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Japan and China square off in East China Sea

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Watching Japan and China square off in East China Sea
By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes
BBC News, Japan
Who do the Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands belong to? The short answer is I don't know.

Japan once had a small colony there for a few decades. But they left in the 1940s.

No-one has lived on the remote islands since the end of WWII. As a piece of real estate they are not very attractive. Only one is big enough to be, just possibly, habitable.

But to therefore dismiss the islands as an irrelevance would be a mistake.

China has long claimed them, and is now for the first time aggressively asserting that claim. It is equally clear Japan is not about to give them up, and is possibly prepared to fight to keep them. It is, in other words, a very dangerous situation.

The only way to get to the islands is by fishing boat. It is not a particularly pleasant journey. In late October, the seas were choppy. The small 12m (39ft) fishing boat we had chartered pitched and rolled constantly. Inside the cabin the engine-noise was almost unbearable.

After 10 hours ploughing through the waves, the islands hove in to view through the pre-dawn light.

But between our boat and the islands were two large, white coastguard cutters. Out of the gloom, a pair of speedboats came skipping across the waves towards us. The coastguard officers were extremely polite, but made it clear we must stay at least one mile off shore.

Japan has banned all civilians, including Japanese, from landing on the island. It is to stop right-wing Japanese nationalists, who have in the past attempted to build a lighthouse and other structures there. It is exactly the same reason the Japanese government gives for "nationalising" the islands in September; to stop right-wing nationalists taking control of them.

When Japan and China established diplomatic relations in 1972, the leaders of both countries agreed to put the issue of the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands to one side; to let future, supposedly wiser, generations deal with the problem. They both also agreed that neither side would unilaterally change the status quo.

That is what China says Japan has done by "nationalising" the island. Beijing is now using that alleged change to justify its own assertion of sovereignty.

Brazen tactics
As the sun rose higher over the island the radio on board our fishing boats crackled into life. It was the Japanese coastguard. "Chinese ships are heading in this direction, please immediately move around to the north of the island!"

Over the horizon we could see them coming: first two, then two more. Large, white Chinese ships with four blue stripes down the side.

Our fishing boat captain didn't need asking twice. He was off. We sped round to the north of the main island.

But the Chinese boats kept on coming.

A Japanese P3 Orion surveillance plane then appeared from the east, swooping back and forth over the Chinese ships. The Japanese coastguard was now extremely nervous.

"Please stop filming and leave the area immediately," came the message from the radio.

"They're worried the Chinese will come and board us," said the captain. If that happened it could turn into an international incident.

I don't think that was really ever the Chinese intention. Their job was pretty simple, to brazenly sail through Japanese-controlled waters, while loudly proclaiming them to actually be Chinese.

The Chinese tactics are aggressive, but not too aggressive. The ships are "civilian" not naval. The aim is to wear down the Japanese resolve, to make Chinese control of the waters around the islands at least equal to that of the Japanese.

The Japanese government does not appear to have a counter strategy. We watched as the Japanese coastguard ships shadowed the Chinese ships, always keeping a distance.

After the anti-Japanese violence in China in September, Tokyo is understandably reluctant to do anything to antagonise Beijing further.

But China's communist leadership, caught up with the 18th party congress, has shown no interest in dialogue.

Indeed, President Hu Jintao's speech at the opening of the congress last week was a very public statement of China's determination to build a powerful blue-water navy and enforce its territorial claims.

Such rhetoric is making people in Japan nervous of China's intentions and more susceptible to the calls of right-wingers like Shintaro Ishihara, the former governor of Tokyo. He is one of many on the right who say it is time for Japan to scrap its pacifist constitution, and prepare to defend itself.

The Senkaku/Diaoyu issue complicates efforts by Japan and China to resolve a dispute over oil and gas fields in the East China Sea that both claim

BBC News - Watching Japan and China square off in East China Sea
US and Australia remain neutral in S. and E. China seas


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Australian Foreign Minister Senator Bob Carr Wednesday reaffirmed their countries' neutrality on territorial disputes across the South and East China seas.

In the official AUSMIN 2012 Joint Communique, the United States and Australia said both nations sought a peaceful resolution to South and East China sea disputes while also welcoming a "strong, prosperous and peaceful China, which plays a constructive role in promoting regional security and prosperity."

Senator Carr told reporters in Perth that the meetings included "no language of containment" regarding China and that the United States and Australia "do not take sides on competing territorial claims."

The official communique stressed the importance of respecting sovereign territory.

"We reaffirmed that we do not take a position on competing territorial claims in the South China Sea. We share a common interest, with other members of the international community, in the maintenance of peace and stability, respect for international law, freedom of navigation, and unimpeded lawful commerce."

"We reaffirmed that we do not take a position on competing claims for sovereignty in the East China Sea and urged that the issue be resolved through peaceful means."

Clinton also stressed that increased cooperation with China is mutually beneficial to all stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific.

"So this is not a zero sum competition," she said, adding "The entire region can benefit from a peaceful rise of China and as I' ve said many times we welcome a strong and prosperous China that plays a constructive and greater role in world affairs."

"The Pacific is big enough for all of us," Clinton also said.

AUSMIN is the annual forum for bilateral consultations, held alternating between Australia and the United States.

US remains neutral in S. and E. China seas - China.org.cn

The Dow has plunged since the reelection of Obama and haven't have a single up day as of today. The 'big money' will not fully participate in the market until there are signs that the US and China are on the same track economically and geopolitical.

China has always welcome the US as a partner and hopefully, this is the first sign the US wants to reciprocate in kind since the election.
Japanese should go home - Their four Islands Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu.

The Japanese needs to stop occupying land that doesn't belong to you.

The Chinese have my moral support. Go get your land back. Don't let barbarians get away with their crimes!

Show the barbarians who they truly are - barbarians who deserved to punished severely for their criminality!
Japanese should go home - Their four Islands Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu.

The Japanese needs to stop occupying land that doesn't belong to you.

The Chinese have my moral support. Go get your land back. Don't let barbarians get away with their crimes!

Show the barbarians who they truly are - barbarians who deserved to punished severely for their criminality!

Sir like your chinese counter part were is your evidence?
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