land

If that do happen, that leader deserved the place of world stupidest leader


and I'd love to see how Chinese members here will interpret Missiles deployment against Taiwan and other border regions...and how about patrolling waters closer to Japan,Vietnam and Philippines by their armed ships..
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