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Jang Group fires 350 employees , closed Daily Inqalab,Awam and Daily Waqt

The icing on the cake will be when the wanker DAWN shuts down.
Khalai-makhlooq to be blamed :lol:

However I still remember the lavish acveradvert of Hang group's new English news paper The news. Before it the only English news paper were Pakistan times and dawn. Their supper grammatical old English was hard to understand. Many times I had Dawn newspaper in one hand and s dictionary in the other .
But The news brought an English paper worh understandable English and was an instant hit.
Goes to show how much these channels feasted on corrupt suwars like Nawaz and Zardari that just three months of no government support and their entire business model is collapsing. Inshallah long may it continue.
A good move from Pak to control media under RAW/CIA/MOSAD etc.!!! Where're their godfathers now???? No money for their illegal kids?!?! Turkey is reaping the benefits of such actions....

Erdogan Is A Wise Man Had Musharraf Done The Same Thing We Would Not Be In The Deep Shit That Were In Today
Erdogan Is A Wise Man Had Musharraf Done The Same Thing We Would Not Be In The Deep Shit That Were In Today

Musharraf was stupid and he is the main reason we are in this mess.

just to be devil's advocate here, if they were RAW supported or Nawaz Zardari media group, wouldn't they be getting money from them to keep up the good work?
Because of the graylist, everyone is under the microscope. Media group are being watched, currently no funding coming from foreign bank to these media groups. Government is keeping track of these to prevent the money laundering.
just to be devil's advocate here, if they were RAW supported or Nawaz Zardari media group, wouldn't they be getting money from them to keep up the good work?

They Have Outlived Their Usefulness Now The International Establishment Is Taking way Their Support
Foreign funding has dried out. A media empire bankrolled by taxpayer's money is crumbling sooner than later. These so called media Pundits have never had a self sustaining model in place. While you can hear their harangues all day long on so called media freedom.
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Unemployment is increasing in Pakistan, and its not limited to certain sector.
I am disappointed when educated & intelligent people want a newspaper or TV channel to close down because these media enterprises support the political parties they don’t like.

There is no point in having a media where there is no voice of dissent or difference of opinion. It is the hallmark of a civilized society to have dissenting opinions no matter how updatable.

Unless ‘Divinely guided’, no leader or political party is perfect and its leaders can make mistakes even fatal ones. The only way to get your hand on the pulse of the people is to listen to opposing viewpoint. It is a very old saying:

Sunn to sahi jahan mein hai tera fasana kiya?

Kehti hai tuj ko khalq-e Khuda ghaibana kiya?

(Listen to what story is being told about you in the world and what people say about you behind your back!)
I am disappointed when educated & intelligent people want a newspaper or TV channel to close down because these media enterprises support the political parties they don’t like.

There is no point in having a media where there is no voice of dissent or difference of opinion. It is the hallmark of a civilized society to have dissenting opinions no matter how updatable.

Unless ‘Divinely guided’, no leader or political party is perfect and its leaders can make mistakes even fatal ones. The only way to get your hand on the pulse of the people is to listen to opposing viewpoint. It is a very old saying:

Sunn to sahi jahan mein hai tera fasana kiya?

Kehti hai tuj ko khalq-e Khuda ghaibana kiya?

(Listen to what story is being told about you in the world and what people say about you behind your back!)
While its perfect to have a dissenting voice, an opposing view or a counter narrative. But your suggested rationale behind wanting a tv channel or a newspaper closed, does not applies here. These media channels are classic examples of pay to play or quid pro quos where these media houses begin harping the tune of their financier and sucking up to anyone who are willing to pick up the tab. And that tune could be anything: inciting ethnic hatred, instigation against the state institutions without any evidence, peddling the propaganda of the enemy country and thereby becoming a mouthpiece of their propaganda. No where in the world is this legally allowed, Instead of basing their financial model on laiissez faire these plethora of channels were artificial thriving on the taxpayer money in a small market which otherwise never had room for so many players
Shukar Alhumdulilah.... Hopefully one day we will get news that GEO News is shutting down.

I am disappointed when educated & intelligent people want a newspaper or TV channel to close down because these media enterprises support the political parties they don’t like.
They are a commercial entity if government shouldnot fund them if they fall because government is not giving it money then it is a good thing as it removes the incompetents from the industry
There is no point in having a media where there is no voice of dissent or difference of opinion. It is the hallmark of a civilized society to have dissenting opinions no matter how updatable.
These media houses took half their income from government funding if they cant survive without it then the fault lies in their business model
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